
The Morning

The House of Paxley Family were impressed of Gusion, Gusion went to the school to meet the principal to get his rewards, that reward is a medal, the principal told him to be careful next time because there will be more stronger Creeps than Gusion fought.

Later in that Morning, Gusion met his Fiancé Guinevere, Guinevere has Beautiful blue eyes,pointy nose,curly hair, skin white and a smooth skin, Guinevere is a top student where Gusion is.

Hi Gusion said Guinevere, Gusion suddenly left without saying hi or goodbye to her, now Guinevere is confused because of what happened, Guinevere is planning on getting Gusions heart because Guinevere like Gusion so much! "I will take Gusion's heart whatever happens i will get it!" said Guinevere because its too crowded at the school every student there heard her and she got embarassed about it. So much happened this morning said Gusion while walking away from Guinevere, while walking he saw Lancelot (Guinevere's brother) Courting Odette.

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