
trash? Part 1

In the servant quarters

Rumors has been going around about Lin Feng

"hey did you hear about the new servant?"

"huh? that just a rumor"

"Yeah, also how the fuck did you all learn that a new servant is joining that fast?"

"probably because it's a rumor and rumors are the fastest to know about"

"how can you all be this sure that it's a rumor?"

"because there was no entering exam... can't you think?"

"I think it true not just a rumor"

"me two"

"if it was true why was there no new disciples in the other ranks? there no possible way a servant will be an exception cus-"

when the man was talking someone entered the room and iterupted him

"Is the servent Chao Cheng here?"

the man who was intrupted was the one that resopunded

"yes I am here, Is there anything I can do to please my seniors?"

the man who intrptued him looked at him with disgust like he just seeing a worm

"yes there is, go to the storge and get some clothes and books then head to the fifth mountain you will find someone in a bed there gives him these and explains to him what do servants do..." the man said this with arrogance like he is a king looking at a pig...

when the man said this Chao Cheng opend his eyes wide and felt like he was slaped by everyone who said there will be a new sevrent, but luckliy he was already used to be slaped again and again as he was the stupid one between them so he was able to recover prety fast, and thought about how informative the senior was...

'wow for an arrogance asshole your are very bad at informing people...'

The man found that Chao Cheng didn't respond so he said

"did you hear what I said or not?" while also trying to look angry and mad as possible. Sadly it was not possible for him as he has a very bright face... and that made Chao Cheng almost explodes with laughter but he somehow managed to keep it to himself

"yes senior"

and so Chao Cheng headed towards the storge room of the servents to get what was asked from him, after that he started to head towards the fifth mountian


back to Lin Feng

so.... I am safe for now I think, as there no one here right now, I think it will be the best thing to do is try to discover my strength. but the problem is I don't know what kind of power I have... well there only one way to know. try them all,

so let's start with the weakest powers first like super control of power or something. hmm but how i can test that? is trying to move things with my mind is a good start? ah lets try it

hmmm but on what, i looked left but to find the wall and thought if I should try it on the wall.. But also remaberd the weird looking food next to me and thought it was good to start with it

i looked stright at the bowl of food and tried to foucs on making it fly in my head, i failed but i will try it again just in case but this time i will use all my foucs to succeed

And that also didn't work so I changed my thinking from making it fly to make it change in whatever way I can think of, like from very thick soup I think?... to very light soup or to a chunk of soup... I know it's sound weird and useless but think of the possibilities of such power...

after 6 minuts... i was so foucesd that i was shouting like a true kung fu fighter in the films

It wasn't necessary at all but I wanted to look cool even if there was no one here...



ah fainlly i was able to get here... it was so tiring


huh? what is this sound why dose it sound like... a t-t-t-torture? shit i must have come too early... alright its too rude to come early i will come back

i was going down as i heard anthor scream


....shit it must be very painful...

i was going to contune to leave but remaberd how will he be a servent too... and i as very kind perosn couldn't leave someone of my familly in a pain like this so i turned around and headead twords the screams while thinking and regeting being so kind

shit why i am so kind, i am pretty sure he isn't going to be the only one screaming....

when i fainlly got to the door the screams got way louder... what the fuck is happing there...

i open the door slightly to be able to see only a little, becuses i have very weak heart i am like a rabitt so snestev...

when i put my eye on the slightly open door to see through it i found the scearest thing ever....

a guy paralyzed but no matter how paralyzed he is the tears are running like a river. his mouth is full of blood on a bed and near him is a bowl of the most disgusting medicine ever

and that was all i could see but not what i can understand... i am pretty sure what happing is that devilish torturing technique.....


SHIT!!!! YOU FUCKING SCEARD ME AND MADE ME ALMOST SHIT MY SELF... but how can i blame him... and to even be able to ressit this is enough to make you get my recpect..

and i am sure no need for me to help you right? yes right see you later...

i wasn't brave enough so i started to retreart slowly


how the fu*k did you know I was there?.... fu*k it if thats what going to happen let it be i am going to save him from any senior disclips...

i turned around again but this time i runned towards the door, why? cuses running don't give me any time to my brine to think. reget or curse...


.... this was the 5th test and still no spical powers....

i already treyd to use my blood to summen anything. i can't think of anything else for now but is it just some randome mistke? am I useless?


what was this loud sound?

i looked at the diroctions the sound came from to see a huge man. ugly. and 100% stupid by the look he have on his face.. looking at me with wide open mouth and eyes while his hands formed a fist, whispiring something

"i-i.... no....i will...all this..." it was hard for me to hear him

wait.... didn't i scream for like 5 tests?.... shit... i will denie anything... if he ask of corse..... i hope not... and if nothing work for him i will just say i was turted with the most divelish technique ever and that made me creazy....

ah he is looking stight into my eyes and his mouth is open, that means he is going to talk.....


huh? nothing? oh he is about to start talking right now... i hope he dosen't ask


again? well whatever everything is fine by me if he dosen't talk...

huh? he is turning around? oh he is leaveing.. oh no wait he came back with clothes and a... book? why is he putting the clothes on the ground? isn't better to give it to me? huh? why is he looks ready to throw the book at my face?


he throwed the book at my face with a powerful throw to the point my entire body was blown to the wall behinde me


and for the third time i lost my conscious.... man why do my luck need to be so bad...


Chao Cheng POV

i enterd the room to see the man perfctly fine...

huh? how that posiple

no way it must becuse he is wounded or something

then i relize that he is just a mortal... in other words a trash without any kind of trining

"i-i must cntrool myself... but no way a trash like him was accpeted in this sect as servent this esey and i neaded to work half of my life just to be accpeted as a servent... huh? but that weird he isn't just a mortal but perfectly fine... why the fuck will he scream... maybe he is holding a big load or something.... who I am kidding.... I am just creating excuses cause he may be trash with good background but no matter what he just a lucky son of a bit** ... I can't control myself after thinking of all of this I fear I will going to kill him for all of this luck..."

then i suddnly thought of how he looks at me with abslout inconce... i hate it...

"...." i was going to shout and curse at him but my minde stoped working for some resson..

"...." tried again but to no results

well fuck it i will give him his clothes and the book and leave cuse i think i can't cntrool my anger if he do anything worng

i came back with the thing and started to put the clothes on the ground and looked at the trash to see him looks at me with the (you fucking stupid you don't even know how to give clothes the right way) look....

I can't control my powers my self!!!!!

and I threw the book at him trying to make him scream for a reason but because they manage I couldn't control my power and pined him to the wall but he was just a...TRASH and i repeat TRASH

HE IS JUST A FUCKING TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then thought of how he just trash and how I mustered all my courage to try to help him when he didn't need it...


'STEP STEP' huh? what is this sound?

i looked at the door to see.... A SENIOR!!!!



the senior POV

huh? what the fuck? is this a.... murder....



suddenly a girl scream was heard all aroun...



back to Chao Cheng Pov


I looked at the trash to see him sleeping in comfort while I will be tortured for the thing I did. if I knew this I would do far worse things.....

if I was to ever survive this I will use every moment I have to torture him and make him miserable

I am sorry I am late this chapter was finished long ago and all that was left was proofread but I got sick and delayed it till I get better but it looks like it's not soon as I am still sick so you may find big and stupid mistakes here and there as I proofread it while I was sick sorry


Also, the second part may take some time too so don't expect it soon

I will leave it till I get better again sorry

ANTarocreators' thoughts
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