

Twenty four year old Carryl is tired of his life...The struggle it took to get his degree only to enter a jobless job market has him hanging by thread. however, one day after his part time job he mets the most handsome man he has ever seen. a day later he mets the woman of his dreams. While still reeling from having met two likely sulfates, he receives the last blow. His possible soul mates are not only billionaires they are married to each other. What will happen when all his dreams are presented to him on a golden platter. Is the price worth the dream.

Roylex_Lovelace · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Carryl ran up to his room, closing the door behind him. He fell to the floor, his legs giving out from under him. Seconds passed by before he straightened his back on the floor and looked up at the ceiling in a daze. His face continued to burn a bright red as the images of what had occurred a little over an hour ago replayed in his mind. He jolted, cringing, and began rolling around the floor, kicking his legs unwilling to admit his part in the events that had occurred.

************Flash back*******************

Park's roaming hands landed on his sensitive nipples, causing him to arch his back, which was being ravaged by Park's hot mouth. Park's fingers were soon replaced by Eli's terrifyingly pleasurable tongue that lapped at his hardened nipples, causing him to moan loudly as his body arched into their kisses.

"Such a good boy," Park whispered as he nibbled on his ear, "does it feel good?"

Carryl was long past the point of caring and talking. The only sounds coming from him were moans of pleasure, which was the only confirmation Park wanted. Park adjusted his position, joining Eli in front of the panting boy. Said the boy dropped to the bed, having no intentions or energy to hold himself up, exposing his entire body to them.

Eli resumed kissing Carryl's chest while Park took him in his hands. Park's surprisingly cool hands felt like heaven on Carryl's heated dick, and it was all he could do as he thrust his pelvis into the cool hands, chasing pleasure and relief. Park was more than happy to indulge the needy boy who had held out longer than he had expected him to.

He stroked the leaking prick, causing even more pre-cum to leak. Carryl was not a well-built man. His average height of 5 foot seven was his only strong point. He was skinny, and judging by how fast he had gone down when he had been hit by the door, he was equally frail. With his long hair, pale skin, slender frame with a tiny face, doe eyes, and full pink lips, Carryl had a feminine energy around him. Park wanted nothing more than to hold him and protect him from everything. He instead leaned down, taking Carryl's dick into his mouth.

Carryl's let out another throaty moan that went straight to their groin. Both of them worked up just from pleasuring Carryl. Not one to be outdone Eli joined him and together they sucked, licked, and stroked Carryl's dick until a few minutes later he came undone.

********** end of Flashback******************

Carryl got up and went to the bathroom. He desperately needed a cold shower to soothe his burning skin. They had given him a new phone and even though he had yet to call his workplaces; he was pretty sure he was out of work. His bosses had given him a warning for missing work. Each had gone at it in a different way, but the bottom line was that if ever missed work without notice that was it.

After a long cold shower, he dried his body and fell on his bed naked and exhausted. It was a warm night, and he felt no need to cover himself. He was out like a light in seconds. Despite possibly having to look for work and begging his bosses to pardon his absence the next day, Carryl had a long and peaceful sleep. The first in quite a while.

His alarm blared at 6 am, dragging him out of his sleep. He made a move to turn it off, but a hand beat him to it. Did he mumble thanks before snuggling into his sheets...sheets? another hand? It took him another second to register someone else present in the house, although he was always alone. He shot up in bed, panic clawing at his throat before spotting the intruder, and panic morphed into incredulity.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get in? How do you even know where I stay?"

Park laughed at the bewildered boy, finding his surprise at his presence endearing. If he wanted something, he would get it. He allowed no room for any alternative outcome. The boy had come into his life unexpectedly and from the moment he lay his eyes on him he knew he wanted him. The fact that Eli had felt the same had made it even more convenient. Getting him off had told him all he needed to know. Carryl was the perfect person to join his family and nothing, not even Carryl himself was going to change that.

