"Are you all right, sweetheart?"
"Yes, Mommy. Daddy's not here. What are you doing here?"
Maya spoke softly, but the girl recognized her mother's voice instantly even though she couldn't see her face. Maya was sitting beside her in a dark corner of the detention center where Maya's daughter stared at her for a moment in silence before hugging her mother while feeling confused. Maya held her daughter tightly in a warm embrace, and Maya tried to reassure her that she would be free soon, but the girl didn't seem convinced as tears welled in her eyes. Maya wanted to hug and comfort her daughter, but the girl was afraid to show any weakness in front of the guards. Maya noticed that her daughter is wearing a black dress while sensing her unease and wondering why her mother hasn't changed into something more comfortable yet despite remembering her husband's last words when he went to work that morning.
"It'll be okay. They're not going to hurt us. Everything's going to be okay."