
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Building houses

After a day, we arrived near the mountain in the center. I told the people to stand a few meters back behind me and Hai, and we started using qi to make our bodies faster in time while we used qi on our blades in time, expanding them, and we made them follow the trajectory of our blades, cutting trees in front of us. After we cut trees and made an area of several hundred meters in which we could build the houses, we started to go to remove the trunks that were in the ground while people watched with amazement and respect. After a few hours of finishing cleaning the area of tree trunks, I moved all the trees I had cut to the edge of the free area after cutting the branches. When I finished doing this, I signaled to the people to come, and I said

Take shovels from the wagons and take earth from the free side to cover the pits left by removing the trees. While I was saying this, me and Hai did the same and filled the pits side by side with the others. After a few hours, the pits were filled, and I said

Now that the pits are filled, let's sleep. Tomorrow morning we will start the construction of the houses, so I want you all to be well rested. While I said this, I motioned for Hai to come closer to me, and I said

Hai, I want us to take turns guarding in case a wild animal comes. I'll start, go, and sleep, and I'll let you know when it's your turn to guard. After I said, Come on, he said.

I understood. And he went to sleep with his back against a tree. After I saw this, I went and climbed a tree at the edge of the free area next to the other people to watch everyone. My watch time was quiet except for some sounds caused by some animals; nothing was seen or happened. After a few hours, I went and woke up Hai. When he woke up, I said,

It's your turn. And I took the place next to the tree and started to sleep. My sleep was very good. I woke up after what seemed like a few hours. After I woke up, I started to stand up and look around, where Hai and the other people started working on making some houses from the trees that Hai and I had cut yesterday. Of course, they didn't use whole trees without cutting them; they cut them in half for the ones they use for the walls, and I cut those who use them as a floor several times until both sides were flat. When I saw that they had already started working, I started walking towards them and said,

Good job! What can I help you with? I said this while looking at one of the slaves, who has experience in construction.

Master, if you can help with the cutting of the trees at the right time to have all the necessary materials for the construction, then we will see what else is needed. He said while looking at me, to which I said

I understood. And I went to the pile of trees that I had cut yesterday. I took the blade out of the sheath, and I started to cut trees in equal halves for a few minutes until I ran out of trees to cut, and I went to the said slave and asked him what I could do to help further, to which he asked me to carry the materials, and so Hai and I started to carry materials in place so that the slaves and the rest of the people could fix them permanently. The construction of the houses went without a problem, and after just a few hours, all the houses started to be almost ready. The only thing left was the roof, which we managed to do quite quickly in just a few hours. By the time we finished building the houses, the day turned into night, and we started to go to sleep.

There are 9 houses built, 4 on the right side and 4 on the left side, with one next to the mountain placed in the middle to express that an important person lives there. Slaves that I freed from the bandits are kept in the houses on the right, and those that I bought were kept in the ones on the left to avoid any unpleasant situations.