
I'm Xavier

Lyric had gotten so close and used to Mimi and her child. Yes Mimi had a child, she didn't know cause her child was spending her holiday with Mimi's mom.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised, she tried not to let Mimi know she was surprised. She found out Mimi was raped, Mimi loved her daughter even though she never knew her daughter's father, Shamaya father. Shamaya is a five years old girl turning six in a couple of months.

Lyric's POV

"Oh my God I'm going to be late" Mimi said trying to quickly apply her mascara.

"Girl you're crazy, you don't put your mascara and shoe at the same time" I said smiling. She glared playfully at me.

"Are you going to be okay with Shamaya or should I just call my boss and tell them I'm sick" she asked worriedly.

"It's okay, she like my child too you know, what are we roommates for?" I said trying to assure her. It was my day off so I volunteered to look after Shamaya.

"Are you sure?". She asked again.

" I'm sure. If you ask me if I'm sure again, I would shove this whisk up your ass and I'm not kidding" she said holding the whisk I was using to whisk the pancake mix.

"I would advise you to start going or you'd be late" I told her still whisking the mix.

"Good morning mummy" we heard a cute voice and a yawn.

"Good morning baby, how was your night?" Mimi asked kissing her daughter on her forehead.

"It was okay" she said rubbing her eyes, as she felt less sleepy.

" No good morning for aunty Lyric" I said pouting.

"Good morning aunty" she said as she hugged me.

"Hey you didn't hug me" Mimi said feigning anger

"I'm sorry mummy" Reign said using a cute voice. She hugged her mum, then came back to me.

"Okay I'm really late I've got to go now, bye" she said rushing out of the apartment.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Shamaya looking at her. She touched her chin with her index finger, something she did when she was trying to think.

"The park, let's go to the park" she blurted all of a sudden.

"Okay we'd go there after you eat your pancakes" I said placing two pancakes on a plate for her.

...about an hour later

We left the house, Shamaya was really happy to go to the park. We got to the park in less than twenty minutes, it wasn't really that far.

I left Shamaya to go play while I pulled out my phone to search for possible job opportunities, I was willing to delay my dream a lit bit cos I needed to settle down and do some stuffs first.

I decided to drop my phone so I could go play with Shamaya, she had been playing for almost an hour. I looked around but I couldn't find her. It was really hard to find her cause the park was packed.

Then I saw her with a man was talking to her. Then I heard her say.

"I have been playing with you but I don't know your name" she was smiling from ear to ear as she said that then I heard

"I'm Xavier"

So who is Xavier ?

Why is Shamaya with him or even talking to him?

What do you think Lyric would do when she meets him?

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