
Chapter One

Date:- 1/30/2012

At the night:-

I was drunk.I could feel the soft lips pressed against mine.They were so soft.If it weren't for the kiss,I would've thought that I was eating a cotton candy.I always wondered how it would be to get kissed when you were on alcohol.And god,it felt like I was in the heaven!Mosco had really very good lips.

"Hey,Lilly." Someone called from the far distance.And that sounded like...Mosco????Then who the hell was I kissing?


In the noon of the same day:-

''Hey Lilly, do you want to come with us to the party,tonight?'' My best friend, Mosco asked me.

''Tsk....tsk...tsk....what are you guys talking about?'' Mia,Mosco's twin asked from behind.

Mosco and Mia were twins but they looked nothing alike except their green coloured eyes.Mosco was more matured than Mia.But Mia always told the other way around.

(Note:- The dizygotic twins that develop from two different embryo looks different in look just like normal siblings.)

''Shut up,Mia.''Mosco said,showing Mia his fist along with his biceps and triceps muscles those were threatening to become free from his half sleeve shirt.

''You shuckers, what have you decided about the party,that is gonna take place tonight?'' Rosy, my another friend asked from my front bench.She looked at Mosco's biceps and said rolling her eyes,''Who would have thought ten years ago that the raw boned boy like you would be one of the most wanted boy from the college?"

Even though Rosy and I met Mosco and Mia in only junior year,we still had seen their childhood photos.Their mother was a very enthusiastic woman.Whenever we went to their house,she would show us their different childhood photos and after that redness on the cheek of the twins was enjoyable.Rosy would sometimes tease Mosco too much.

"I definitely didn't." Mia replied from behind and both of them high-fived.They sometimes behaved like little kids.

"Please, girls die for this."He said pointing his right index finger to his chest,"Anyway, I was asking Lilly for tonight's party that's gonna held at Mike's house, before these good-for-nothings distracted me."

Rosy rolled her eyes and replied,"Please, there's always one reply from us when there's matter of free food and drink and it's...."

"Yes." Mia said from the back bench,"And so you're also coming, bro." Mia said winking. Mosco rolled his eyes.

"And what about you, Lilly?" And all three pair of eyes rested on me. I looked down fudging with my pen that was in my hand. My eyes landed on our teacher who was studying without caring for other people or maybe he was used to all these chit-chatting. Anyway, I would have to ask someone else for the notes.

"I don't know guys....."

"You're not allowed to say no." Rosy said with that stern face of her like she was telling the most important fact of this universe. I internally wanted to roll my eyes at this 'typical rose'."Listen Lillian, this is the first party of our second semester and you didn't attend even a single party of the previous semester.But now you'll have to.And when was the last time that you attended such a party?"

I wanted to say something but Rosy cut me off,"Here,those birthday parties aren't counted.Seriously,we are in college. You never went to a single party through the high school too. But this might be your last chance. Who knows what is gonna happen?So you need to enjoy your days with your loved ones, that are us."She said last part winking,"So please don't waste your time on watching those chick-lit movies at house and enjoy it with us."

I really wanted to laugh at her because neither I was always at home nor I always watched 'chick-lit'.Because truth to be told I found that kind of movies very boring.I attended parties with my parents on every weekend.

At the end of her speech, the whole of class, except those who were sleeping-that included half of the class, were looking at us. Rosy glared at everyone like her glare could scare a dog. And for the first time in the semester, the teacher turned around and looked at Rosy and asked,

"Is there any problem, Ms.Brooks?" Our teacher,Mr.Thomson asked furrowing his brows.Yes,that sir looked back!! Thank god,I thought that he might have problem in turning his neck.

"Not at all,sir."Rosy said straightening her dress.

"Good,then class, where were we?"

And all students 'pretended' to concentrate on the board. But mentally I was pounding on Rosy's speech. She was right. I should go and I don't think that this time they are gonna let me go. So I fisted my palm, passed the massage to the Rosy and saw the small smile that planted on her lips. Just hope that I don't regret my decision.


In the evening:-

My mother stared at me with the glow in her eye that said that I had became an adult. Thank God, otherwise I thought that she was going to treat me like a little girl forever.

For the party I decided to dress envy blue coloured dress. It was a backless Chiffon part dress that ended a little above My knee. It looked good on me.


My parents were broad minded (like any american parents) so they allowed me to go to any party with my friends. In fact sometimes, they would push me to go to the party because basically everyone in my life thinks that I'm very introvert person.Since they always made me attend the party with them every weekend.

But it's not true. I was a big party lover before my junior year. The thing that happened at 'that' party had shaken me to my core. My stupid brain again led me to that stupid incident.

"Lilly?" I forgot that my mom was saying something.

"What mom?"I asked getting annoyed. Even that though made my mood spoilt.

"Who is gonna pick up and drop you ?" My mom asked.

"Well, Mosco is coming with Mia. And then were gonna drive to the Rosy's and then to the party. And Mosco will drop me at 12a.m. ."

I explained to my mom.Though they were free,they also cared about my safety.

"You know that there's no time limit. I only want you to be safe, Lilly."

I rolled my eyes,"And Mosco is a nice guy."

"Oh mom! Please, not again. This is not gonna happen."

"What are you talking about?"My mom asked innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. We are just friends." I said as a-matter-of-the-fact.

My mom wanted to say something but the horn of the car stopped her nonsense.

"Okay, mom. Good bye." I said running towards the door without looking back.


Character description:-

2.Mia Evans

Appearance :-She has combination of fair and pale skin.She has pear green colored eyes with brown long hair.She has thin and tall body frame.

Nature :- Rebellious,flirty and bubbly girl

Age.      :-(In this chapter)19 years and 6 months

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