
Hospital Chaos

Alright so lets run this down again... First I came back in time after dying in a cell. Second my father is the leading cause to the end of the world. Third I am in a hospital with a cute girl left locked in a bathroom with a gun. Now I am climbing in the ceiling crawling my way towards the supply room. Yes I know stealing is bad but hey. if it makes you feel better they are almost all going to die in there. I am just making sure we have enough supplies to survive the initial fall out. After the first 3 months we fall into what we call hell winter. Many get sick and without supplies from hospitals and stuff the amount of dead piles up.

I kick open the roof tile and fall in on a female doctor knocking her to the ground. I am lucky we didn't land in some cliche boob grabbing positions or you would probably called me a pervert. Nope I got stuck on the shelf by my harness loop.

you know having you around looking over my shoulder kinda creeps me out. Ah forget it.... oh ya back to reality.

"No I am not some psychopath here to mass murder....Look are you okay?" I said before releasing the clip to my harness. I fell down turning to grab my harness off the shelf. I felt something coming at me just like in the past. I jerked my head to the side dodging an old metal bed pan. "seriously lady?"

"your a creepy kid climbing through the ceiling with guns strapped to your body like a god damn psychopath. Its bad enough people are going flat line and then getting up again. look if your a damn junkie just get your fix and get the fuck out of here I don't have time to deal with you." she said before slamming her hand on the button to open up the med cabinet.

I looked at that before stopping and looking at her with the bed pan. "look I am not a junkie and... if you really want to know why I have the guns... Its because soon one or two will break loose from you holding them down. No drug will slow them down because their brain and body aren't functioning like a normal humans. If they bite you cutting off the injured limb within 30 seconds in the only sure fire way to keep from becoming like them. But be careful they can bite through can of soda like its marshmellow."

She was looking at me funny that was for sure. I could see her hand gripping that pan like it was going to be the life saver she needed. I sighed as my hand dropped the fold able bag onto the ground and the other the harness. I held my arms out wide letting her see I was harmless. That was until I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I jerked towards her yanking the bed pan from her hand. In one swift movement I smashed the bed pan into the biter's face before using the door's weight to shove it back so I could close it.

She was stunned as the bed pan dented which under most would knock out a normal human. The biter though simply got up and threw its self against the glass window. It smashed its head over and over against the glass as black drool dripped and smeared on the glass.

"What is going on why would you hit an innocent human being....he" she started to go off on me when she saw what I was doing. I was screwing a silencer onto the tip of the gun and checking the chamber to make sure the gun was cocked. I slowly lifted my arms up aiming at the glass just below his neck.

Before she could say a word I fired a round through the glass shattering it. The biter jerked back before moving to rush forwards. The bullet had ripped straight through where its heart was and it kept moving. I fired another round into it's left leg causing it to stumble and hit against the shelf. I placed the barrel of the gun to it's head firing a round into the brain. It instantly stopped laying limp against the shelf before slowly falling to the ground.

Now that I killed that one I know more were going to react. At least near by since the silencer did minimize most of the sound. I just hope there is a lot more people between us and the few free biters at this moment.

"Now get the bag and load it with medicine and supplies I will watch the door for more. Listen the world you know has ended loved one and family are going to get you killed if your not ready. Look I will help you escape this chaos and as many as I can manage but in order to do that. You need to let go of the idea of saving everyone. Once they are bit we won't have the time to remove a limb. Trust me once they are bit in 2 minutes to 2 weeks they will be biting someone. The more bites the fast the infection rate is so we can't save everyone." I told her before looking out the door way. I looked over my shoulder at her as she was slowly moving to put stuff into the bag.

She soon regained her senses that she started to quickly shove items into the bag. I tossed down a second bag that she started to get medicine into as quickly as possible. She was quick on the uptake or at least logical enough to know this was her best chance at survival.

Once we had the bags and were ready to move I gave her a bit more details. As soon as we got to the restroom where i left the nurse. After she confirmed who I was she opened the door with the gun pointed right at me.

"lower the gun slowly and make sure to put the safety one that's how accidents happen." I told her keeping my eye on her finger which thankfully wasn't on the trigger.

The nurse and doctor lady greeted each other peacefully taking the bags and quickly shutting me out like I expected. I quickly dashed down the hall towards the pharmacy after getting that information from the ladies. Cause sure having liquid drugs is good but pills will be needed. Since I can't just randomly raid a manufacturer yet. Might as well raid a pharmacy for their supply. I mean whose gonna protect pills over their life right.

I found the door to the pharmacy ajar with the sounds of rumbling and thrashing about. As I opened I saw the pharmacist laying on the ground with a knife sticking out of his throat. I could only sigh as someone killed this man in the chaos of everything. I opened the door wider to see a man who seemed like he was searching for something.

"Alright either your looking for your meds and he said no or your a junkie looking for a fix." I said holding my gun towards the man's back. He turned his head before flipping around at the sight of the gun.

"Man... I... I.. I'm looking f...fo...for my uh..." before he could finish his lie I fired two rounds on in his chest and one in his heart just like the officer in the future taught me. When killing a man you always want to put 2 center mass but with the chaos bullets matter so one in the chest one in the head.

That makes sure if they are gonna change we don't got to waste another bullet on them later. With that I started filling another bag full of medicine. I stopped short of the man looking down at him. Part of the old me wish to have helped him. But reality is saving people means giving up a part of yourself to keep an eye on these people. Sometimes people take more of the part then they should creating a gap in your defenses. So its best to cull the weak now rather then after the damage has been done.

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