
New Life

<p>Lyric fawn is a single twenty three year old lady about 5feet 6inches tall, who lives with her dad Michaels Fawn,who is a local musician and her younger sister Sing Fawn in a cottage in a small village.<br/><br/>Her family is what you would call an average family when it comes to finances. She lost her mom to a plane crash when she was seven years and her sister, Sing was five, now she wants to complete her moms dream of being a famous Superstar but what happens when she decides to go to the big city.<br/><br/>Lyric's Pov<br/>"I still don't get why people like to call people like Sasha, Barbie dolls... I mean I've watched barbie a couple of times with my siblings and yeah she looks too perfect for a girl but she's nothing like Sasha like really what's the resemblance, She's better than that bitch." Shanna said trying to make her own point. I rolled my eyes as I watched my three best friends argue about Barbie.<br/><br/>It's so lame how they'd start saying nonsense once they have nothing to say. Who would believe they were grown up adults with them acting this way, sometimes its hard to keep up with their behaviours most times but well that's what makes them best friends. I think the fact that Lulu, Flora and Shanna make me sane is the reason we are best friends.<br/><br/>We were still in the car coming from Lulu house, they were trying to spend their last day with me before I leave for New York to follow my dreams of being a superstar.<br/><br/>¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶<br/><br/>I get home and find no one at home but my twenty year old little sister Sing who was carried away with the song she was listening to. <br/><br/>     You could say my mom was crazy for giving us names related to music that cause she was a crazy music lover,a musician in fact she was known in some places but not so much her dream was to be a singer known worldwide but well fate had something else in store. <br/><br/>     We grew up to love our names given the fact that it made us seem different and we grew up to miss and love her more even though she was gone .<br/><br/>We were always being asked twice about our names whenever we told someone our names for the first time, it was so funny every time even though we do not show it.<br/><br/>"Sing." I tapped my sister finally getting out of my trance.<br/>" Oh you're home, when did you arrive? " she asked looking at me with the headset out of her phone and the music coming out barely.<br/><br/><br/>       "Just now, where's Dad?" I asked as I moved to the kitchen taking out a cookie from the jar who knew that the little trip to her friends house and being in the car talking with her friends would have made her so hungry and tired.<br/><br/>      "He's at the usual 'THE PLACE '. He has a gig tonight remember?" Sing said tapping her phone not looking up even for a second. <br/><br/>Her dad sang at 'The Place' which is a small bar where he mostly earns his living, you could say Music runs in their family. She went to her room and fell asleep as soon as her touched the soft bed. <br/><br/>     She would her bed, her friends, and most importantly her family. She thought as she fell into a deep slumber.<br/><br/>♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪•♪•♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪•♪•♪♪•♪♪♪♪<br/><br/>"Lyric!!!! .... Lyric.... Get up lyric or you will be late for your flight its 7:04 get up now or you won't have time before your flight" she heard her sister say. Sometimes she would purposely close her eyes and lie on the bed when her sister tried to wake while other times she joke on her. She was going to miss annoying her sister.<br/><br/>"I'm up...sheesh, its like you chasing me away or something" she said joking with her sister.<br/><br/>"Of course, I am at least the food in the house will be enough for dad and I now" Sing said laughing.<br/><br/>"You know u don't eat that much you're just being sarcastic and you know it" she retorted back at her sister, she looked the little fights that had with each other.<br/><br/>" I would miss you though" Sing said being emotional this time.<br/>" You making it seem like I'm dying or something" she chuckled.<br/><br/>  " It's not funny when you say that and don't you dare die" Sing retorted pulling a straight face, since their mom had died Lyric had been the one playing the role of their mom in the house she would bake ,cook, help Sing with her homework, clean the house and paid for some bills in the house, she wondered how they would survive without her when she was gone. She thought as she saw her sister leave the room to let her prepare. <br/><br/>She moved downstairs and saw her dad attempting to cook which was something he was worst at doing, her dad couldn't cook to save his life, at least he would have Sing to do that when she was gone.<br/><br/>     " Morning Dad" she said pecking her dad on the cheek as she collected the spatula to continue the cooking at least her father had not burned it yet and she hoped it was Sing that did the mixing.<br/><br/>       "Morning Angel" her dad said relieved that he was free from the cooking he tried to surprise his daughter with.<br/><br/>    " What would I do without you?" He said removing his apron to give his daughter. <br/><br/>" hmmm... Probably be dead in a ditch" she joked<br/>"Hey but you have me dad or am I invisible or something" she said grumbling.<br/><br/>"Of course, you too I would be dead if you guys were not in my life, I love you"<br/><br/>"We love you too " they responded together.<br/><br/>They had their breakfast and it was time for Lyric to leave, they escorted her along with her friends to the airport and said their final goodbyes and kissed her. She entered looking at her family till the plane went so high in the sky.<br/><br/>So how was it ?<br/>What life do you think awaits Lyric in Lyric?<br/>Will she complete her mum's dreams of being a singer or not?<br/>Vote and comment below</p>

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