All Rights Reserved

This is a work of Fiction, Names, Characters, Places and Incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any person living or dead, business establishments, events or locale is entirely coincidence.

Copyright ©2019 Heitcleff

No part of this book may be reproduce or transmitted into any form without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.


This book contains some sexual events, this is a PG-18 and will include some things that are not appropriate for ages below 18. Read at your own risk and remember I warned you.

If you see any amount of stealing, please notify me right away. It is much appreciated.

Thank you and enjoy reading!


Keiro Wadsforth is the successor to one of the influential and wealthy families and before he can finally get his name as an heir he must first give what his parents demand. To marry a woman he does not know.

Summer Lyx Fuego is a hostess at a nightclub trying to save her family from the devastating debt of her parents. In the morning she was a student and in the nightfall, she was a waitress.

Until their path meets and together they will benefit each other.

Marry me or marry me.
