9 Chap. 8 Not Friend but Foe

(Yoru POV)

It was a few days after Rain's possessive outburst and I was working in my office with him laying on the couch. I was trying to plan a meeting with our allying neighbors when there was a nock on the door. As I said come in, I glanced at Rain who sniffed the air and before the door had even opened was hiding by my legs under the desk. I look up as a well dressed man and women interred followed by Sabastian who look quite frustrated. "Alpha Yoru, this is Alpha Rodger and his mate Luna Brittney." He said. "Thank you my Beta, you may go." I told him with a nod. "Stay close to the door, something is off about them." I tell him through the mind link. "What do you mean." He asked back as he closed the door. "Rain smelled them before the walked in and now he is hiding under my desk." I reply then cut off the link as Alpha Rodger begins to speak.

"I am sorry for the sudden appearance of my Luna and I but we are searching for lost pack-mate." He explains. "Lost pack-mate?" I ask him suspiciously but acting surprised. "Yes Sir. You see he is blind and get lost fairly easily if not under careful supervision." He tells me. I feel Rain tense up against my leg. "Where was the one who was supposed to watch him then?" I ask trying to contain my growing anger. "Well he couldn't be watched all day!" The Luna snapped at me.

I stand up so fast the chair falls over. I growl at the woman, "You are on my land and you will not disrespect me!" Her mate pulls her behind him and apologizes for her. "I'm sorry for her sudden outburst Alpha Yoru. We are just frustrated that no one has seen our lost wolf and are starting to lose hope." He said with a glance at his mate. "You still haven't told me the name of this lost pack-mate." I say through gritted teeth. "His name was Buraindo. He is a lanky boy with electric blue eyes and black hair with white tips." I write down the information and mind link Sabastian. "Find out what you can about this Alpha and his pack." I tell him angrily.

"Yes Alpha." He replies before I cut the link. "Well we haven't seen anyone like that around here but we will keep an eye out. One last thing, you haven't told me the name of your pack." I say. "Oh our pack's name is the Frozen Blood Moon." He says. I nod and right that down as well. "We will be on the lookout for you pack-mate but now you must leave my land and return to your own." I tell them then call Hikari. He opens the door and I point to the man and woman. "Please escort this Alpha pair off of our land please." I tell him. "Yes Alpha Yoru." He says with a slight bow at the couple and turned to lead them away.

I go close the door and when I turn around a human Rain is sitting on my desk. I rush over to him but he holds his hand up to stop me. "Do not trust them." He told me. I stay quiet as he continues. "I'd know their sent from anywhere, they might act friendly but they definitely are a pack full of fakes." He tells me with snarl on his lips. "I have Sabastian looking into them Rain but don't worry I don't trust them. That Luna looked like a hooker and is probably not his true mate." I say.

"She's not. He rejected is true mate and kept her in the dungeon to keep her as his own personal toy. I remember her sent and her voice." He explains. "She use to be in a cell next to mine and would sing me to sleep when she could. She would have been a great Luna but sadly, like most of the females in that place, he grew bored with her and killed her in her cell about a year after I arrived." He told me. I gently grab Rain's face and wiped the stray tear away. "Don't worry my love, they will never touch you again." I tell him softly. "That pack of thiefs is no friend to anyone. Just a pack full of foes." Rain said sadly.

"Don't worry Rain. I'll call our allies and see if they know anything about that pack as well as go over the information that Sabastian has dug up." I tell him. He nods and gets off the desk, shifting as he walks out the office door. I sit back behind my desk as Sabastian walks in with his laptop, a frown on his face. "So I'm guessing it's not anything good?" I ask him as he sits down across from me. "No." Is his only reply. "Well let's get this going." I tell him as I pick up the phone to start making calls to our allies. "I want to see what is pack has to hide because one thing I do know is that they are not friends but foes."

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