Alisha meets Carter, the famous male model for 'Just', when he climbs through her bedroom window, and takes her favourite pair of Lacey black panties. He then jumps out the window and runs out onto the pavement, yelling to her 'I know you'll miss me baby, but you'll be OK' What would you do if you were in that situation? well you tell me
(Alisha's pov)
It was a Monday night, and I was completely fed up with my life, as I had just experienced one of the worst days in my whole existence, I mean seriously why do teachers automatically assume that just because you didn't put your hand up during a lecture, to ask a question means that you weren't paying attention, like honestly.
Anyways enough about that, I really need a shower, I smell like a trash can, damn it. After about half an hour I walked out of the bathroom, my damp tangled hair sticking to my back, and reached over to grab a white towel that I could wrap around my body.
I walked into my room from my ensuite humming a little tune that had been stuck in my head for hours, when I started to sense a strange feeling climb it's way up my semi naked body, a kind of sensation or feeling that effected my intense case of paranoia. As I continued to make my way to my comfy bed I came to the conclusion that there was someone else's presence in my room, it was as if they were watching my every move.
Out of discomfort I hitched the towel higher on my body and step towards my bed,but stopped still suddenly, when a dark silhouetted figure stepped into the middle of my room, whilst waving a pair of my lacy black panties around their pointer finger.
"Hello darling, I know you're there, I'm not stupid". Said a husky voice.
I instantly knew that by the huskiness of the voice, that the stranger before me was a male, and by all means, he sounded cocky yet kind of smexy at the same time.
As I stood in silence or what some would call shock my stupid brain decided to give me a lecture about how stupid I was, I mean like God Damn It Alisha, what on earth is going through your brain, how can a strange man be smexy, you have issues.
After a few seconds of silence I decided to open my mouth, and question this stranger as to why the hell he was in my house, and more importantly why was he holding my underwear.
"Why are you holding my panties?, and what do you expect me to wear now?" I said gesturing to my towel covered body ,while quirking a perfectly shaped eyebrow.
The guy stood up, his face becoming clearer once in my sight of vision, thinking he was hot was the biggest understatement of the century let me tell you.
"Well you could always keep the towel on, I mean I'm not complaining, as a matter of fact that body of yours is absolutely smoking.". The guy paused for a second.
"Or I mean there is always the other option, the one that I would prefer most of course". The guy said rather impressed with himself.
"And what option would that be?" I asked placing a hand on my hip, as my brain decided to let me know that I had lost all my sanity by continuing to talk to this stranger,