
The Billionaire’s Hoax Affair

To erase his mess from the limelight and save his inheritance from being given to his younger brother, Alexander Santons is thrown in a tight corner because he needed a significant other to achieve that, which he doesn’t have. It leads him into downloading a dating app, where he comes across Jennifer. Jennifer Scott, a final year college student’s life tumbled down the hills after losing her father and her only means of survival. Her attempts at hustling for her college fees and rent were pointless, and somehow, she finds herself getting a mobile app, in hopes of finding a sugar daddy, and that’s when she comes across Alexander. It was purely professional at first, then exciting, and heated, and finally, sexual as fuck. Whereby both individuals try hard to ignore the pull they felt for each other, to no avail– because love sometimes chooses to germinate in the least expected situations. When secrets get revealed, confessions get outed, and an overzealous past fling that won’t ever receive defeat emerges from nowhere, chaos ended up occurring, and everything got messy. Is their love strong enough to survive the conflicts, drama, assumptions, and lies? Find out.

Josiexoxo · Urban
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13 Chs


Jennifer lie down on her bed after a long day at college. She is slowly starting to think that quitting or dropping out of college for now is the best option because why not? Her rent was paid to her by her friends that she now want to pay them back, followed with tuition fee and the money they all bring for food in the apartment —they told her not to worry about it but how could she not? She is not used to being dependent on anyone other than her father.

Things are getting out of hand for sure. Now she's even agreed to let Ivan buy the stuff for their project while she does the work. How desperate is she going to be in the next few days? She'd probably start going house by house asking them for money or just lower down her pride and ask Ivan for debt or maybe someone from her college that is rich.

She's thinking about taking a new job from another cafe to at least fix some things up. Maybe contribute the money for their grocery or something. But what the fuck is she supposed to do with tuition fee? It's not small amount of money.

Maybe she should fuck her way with some rich man and get money? It doesn't matter where or who, she just wants the money so she can complete her college and just move on with some nice ass job. God, she's missed her father so much so that she wants to be with him now in anyway she can.

"I miss you so much, dad. So much." She cried to herself, tears rushing down the sides of her face as she sniffed, struggling to keep her voice down to not attract attention.

Her door creaked open and in came Elena in her pajamas wearing a large smile with equally gargantuan bowl of frozen yoghurt. Jennifer sat up with a small smile on her lips because she needs this moment with El after a major breakdown. She is always there to keep her calm and make her see things straight, encourage her to not quit what she is trying to.

"We didn't get to have this moment ever since your dad's death but I'm here for you." She raised the two spoons she is holding in one hand and the other big bowl of frozen yoghurt.

"I know you're always there for me." She gave her a quick hug and scoot to the other side of the chair so she can lie down beside her like they always do. Probably Olivia is not in the house or she would've joined this small reunion she needs with only Elena.

"You are probably thinking about what you should do with tuition fee, huh! Don't give up after you've come this far. Please allow us to help you. Ivan has been worried about what you should do now that we all are broke." Elena brought up the topic in the middle of their yoghurt feast, they were both quiet at first waiting for the inevitable.

Jennifer played with her spoon inside the melting bowl of yoghurt, her expression faraway. "You all want to help me but that is what I hate. I don't need help when I'm not handicapped or anything. I can work my way through, don't worry much."

"How are you going to fucking do that? Get job again in another cheap restaurant and get a few bucks at the end of the day? That doesn't make any sense. You need help whether you like it or not." Elena burst out, always the one ready to burst everyone's bubble in their heads.

"I don't care what you think, I can do it. If you see me crumbling to the floor, bring me up but as long as I can stand on my legs, don't try to bring me down." Jennifer stared deeply into her friends eyes, her resolve never breaking.

"It's not about your determination. I'm not trying to bring you down, that is not what I'm doing and is the last thing I'd ever do but let's both face the reality, you don't have much time! Have you forgotten about that?"

"No, I haven't. How could I? It's always right in my mind two four seven." Jennifer stopped taking the yoghurt and cross her arms beneath her bosom mutinously.

"Good so work it out for yourself. I'm giving you two weeks to get your shit together and if you don't, I'm going to ask Ivan to help you. We can do it without your knowledge but I don't want to do that so as to not hurt your pride some more. But in those two weeks, plan on how to pay you entire tuition fee! You get that?" Elena bossily commanded, her eyes narrowed like a mother scolding her stubborn child.

Jennifer took that as the challenge she needed because she needs this push forward. "I'm going to whore my way around and get the money."

"What?! Are you out of your mind? I wont fucking allow you to do that under my watch. Wait, how could you think about this nonsense as innocent as you are? Had it been me, I would've done so without your knowledge but I won't ruin your innocence no matter what." Elena exclaimed looking totally shocked at her friends statement.

Jennifer tried hard to not laugh but she ended up doubling at the way she's reacted. Oh good god, it's so good to know that you have someone that cares about you this much. Elena is the one true friend she won't ever forget in her life, she is very dear and special to her.

"Don't worry, just kidding. I'd never do that no matter how desperate but I've thought about it once or twice here and there." She admitted, taking back the spoon she's dropped when she felt down. She is now goaded to do good and she shall do so.