
Chapter One - Night Delivery

"Hey Locke, make that delivery"

The black-haired boy gave the old man a slight nod, he had a figure that could only be described as ordinary, neither ugly nor handsome, an commom face with nothing special, a tall, lean body, of an adolescent who would soon reach his twenties, his black eyes looked tired, but a faint glow still exists in them. Locke took the steaming food boxes and the soda bottles bags, he then went out of the restaurant towards a beat-up car, his car, he put the food in the car and then sat behind the wheel, he took out his cell phone, touching the cracked cell phone screen he confirmed the delivery address.

'Macha road, No. 66, damn it, this is in the middle of nowhere', he thought 'these b*tches always give me the worst deliveries, if I didn't need that shit job so much ...'

Locke sighed deeply and put the phone in the holder, starting the car he left accelerating through the darkness of the night, while he drove, Locke admired the stillness of the night city, calming down instantly from the previous small outburst of anger, the night had this power over him, as long as Locke remembered he had always been a lover of the night, not that he attended parties or ballads, he liked the darkness and the silence more, the lack of people and the moonlight, the stillness of the night It attracted him in an absurd way, like a beautiful lady wrapped in black velvet, with full red lips and a sensual body, the night called him to her embrace, seducing him and taking him to his daydreams in the dawn.

The car cut the silence of the night, filling the night air with the constant roar of its engine, crossing the streetlights and a stray pedestrian, a worker returning home in the dead of night, or a group of young people smiling and jokingly, more children of the night than like Locke were seduced by this dark and mysterious lady.

The car moved further and further away from the city center, soon the houses started to become more and more sparse and trees and grass began to dominate the night environment, and the moon and stars became more visible in the clear sky, the trip took longer much longer than he wished.

'Damn, who orders food from a restaurant in the city center to deliver in the middle of nowhere, two in the morning? F*ck, I think I'm going to be mugged '

The thought brought an ironic smile to his lips, along with a feeling of self-deprecation and amusement, the idea of ​​being mugged struck him as hilarious, Locke was poor and had almost nothing with him that was worth enough to make him the target of a robbery, just an old car that was always breaking, an outdated cell phone with a cracked screen, or a few small bills that he kept in case of need, nothing that would be sorely missed if taken out.

He soon arrived on the road marked on the GPS, it was an oblique path surrounded by trees with no houses in sight.

'Holy sh*t, this looks like a horror movie road, shit, maybe I'm going straight to the chainsaw massacre house...'

After driving for about fifteen minutes he could see a light in the distance, coming from a lonely house on the road, with a small frown Locke drove uninterruptedly towards the light, he soon arrived in front of a well-lit steel gate surrounded by a stone wall.


Locke honked his horn twice to make his presence known, he then picked up the boxes of food and the bag, while waiting in front of the steel gate.

A melodic female voice came out of the intercom.

"Please come in and bring the delivery to the door."

The voice was followed by a loud electronic noise opening a part of the steel gate, Locke went through the door without delay, the house was located about twenty meters from the gate, it was not that far for a walk.

The house was large, like a small mansion, with a modern and refined architecture, unlike the forest environment where it was located like a swollen thumb, when approaching the door it opened, filling the air with a sweet scent of feminine perfume and paying off Locke with an unexpected sight.

'beautiful', that was the correct word to describe the young woman who was at the door. She was of average height, hair of a bright red color stuck in a ponytail and beautiful green eyes, small freckles covered her nose and cheeks, contrasting with her skin as white as the moon, her mouth was small but her lips were full , perfectly designed as a work of art, she was dressed in a huge black sweatshirt, too big for her size, that wrapped her whole body like a big dress, leaving only a pair of wonderful legs covered by a long striped sock to escape, although the oversized sweatshirt made it difficult to observe the measurements of his body, Locke could see that her breasts were enormous. Locke escaped his reverie in a snap, realizing that he had spent a few seconds analyzing the girl in front of him.

"Your food!" He said with a smile as he raised the boxes for the girl.

The girl reached for the boxes in Locke's hands and took them effortlessly, balancing the boxes in her right hand, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of money. She put the whole pack in Locke's hand.

"It is already paid!" Locke responded in a hurry, trying to return the money; "You paid in the app!"

"For the journey." The girl replied as she snatched the soda bag with her left hand.

Before Locke could speak another word, the door was closed in his face, leaving him standing with a wad of banknotes in his hand.


Locke went back to the car counting the notes on the way, '300 bucks, that was the biggest tip I've ever won, rich people sure think differently', he got in the car and headed for the city, his mind constantly going back to the strange red-haired girl, remembering her stunning beauty and the bundle of notes she won, he thought it wouldn't hurt to make more deliveries for her in the future.

While wishing the girl would order food more often, a pop took Locke out of his stupor, 'Ah shit', he thought, 'it was taking too long'. The car's engine started to roar in protest, with crackles and crashes a black smoke rose from the engine then Locke hastily stopped the car and ran to open the hood

"No No No, don't do this to me now!"

The car was totally oblivious to its pleas, responding only with more smoke and a sudden silence from the engine.

"Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Why do these things always happen to me?!? "

Locke bent down and started fiddling with the engine, trying to use his little knowledge of vehicle mechanics to miraculously resurrect the deceased engine, getting his hands black with grease in the process.

"Damn it! This is not going to lead to anything! I better call a winch right away"

Locke then went back to the driver's door and tried to get the cell phone stuck in the holder, but in his haste it escaped his dirty and greasy hand and flew to the ground, hitting a rock.


His scream had no effect on saving his cell phone, which shattered miserably, wiping out the already damaged screen. Letting out a flood of profanity Locke wiped his hands on a piece of burlap that he kept at the door for just those occasions, the existence of which he had forgotten until the fateful accident, he bent down to pick up the poor cell phone, the screen refused to light up.

"F**************CK!" Locke screamed into the night.

With sadness in his eyes Locke put his old companion in his pocket, he sighed deeply as he looked at the night sky, calming himself Locke analyzed his options, he realized that the best solution would be to go back to the girl's house and ask her to call a winch. Thinking of the walk, Locke let out another sigh, but thinking seeing that beauty again cheered him up a little.

"There is no rest for the wicked..." he said before he started walking.

Locke looked at the old watch on his wrist, 3:33 AM, lit by the moonlight, he walked in a little hurry, wishing the girl hadn't gone to bed yet. After walking for a long time, Locke started to get confused.

"I think I should have already arrived ... Was it that far?" He looked at his watch again and almost jumped, 3:33 AM.

"WHAT THE F*CK!" He cried out in alarm, "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!"

Locke couldn't believe he had been walking all that time and not a single minute had passed.

"WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT? I'M IN SHIT TWILIGHT ZONE?!? THIS LOOKS LIKE A PLOT FROM A BAD TERROR MOVIE! " Locke screamed into the night trying to chase away the fear that like an angry beast churned in his stomach "WHAT WILL IT BE NOW ??? WILL A MONSTER APPEAR BEHIND ME?!? " He shouted again.


Hello everyone, my first attempt to bring one of my stories to the internet, I ask that everyone be a little patient with me, maybe some realize that English is not my mother tongue and, in fact, I am here writing exactly to exercise my English, please let me know if something is wrong or difficult to understand.

Depending on the reception that this story has I intend to increase the flow of chapters and, who knows, in the future bring other of my ideas.

OldmanRedcreators' thoughts
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