

Twenty four year old Carryl is tired of his life...The struggle it took to get his degree only to enter a jobless job market has him hanging by thread. however, one day after his part time job he mets the most handsome man he has ever seen. a day later he mets the woman of his dreams. While still reeling from having met two likely sulfates, he receives the last blow. His possible soul mates are not only billionaires they are married to each other. What will happen when all his dreams are presented to him on a golden platter. Is the price worth the dream.

Roylex_Lovelace · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


He felt a figure shift in beside him, and a familiar, comforting scent engulfed him in a wave of safety, causing him a snuggle into the warmth. He turned in the bed, needing to bury his nose in the scent causing the warmth to vanish followed by a huff.

"Enough of this Carryl let's go home!" the voice boomed into the still room, causing the occupants to come to life.

An indignant Park sat on the floor and watched as his boy's flushed face took him in. He watched as his expression changed from shocked to contrite. He could not wait to have him in his bed.

"Who the hell are you?" An alarmed Sam called out from his bed, holding his sheets against him for protection.

" I am his." Park pointed to Carryl, refusing to elaborate further. He huffed again in annoyance, getting on his feet.

"Classes don't start until Monday, and today and Friday will be an extended orientation. Since there is no reason for you to be here, I am taking you home. I am going to wait for you in the car." With that, he walked out of the room.

Carryl got to his feet and picked up his phone and charger, stuffing them in his pocket. He put his shower supplies back into his bag and shoved them into his closet. Carryl was very grateful that they had their respective closets on their respective sides of the room, so there was no way for their things to get mixed up. He tidied his side of the room, putting everything away and making his bed.

"So who was he?" Sam asked after waiting for a long while without an explanation forthcoming.

"My...ummm...he is sort of my boyfriend, more like my sugar daddy to be honest. Sorry about that. He is not exactly the friendly type."

"No judgement here, as long as he treats you well, there is nothing else to it. So raging daddy issues, huh?"

"Wow, like you are one to talk."

"Fair point," Sam raised his hand in mock surrender before handing his phone to Carryl. "Your number I don't even know what course you are taking, but I am sure Mr tall and broody does not have much patience."

"Foreign concept," he replied, typing his number before handing back the phone and heading out, having probably tested Parks' patience enough.

Park's Rolls Royce was a sore thumb in the university parking lot, garnering attention. Carryl sped up, got into the car, and gently closed the door behind him. Mr park had his eyes closed and head resting against the seat taking a nap. Carryl took a seat on the opposite side his back to the divider. As soon as he was settled, the driver pulled out of the parking lot and they were on their way. Park napped for a few more minutes only waking up when the car went over a bump. He did not move from his position. He stared at him with hooded eyes, smiling at him.

"Come here," Park patted the space beside him, straightening his posture.

Carryl went to him, snuggling into his side. Park's arms went around his body, pulling him even closer before closing his eyes again. With nothing better to do, and not wanting to disturb Carryl took a nap. The rest of the hour it took to get back home was uneventful. Park was the first one up when they got home. He picked up his sleeping boy carefully, carrying him into their home. Carryl was jolted awake as Park carried him up the stairs.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I must be heavy."

" You are definitely underweight. You need to eat and work out more so you can build some muscles," he replied, laying him gently on the bed. "I need to take a shower first."

"Let me join you," he said, grabbing onto Park's hand and using it to hoist himself up from the bed.

They both went to the bathroom. Carryl stood to the side hands clasped in front of him, head tilted to the side as he watched Park prepare a bath. After the bath was ready, Park motioned for Carryl to get in before getting in behind him. The temperature of the water was just right, and the scent was uplifting. Carryl let out a small sigh of pleasure as he relaxed into Park's kneading hands. Park massaged Carryl's scalp after lathering his hand with soap. He then moved down to his neck, working out the kinks as he went along.

When Park's hands reached Carryl's torso, they turned sensual, softly caressing his soft pale skin. His feverish hands trailed lower until he cupped Carryl's hardening member. Carryl let out a soft sigh needy for his touch having had no intimacy in the two weeks they had been gone. His head fell back onto Park's shoulders in wild abandon as heat coursed through his body egged on by Park's greedy hands. Park created a steady stroking rhythm on his dick as his hand glided up and down, causing him to moan when he applied a bit of pressure. His other hand went back to Carryl's nipples as he gently caressed them, adding more fuel to the fire of lust blazing inside Carryl's body.

"Do I make you feel good baby?" his deep vibrating voice lapped at Carryl's eardrum.

"So good, please don't stop." Carryl's needy voice was the motivation Park needed to speed up his torture.

His hands went faster, turning his baby boy into a moaning mess. Park had not even for a minute stopped thinking about coming home to Carryl. They had not known each other for long, but the boy had burrowed his way into his head and lived there rent-free shamelessly occupying his every waking thought. Park was operating on two hours of sleep each day for the past week. He had a lot of things to take care of but was determined to finish them in record time. It had to be the same case for Eli. Sleep had seemed like an unnecessary barrier to making it home to his baby. He had fantasized endlessly about watching his baby come undone as he was doing so at that moment.

"You couldn't even wait for me to get home!" Eli called out, startling the two with her sudden appearance.

Park was only startled for a moment before he continued jerking off Carryl who had to be close to how needy he sounded. He applied pressure on both his dick and nipples and watched as Carryl's eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure.

"Cum for me, baby." As if waiting for permission Carryl finally came, his hands tightly clenching around Park's arms.