
Chao Cheng part 2

4 days ago when Chao Cheng kuncked Lin Feng unconscious



Shit! Why the fu*k is she screaming? Please tell me it's not about how I look in a very bad scenario... Please tell me its not....

Should I run? But if I did wouldn't this mean I am admitting what she think?... You know? There no time to think so I will just RUN!!

As I was running I looked behind to see if the senior was flowing me and she was... It was my first time crying after I growed up...

It's so scary... Try to imagine your worest nightmare running behind you looking very starmge.... And it was as fast as you but 3X time faster... What will you feel?

Luckily, I am very familiar with this place and I am very heavy so when I ever run the dirt get thrown out behind me and most probably making it very hard to see... I hope... You know? I will just look to see if it's helping me

"Shit!!! My heart!!!!" when I looked behind I saw something that made me shit my self and most propply gave me a heart attack... And that was to much to handle so I fell on my face...

You want to know what I saw? No need it already here


Senior girl POV

He finally gave up... I almost lost him but luckily I learned that illusion technique it was really helpful as my father told me

Oh? I didn't realize that I was smiling, will I better erase it and pick this man up and start leaving


Why is she smiling?.... I would really like her to erase that evil smile..... Oh she just did... That feels really weird

h-h-huh how the fuck can she pick me up? I am the strongest servant and I am not able to pick up someone twice my size

Also why I am so calm? I am going to be tortured for me entire life...


After 5 minutes she finally dropped me to my fate... Infrot of three elders

The one who leading them is the first elder Xing Delan

And to the right of him is the forth elder Gao Xuefeng

And to the left is the sixth elder Pan Huang

The first elder asked the scary girl about what she is doing

"what are you doing exactly intruprung us on our way to the meeting with the sect leader and the sect elders?"

The scary girl suddenly looked at me like I am not worth it and was having second thoughts and she already apologized and was going to back away from the elders

But for some reason that made me angry that I actually killed my future

"i almost killed the new trash..."

The girl stopped moving and looked at me silently and strangely, while the elders just kept looking at the scary girl then me over and over again...

And even me was shocked that I said this... I was going to escape my fate but looks like fate not going down that easy...

And the one who finally broke the silence was the forth elder

"what the fuck is he talking about?"

The scary girl finally got her eyes off me and look at the elder and apologized like a hundred times and when the elder patients have gone just over the limit she realized that should end this long chains of apologizing and start answering the elder question

"as you wish respected elder Gao Xuefeng.

I was walking around the guests Mountain looking for something and I heard someone screaming and when I got there I found this man trying to kill the sect respected guest..."

...now I know why when I lie about having some elder behind my back everyone knows I am lying causes I couldn't in any way possible say all these fancy and stupid words...

When the elders heard what the scary said they were shocked and the first elder looked whit his face which looked exactly like a volcano


And without any warning, the sixth elder dashed at me and garbed me with my nick so hard it's looked likes he was going to make it explodes...

But the first elder stopped him with

"just drag him with us to the meeting and tell the sect leader and see what he wants to do with this servant"

I know I should be preparing to die or tortured not rising my hope but come on I am really curious so I asked

"is there any chance that the sect leader loves me?... Or that he is so kind that he will forgive me?"

The elders looked at me like I am some stupid monkey even the scary girl did

"yeah, he is kind if you consider leaving you head intact while every bit of your body become dog food... Or living forever in a hole so deep that even light doesn't dare to go there is something kind..."

.... You know, I never thought that dying a dog death is something I wish forever... I am so scared it think I shited my soul out of my body...


ANTarocreators' thoughts
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