He had gotten Carryl's address from his old phone, which he had held on to, buying him a new one instead. The phone he had was old and would not do. Carryl had received numerous calls from people claiming to be his boss and he had demanded they terminate any sort of contact between them and Carryl, as he would not be working for them anymore. If he needed a job, he could work at his or Eli's companies.

Carryl had waited for them to get distracted before sneaking out. He had been livid that the boy would dare leave, but Eli pointed out that going after him so soon would only scare the boy. He held back for the night but got up at the crack of dawn to go hunt down his bunny and bring him back to their bed when he belonged.

"Of course, I know where you stay. I also know where you work. Sorry, used to work. What I want to know is where you ran away from us last night. I thought we were having a great time."

" What do you mean used to? What did you do?"

" I told them you quit," Park said deadpan, watching with mild amusement as the boy's jaw dropped to the floor.

" You don't need to work...I will give you everything you need and if you want to work, I can always give you a high-paying permanent position in my company or Eli's if you want."

" Why are you doing this to me? We are basically strangers. Why would you give me anything to begin with? If this is about what happened..." he said, fighting the blush rising to his face "...you don't have to worry. You have taken care of me in more ways than one. You don't have to do anything else"

"I know I don't have to do anything...I want to. I want you. I am not so bad once you get to know me."

"I don't want to know you."

"You don't have a choice my Bunny. I don't know how to give up on the things I want and I have not wanted anything nearly as bad as I want you right now."

Carryl got out of bed and tried to push past Park to go to the bathroom. Park did not even have to move to block his path. His six-foot-three, well-built frame was already cramping the small room. He snatched the indignant boy from the floor, bringing him to his level, forcing the Carryl to wrap his leg around Park's waist for support.

Carryl opened his mouth to tell Park off, but his speech was halted as their lips collided with one another controlled by Park. Park's kiss was hard and punishing a huge contrast to his soft lips and the gentle caresses he littered all over Carryl's body. Carryl held his body rigid, but slowly melted under the heated kiss and seeking caresses.

Park had only meant to silence him, but once he had the taste, he had craved all night; he lost all form of restraint, wanting nothing more than to bury himself into Carryl's tiny being. He moved them to the bed slowly lowering his body, scared that the frail-looking bed would break from underneath them. The bed creaked but held.

Carryl broke the kiss, panting for breath. His pale skin was once again flushed. His swollen lips, glistening from the kiss, were slightly parted, giving Park a glimpse of his pink tongue. He leaned to kiss him again but was held back by Carryl. It was clear from the look in his eyes that he was into the kiss as much as Park was, and yet he still held back.

Park lowered his head onto Carryl's shoulder, remembering Eli's warning to be gentle. He let out a heavy sigh as he fought for control something that was always forgotten in Carryl's presence.

"Please let us take care of you. Think of it as a paid vacation." He lifted his head so that he was looking into Carryl's eyes.

"Stay with us for a month. If you still want to leave by then, I won't stop you. With the way things are going in life, is a paid vacation with benefits really the worst thing that could happen to you." Carry lips parted wordlessly as he took in what Park had proposed.

A chance to live a carefree life for a month was more than he had ever hoped to get. The fact that he would be well compensated, at least that was what he hoped Park meant when he mentioned a payment, sounded too good to be true. He had done a quick search last night on Eli and Park. Each one of them was a billionaire in their own right. They had both appeared in Forbes 40 under 40, the first couple ever, to do so. To say they were rich would be an understatement. Him giving up this chance was something he would forever regret. He was also not in a position to be a picky begger.

"Under one condition," he spoke up. " We only do things I consent to," he said and watched Park's face break into a blinding smile.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," Park replied, burying his head into Carryl's shoulders once again. Park did his best to ignore his throbbing member, feeling pleased about his obvious victory. Not that there was going to be any other alternative. It was great that the boy thought he had control in this. He would have dragged him by force if rejected his offer.