

This is the day that I am marrying the man of my dreams, the man who I didn't expect to marry someone like me, the man who made me for who I am, the man who helped me with everything, the man who stayed through my ups and downs and the man who finally fulfilled my dreams.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Mr. Sean Lacson and Mrs. Jasmine Lacson in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other have grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife." as a priest talking, I couldn't help but smile.

I couldn't believe I am now Mrs. Lacson. It sounds great anyway.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

My heart keeps beating as if this is our very first time to kiss. I still couldn't believethay this is happening and I hope I am not dreaming, If I am, please someone must wake me up and get back from reality.

End of Prologue.

I'll upload my chapter 1, please be notified.



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