
Enter Atlas Twilight :before the fall

"Atlas Twilight the last of your house have torn down and destroyed how the grand order has been for millennia from your merciless meaningless massacres to your killing of the elders of each faction what do you have to say for your crimes," the judge asked "oh, by all means, I'm guilty of far more than you've listed I manipulated the desperate people of humanity corrupting their minds and having a crew of trusted people to carry out what I wanted almost becoming the devil himself in my simple words that swayed most to my side oh don't forget I liked to emulate the first vampire being Dracula in mass impaling should I go on because I can, after all, I'm so close to getting what I want," He said "tsk you think too high due to your power you will be seal in a coffin under the very palace you were raised so I hope you change your toon next time," the judge said slamming the hammer down as a complex seal appeared "I'm looking forward to disappointing you cause like a god or a devil I enjoy the fruits of vengeance!" He yelled as a coffin formed around him and sealed itself shut before disappearing "what a foolish brat".

A couple of years earlier Atlas age:6

It was a unique day today was the day that the house of Twilight's third child would have his fate told as well as his affinities unlocked in the blood ceremony. " Hey, mom why do I have to dress so fancy for something so simple," Atlas asked as one of the made fixed up his tie "because my son it's just a formality it's expected you lucky your not a girl otherwise you'd have makeup as well" she explained while putting on some standard makeup herself after getting done she grabbed his hand they entered a limo waiting until his father came in Artemis Twilight" fast as always Mona but of course not where it counts," he said winking only to get kicked in by another person "father keep that type of smooth talk to yourself when Atlas is with us" she chided "now Luna you shouldn't try to ruin your father's attire to make him lay off that type of talk" she scolded "we just got together and father already did something to make you mad huh Luna," an older voice said "big bro Linus you came to see my ceremony?" Atlas asked a bit surprised since he's always out doing something important. "Of course, I didn't miss your Sister's so I definitely won't miss yours" he replied with a smile. The Twilights one of the seven Royal families of the vampire race were about to attend a beloved ceremony but unfortunately, this will be their last year to be a family leaving Atlas down a slope of destruction.

"Start the Limo heights," Artemis told the man behind the wheel"yes sir" he replied as he start the smooth drive dancing to the strings of fate.

(Yeah a new story I didn't learn my lesson anyways hope you enjoy the next chapter will be so much fun)

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