
Chao Cheng the final part

They ordered the scary girl to go get someone to help the trash while they did really drag me with them... After just 10 minutes they finally stopped smashing into rocks and stones and started to ram it into stairs... Wait a minute the only stairs that long is the hall stairs... SHIT!!,

I was saying please let me die a dog death Please... For five minutes after that, the stairs finally ended and they entered the hall and the first thing I see is the sect leader talking very seriously and angrily to the other elders and Tai Kong


"why?" I am as always brainless in the wrong times I said this

"huh?" everyone in the hall looked at me and properly wondered who is this stupid person?

The sect leader looks at the first elder and asked

"who is this little kid? Why did you make him come with you?"

The first elder was shocked and needed something to give him time to gather the word he wants to say so he kneeled in front the sect leader and said

"the first elder greet the sect leader and the elders"

By the time he finished what he was doing, he gathered all the words he needs and started answering the sect leader

"this kid is a servant who caught trying to kill the other kid who we found in the forest"

"did he do it?" Tai Kong asked with hopes

"no, he didn't"

The sect leader was filled with happy feelings while Tai Kong was filled with disappointment

The sect leader suddenly move his foot a little and he appeared in front of Chao Cheng And raised his hand up and made it into something like a claw

He was ready to strike but he was stopped by Tai Kong

"sect leader wait, death is luxury he can't have"

"you are right. I can't give him an easy death so just throw him underground and seal the entrance forever"

Why does fate hate me so much that my only chance to get a painless death is gone

"sect leader even though he did a terrible thing he still is one of us, so let's give him a fair trial and see what we should give him"

Huh? You know what, I think I actually love fate

The sect leader looked straight into Tai Kong eyes for like a minute or two then said while glaring at Chao Cheng

"I will give him a fair trial as you wish but you should know that if he turned to be innocent you will be the one to lose face not me do you understand?"

Huh? Did I already go crazy? Or there is actually an elder that will risk his name for me?

Meanwhile, The first elder came close to Tai Kong and whispered

"are you sure you will do it? Risking your name for just a servant"

"of course I don't want to do that but I already have my foot in the grave I can't take it back now..."

"so what are you going to do? Say he is guilty even if its turned that he is innocent?"

"no that will make him angry at me for wasting time and you know that even his family weren't spared from his anger... What I am planning is to make this servant my tool to gain more face and fame for the sect leader so he will spare me any other punishment.."


"by making him innocent by any method possible and make it like it's was the sect leader idea and that servant should thank him for his fairness and kindness also his wisdom"

"it really looks like wisdom is paying off finally"

Tai Kong didn't whisper back he just nodded and then grabbed Chao Cheng and started inviting Chao Cheng relatives and the core members of the sect to witness the trial meanwhile thinking of how to punish Chao Cheng and the other guy he already has forgotten his name for their trouble that they pushed him into...

After 30 minutes every relative to Chao Cheng close or far that is in the sect has gathered in the sect hall with the core members of the sect to see the trial

In the hall was every elder that was in the vicinity and it was 7 elders

And every one of them was in their chairs

There were 9 chairs 8 of them were around the end of the hall looking like they were looking at each other face as well looking down at who at the middle of the circle of the chairs while one was floating in the air

And the elders who were there are

The first elder Xing Delan on the chair in the middle

The second elder Deng Liuxian who is next to Xing Delan on the right

The forth elder Gao Xuefeng is right next to Deng Liuxian

The fifth elder Xuan Shuren is left of the first elder

Sixth elder Xing Tian who is next to the fourth elder

Seventh elder He Qiang is next to the fifth elder

The eighth elder Xiang Li is next to the sixth elder

Those were the ones who are in the vicinity other than Tai Kong who in the middle of the witnesses and the judges which is basically the members of the sect and the elders

And of course, the sect leader is on the floating chair

"the trial starts now" the first elder started the trial

"Tai Kong bring the only suspect"

And so Tai Kong disappeared and reappeared with Chao Cheng

And so the trial started

And the whole time Chao Cheng didn't say one word the one who talked was Tai Kong

Tai Kong is older than the sect leader himself and much wiser so he was able to get Chao Cheng out of the trouble so he can get out of his

After the trial immediately Tai Kong grabbed Chao Cheng and disappeared

To appear in Tai Kong Mountain

Tai Kong was planning on torturing Chao Cheng then go get the other guy which he has forgotten his name

So Tai Kong Looked at Chao Cheng with an evil smirk and a face where you could swear it is not human...

Chao Cheng realized that an evil face is necessary for every day when he realized that he is gonna be tortured

So he wanted to as*lick Tai Kong and hope Tai Kong will be as*lickable

"what an honor to be helped by the great Tai Kong although I did wrong you were infinitely kind to still help" and like that of as*licking

At first Tai Kong wasn't affected at all but after some time he started to be affected by this talk and started to like Chao Cheng

So he forgives him and just sat down hearing Chao Cheng as*licking him and as time goes by he liked Chao Cheng and had planned to help Chao Cheng in his training for his awesome talent at as*licking( this is the last time.. I promise)

So he said to Chao Cheng to stay here for a few days to give him some advice in his training and prepare something to help him in his training

After four days he has left Tai Kong Mountain to the servant's area where he found a huge crowd shouting at someone

And when he joined he found that the some one who everyone is shouting at is the guy who made him go through this experience... Lin Fang

He was angry and wanted to kill him but he thought of how without him he wouldn't be a friend to Tai Kong

So he thought of humiliating him in front of this crowd and grab him to his room which he remembered that Tai Kong said that Lin Fang room will be with Chao Cheng


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