
Leaving and becoming great

After the final words his mother said before she passed, Ben hurriedly took his bag and some supplies and left the Foster mansion undetected. Rodgers and his three sons were preparing to send out invitations to people of their social status as they called it, so they didn't know that Ben was no longer in the mansion nor in their lives, so they called out his name but nothing was happening. They called out again but nothing in response so they decided to go check in his room they only found a note stuck to his wardrobe with big letters saying "I THOUGHT I WAS THE LAST SON OF THIS FAMILY BUT ALL I WAS TO YOU WAS THE SERVANT AND NOT YOUR FAMILY, YOU BOSSED ME AROUND TREATED ME LIKE I'M YOUR BLOOD. MOTHER TOLD ME THIS WOULD HAPPEN ONE DAY, THAT HER CHILDREN WOULD ONE DAY TURN ON THE OTHER AND LOOK AT US NOW HUH. AND YOU FATHER OR I FORGOT YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT, BY THE TIME YOU'RE SEEING THIS I'D HAVE ALREADY LEFT THE HOUSE OR NEIGHBORHOOD." Rodgers was fuming and cursing, actually he was glad that little shit left and didn't want to stay otherwise he would have finally killed the little fool. Ben had even reached New Jersey, he stayed in a hotel and wanted to find a place to stay for some time. he would use the card his mother gave him last night so he'll be able to afford it and buy a car to be taking him to school.

A month had passed since Ben's mom died and he had forgotten how it felt to smile or feel emotions, he was a different person now. Never let anyone close to him, never had time for friends and certainly never had time for his noisy family who were looking all over for him. He had been going to school and yes Maggie confronted him about why he's been quiet and guarded lately but she only got a glance as a reply before he left her to herself dejected and felt like stupid, Ben had been doing some online business and it had been growing each day so he wanted to concentrate on his studies and business which was going pretty well. But he had been hearing things in his head lately and he didn't know where they were coming from so he had been ignoring it, so when he had he sold some shares he had in his dad's company for about $45,000 something happened which left him stunned.

[Congratulations you have finally unlocked the system, you have received 100 times income multiplier. your account has been credited with $4,500,000] what the heck I'm i hearing? Ben asked himself when he saw that. wait is this a prank or what? Ben thought he didn't know that the system could read his thoughts, attitude and character.

[No Mr Foster, this is indeed true. your mother told you before she died that she would give you something. yes I am that something and to make things clear, income by illegal means will not be multiplied and you'll lose the multiplier gift so make money in honest ways and whatever you're going to make will be multiplied by a hundred times] the system answered his doubts and thus he came to terms with an AI system inside his Head.


It had been 6 months since he was first gifted the $4,500,000 and now he had launched 2 stores in New York which by the way was starting to attract people. these stores dealt with food stuffs and clothing accessories which was now giving him a substantial amount of money every week. Now that he was a millionaire, he decided to enjoy his money by buying a house for himself and some cars for his store and himself. so he decided to look up a very good real estate company, he reached the Miller's estate company and made an appointment. An older woman approached him and Said, "what can we help you with today please?, we've got a number of houses that would suit you just fine." the woman said eager to get a commission after this sale. "I'd like to see your best estate in Beverly hills please." Ben said plainly and looked at the woman who was looking at him curiously and judging him by his looks whether or not he had the money to back his statement. "okay please this way." she took him to her office and started browsing through the list of the residential Mansions in the rich side of the world. "there's a big Estate just in the middle of Beverly hills and this is the most expensive estate, the reason of it being available because they couldn't afford it and it's been 5 years now, it's market value is $78,560,000." she said looking at him to see his reaction but there was none on Ben's face infact she was the one who ended up being shocked. "Okay I'll take it, give me the papers I sign and here's my card for the payment." Ben said handing out his Black Card which only means one thing that he was above $500,000,000, this amazed the woman and get the card with Trembling hands, she placed the card and punched in the amount and gave it back to him after he had entered the pin number which reflected in her account that the money had been transferred. "Thank you Mr Reece for doing business with us, if you need anything please let us know." the woman said with respect, to which Ben simply nodded and left the office of the Lady to check out his new home.

[Congratulations on purchasing your first royalty tree, you have received a customized Bugatti Divo and a new Helicopter] he had gotten used to this by now and he was glad those things came at the right time as he was about to shift into his new home, Ben was now planning to build an Empire of his own and so his two stores were all named B&C Empires to which B was Ben's Name and C was his mother's Name Cecilia, he missed her so much each night that he would everyday go to the cemetery and talk to her, it was the only place that he smiled when he was busy telling her about what they used to do for fun and after the Cemetery he would go back to his guarded self, dejected of emotions......

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