
A Stranger in the Dark

'Estella Allaire Ardent.'

That was her previous identity. She was born into the royal family. She was a princess among the princes. Nevertheless, the royal family was no better than this Li Fei's life. In fact, the present situation was better. Her previous life was situated in France and it was a 'memorable one'.

Well, she lived in a castle that was more like a purgatory. Even siblings stabbed one another. Thinking back, Estella could only laugh coldly at the scene.

She sighed. "Hah... the throne. How unfortunate."

Correct, Estella had already climbed up to the top in her previous life. Though before that, she was living a life even worse than a beggar, it was basically a dog life. But that didn't stop her from paving a bloody path to the throne. She felt that it was intriguing at first, since her other lives didn't offer her such a prestigious position.

Well, it wasn't exactly an open option. Estella forcefully claimed it. But, in the end, as she was sitting on her throne slathered with blood, her half-dead brother managed to throw a dagger to her chest. And just like that, she was gone.

"Li Fei, huh? Not bad. I need to change my language now."

As if there was a switch, Estella's mind began to flip the switch on Chinese language. She adjusted her speech and remind herself a couple of times that she was now Li Fei. She got up from the ground and began stretching her body.

'Cling' 'Clang'

Li Fei stopped her movement. She lowered her arms and stared at her wrists. Both of them were locked with heavy chains. She looked down and her feet were also in the same situation.

'Ugh. Fuck.'

She tried to pull the chain and it was then that she realized how unbearably thin her arms were. In fact, her body was underweight. Li Fei quickly recalled how the original host didn't care much about food and sometimes would only consume supplements. Her two years were dedicated to studying.

Li Fei facepalmed. Oh how different the original host was with her. She was basically a glutton. Well, she was more of a connoisseur, put it simple, she was a food lover. No matter in whichever lives she lived as, she always loved food.

Food could be considered her only enjoyment throughout these lives she had lived. The only thing she anticipated with much excitement. She would always trade anything to eat delicious and high quality cuisine. As a result, she had enjoyed a variety of food from different cultures.

Li Fei smiled bitterly at the original host. Didn't she know how much she had missed throughout her life? Fuck the supplements! It was okay if she was a crazy scientist, a monster, or whatever, I don't care but please, food! FOOD, my lovely Li Fei! Why did you not eat, Honey?

Her food-lover-self felt nauseous as she remembered how the original host swallowed all those pills. It was like all the delicacies which Li Fei had eaten in all her previous lives just gone. The taste basically faded away.

Li Fei tried smacking her lips while trying to remember the sweet taste of beignet. Butter on her croissant and with a cup of camomille, oh! There was also her favourite snack baguette dipped in café au lait. What a life!

Tsk! This was the most torturous life out of the others. It was her motto in life; no food no life. This just directly became the most detested life in Li Fei's eyes.

"Ugh. No, no, no! I can't. Let's just die again."

Li Fei shook her head vigorously, denying her presently tragic life where food was not in the dictionary. She looked around trying to think of a way to die again.

'Should I ram myself again? Would that work? What if my current soul's too strong? Heh? Impossible though? I mean look at her. Oh well, I ought to try."

Li Fei got herself ready to ram herself again to the wall when suddenly, her sharp senses felt a presence. She stopped and turned around.

'Cling' 'Clang'

The sound of her chains echoed in the dark dungeon, which was only illuminated by the moonlight slipping through the small ventilation and in between the gaps of the stone walls. Li Fei held her ground while staring at one corner.


It was an eerie silence, enveloping the place. Cold and gloomy. The tension in the air suddenly became suffocating.

She knew someone was there at the corner. Although she was now in a different body, it didn't mean that her senses became dull. It was as sharp as before. Her nose was even sharper due to the original host being a scientist.

A few minutes passed but there was still no movement. The place was as quiet and as dead as a graveyard, only the whistle of the wind was heard. No matter, Li Fei trusted her instinct and kept her toes on the ground and her eyes at the same spot. Suddenly, something seemed to have pricked her nerves and her body shivered. Cold sweat rolled down her forehead.

Finally, her patience ran out. She mustered up her courage and spoke, "Who's there?"


It was still... silence.

Li Fei gritted her teeth and took a step forward. It was then, suddenly, a pair of bloody red eyes appeared in the dark corner. They were staring straight at her. It was a cold and diabolical gaze shrouded with murderous aura.

Thump, went her heart. Thump.

She knew, whoever this was, he or she was incredibly dangerous and their hands were much bloodier than hers. And the other party much more stronger than her as well.

For a while, it was practically a staring contest between Li Fei and this stranger in the dark. Then, Li Fei saw the ruby eyes squinted, looking at her from head to toe. She felt extremely uncomfortable as if the other party was criticizing her. She was never in this position before. It was always the other way around.

"Ku...ku..ku," a deep low voice let out a mocking laugh. "How little you are, Girl."

Li Fei jolted. She stepped back in reflex. That voice .... a man?

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