
Chapter 1

(In the White House during 1817,James Monroe presidential time,)

"We need to show a example that these rats can't be important as the civilized whites . In 5 minutes destroy the bus in California,said Monroe. "Yes,sir,in T-minus 4,3,2,1."

      (In California five minutes before)

.A sniper shot the bus driver and no one knew that he was dead.No one but the black girl in the middle of the bus.She saw the sniper as he shot the driver.But she told no one because she knew no one would believe her. Her name is Diana foster. Diana knew she was going to die,so all she did,as the bus was heading to its end,said that "if there is anything that i could wish for,as this happens,is if i could avenge my family." Diana was a orphan before the fosters adopted her.But,what you don't know is that diana's original family was the main family that helped fighted segregation in america. Diana had grew up with the belief that everyone is equal no matter the color. Despite what the government thought ,as they killed the family,they had a daughter. They kept their daughter hidden because they knew how dangerous this line of work is. No One knew that diana had saw everything so she knew who killed her family,it was President Monroe. So as she was flashing back from her life that is what she remember most. After Diana finish her wish the bus crashed.


(Newspaper one day after incident)

Mysterious bus crash in San Francisco,no one knows what happened,is this a government plot or the work of aliens?

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