
Big Battle

The turtle attacked Gusion with, Magic?! Gusion got hit by the magic of the Turtle

"ughh, how can i defeat this Turtle, i cant beat him yet im still weak!!!"

the Turtle wanted to kill Gusion because the Turtle thinks Gusion is gonna kill him.

Gusion did'nt have a plan to defeat it but Gusion's level is enough to beat him Gusion's level is 6, Gusion attacked the turtle by throwing his dagger using magic to the Turtle, Gusions strategy is working as the Turtle gets weaken.

After a couple of hours, Gusion did'nt have enough mana left but the turtle is so weak that he can use his dagger without magic to defeat it, by defeating it Gusion will level up a lot, Gusion defeated the Turtle! Gusion was so weak, exhausted nad tired but he gained some levels, Gusion went to rest to the cave where the Turtle lives.