39 Author's Note

Hi everyone!

I can't believe Book 1 is completed! I'm so grateful for all of you that read it! You were the ones who made me get to this point, because I felt constant pressure to update! :)

I just wanted to let you guys in on a few details from the story, because man, it turned out differently than I thought it would LOLLLL

1. The backstories for the guys

Yo girl had a hard time with these. Especially Hui's backstory. I took all of the ways they were trapped and tried to make stories for all them, but with Hui, I was like ... wtf do I do with YARN? So that's why his seems a little... far fetched.

I need to go back and fix a few of them, because man did I struggle. I probably could have been a little more true to the source material, but it's okay. I just have a lot of editing to do LOL

2. Hui/Jane relationship

So originally Hui and Jane weren't supposed to get together at all! I actually had a plan for Jane and Kino! However, as I was writing it, I realized that Kino is more of a child like character, and with his backstory, I would have felt a bit weird having those two be romantic. I mean, he can't even be touched, so how would a relationship be good for him?

I had some cute ideas where he'd be like "Can I hug you...? Just for therapy." But as much as I thought those were cute, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I switched it about midway through the story and I'm having Kino have a more motherly connection with her.

Hui is just more... mature, and it seemed a bit more appropriate.

I talked with a friend and he made me a little nervous about the patient x therapist thing, saying it was gross and wrong, but three of my other friends were like: "they're two consenting adults, he's not a child, he can make decisions, blah blah blah." So, as risky as that is, I decided to do it anyway. I mean, I like Hui and Jane LOL

3. Sequel

I was also never planning on a sequel! It was going to be a one book thing, but then I realized the potential and decided I needed to do a second one!

The sequel is going to be a much different dynamic from the first one though. I hope you guys enjoy it, because I'm super excited to write it.

4. Yanan and Hyojong

I was actually going to have one of them be a janitor at the Institution, but I realized I wanted them both to be escaped patients, a lot like they were a part of the group before, but aren't with them right now. (Much like irl *sob*).

They're still going to be a big part in the sequel!

That's really all I have to say about the 1st book! I'm going to be starting the 2nd one immediately, so I hope you aren't all burnt out on this! Really, thank you all for reading! It means so much to me!

Stay tuned for the sequel! Love you guys!

~Michelle <3
