
The Billionaire's Secretary is a Stud

CHAPTER 97-147 ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN F×M Book 1 Intimacy Contract Pregnancy Engagement Marriage As the old adage goes, marriage has never been easy Book 2 whips WiFi contracts true love submission invasion

qweenamanda · Urban
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147 Chs



"Young lady, for the love of God, get out of here! You've really upset her, so get the hell out of there and don't look back. The man murmured as he blocked the knife that was headed for her heart. When Alexa heard the commands, she didn't waste any time and took off running." Damien put down the book and woke up from her daydreams; she can now open one of their letters. Is she going to be able to finally stop resisting it?


The moment has come for me to stop putting it off any longer and get around to reading those letters. Thinking to herself, "Damien, this letter has to be worse than the rest," she pulls it up.

My Friend Kemi Damien

You brighten up my life on what amounts to a cloudy day. You're like an umbrella when the sky is cloudy. No words can describe how perfect you are to me. You're constantly in my thoughts; I even consider you when I'm trying to get some shut-eye or concentrating on an exam. You are my top priority and the greatest there is. You're permanently imprinted on my mind, much like a tattoo. This isn't a passing fancy, thus my feelings for you will never fade. In my own unique way, I love you. However, I'm hoping to have a meaningful conversation with you because I respect your intelligence. The disparity between our incomes makes me feel stifled. Let's get real, though. Hello, it's me again. I rob, murder, and wreck. This, if my memory serves me correctly, is the work of the devil. Does it make you all Satanists then? Killers at the top, crucifying the rest of us Taking the presents you thought were appropriate for them When the people rule, we have a democracy. A small number of people? I had no idea! You haven't made a single sacrifice for all the evil you've done and the criminal acts in which you've participated. The concept of "penance" is foreign to you. You've never had to deal with the results of anything you've done. In other words, what is this? I just don't see why things have to be this way. Incomprehensible to me. Why are you always talking a big game but never stepping up to the plate? I find this kind of hypocrisy repulsive. Killers in positions of power should at the very least be held accountable for this tragedy. Because the blood of your victims speaks to me more clearly than any other words ever could. With your help, oppression continues. You moron, Damien stops reading the letter and tosses it in the garbage. He has the nerve to like her.

For a few minutes, she contemplates throwing down the letters and burning them all, but then she picks up the second one. Perhaps Damien is just unlucky in love and correspondence.

Greetings, Damien.

When someone uses her real name, Danielle heaves a sigh of relief.

To Damien,

For me, love is you. I sure did use a tired old expression. I'm sure you've heard that expression before. But I doubt you've heard my side of the story. For me, love is you. Not a feeling, not a theory, but an actual human being

Accidentally stumbled onto her. At least, that's what the cosmos would have me believe. I find my love in you.

A materialisation of the feeling being experienced

And talking to you is how I really grasped this concept.

Happiness summed up in a grin. When I catch myself acting simpy, I can't help but wonder if you have some sort of hold on me.

A random guy off the street who really wants to give you a hug. This is news that has the potential to go global. For me, love is you. Simply put, I learn more from talking to you about it. I previously penned an essay on the subject of romantic love. Who knew love would turn out to be someone I already knew? Adding little finishing touches. Feelings of inadequacy rising to the surface. Doing my best to learn, comprehend, and have faith. But you are the one I love. And I have little doubt that this is correct. I can't send heart emoticons since I'm a tough guy. It took human form as a result of its manifestation. Black and I both believe this to be true. To be honest, I don't have anything to add. For the simple reason that dreams can be transitory. To many people like me, it's a refreshing change. I mean, she... I hope everyone has as lovely an experience as I had. Considering how absurd it may sound. Something wonderful, but out of your reach, exists in the world. The truth will eventually stare you in the face. The reality is eating at you, and realisation is attempting to get through. No one else will help you, it warned.

It said softly, "Stop putting your faith in other people."

However, in my own little universe, I was safe. My imaginary world was too wonderful to destroy, so I kept cementing it in place with glue and other adhesives. Ignoring and ignoring this internal monologue I convinced myself it was much safer inside, but then I noticed something. And by then, it was far too late. In my mind, I had shut it all out.

I forgot to unlock the doors, so the place was bright inside, but I was trapped. This world existed so that I wouldn't have to face the world alone. But now I find myself alone in this enchanting dream. The sky was clear and the grass was green, but there was nobody around to see me flush. I was all by myself. Ultimately, nobody joined the queue to enter my world. No one had reserved seats because it was still under construction. In the end, I couldn't say that I blamed them. Still, I'd rather keep my innocence. Simply letting myself feel lonely will do nothing good. Nothing more will be added to this room. Nothing to lament about in this utopia. To you, I am a psychopath. Damien, you must marry me. If we get married, I'll make you alter your name and have my children via you. You will have no other option but to die if you don't do that. I'm going to love torment you.

Kidnapper, you're so kind.

Damien yells in panic and orders her bodyguards to investigate.