

He run out from the window as soon as he heard the police voice, he removed his mask and entered another warehouse

No one will doubt him, of course. Who will doubt the son of the owner of the biggest farms and companies in the country?

The police and Amir entered the warehouse and found Lillian bleeding strongly Amir run into her hugging her and touch her bleeding face he scream so hard "call the ambulance!!" ,after ten minute the ambulance get in they entered and take Lillian into the hospital, Amir gat into his car following the ambulace,

Anas and the police were still investigating, They were looking for the kidnapper They were looking around until they came across Younes Anas grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him, "You did this to Lillian, didn't you!"

"Lillian? Who's she in the first place? Also, what are you doing inside my father's warehouses?"

The policeman removed Anas from Younes and said "Mr. Younes we apologize for what he said but there was a serious kidnapping of the wife of Mr. Amir the owner of the phone company"

Younes nodded with his head understanding and said, "Well, do your job, and sorry about what happened, I'll make sure to put guards around."

Then he left, leaving Anas at the height of his anger, and the police were investigating.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and brought Lillian into the operating room as soon as they arrived. She was in very critical condition. Amir stood in the hallway waiting for any news about his wife. He stayed there for four hours, where Anas and Raneem came, and Lillian's parents were all scared, and Amir was in a state of disrepair, Lillian's mother, and Raneem didn't stop crying, and suddenly Lillian's father fell unconscious, Anas went running to call the doctor or anyone who can help them, the doctor come with the nurses took him to the emergency room, and the doctor was examining him. They were trying to wake him up with electric shocks, an hour later, the doctor came out of the O.R. Amir stand up quickly "how she is?" the doctor answer him seriously "your wife and baby were fine but her body isn't really fine she can be in a bad condition in every time" after the doctor leave they moved Lillian to a private room, and everyone was sitting waiting to wake her up.

The doctor entered the room "only one of you was allowed to stay with her"

Everyone went out and left Amir with her. he was looking at her how her brown hair fell on her face, her long eyelashes, and her skin was beautiful as an angel, even with those bruises and wounds. She looked beautiful, Amir passed his hand on the wound in her face, and he felt a tingling in his heart, like he felt the pain she felt. He gently wiped her belly with his hand and said in a tone full of sadness and remorse "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

He hold her hand and slept, holding her hand so hard, it was like he was afraid she'd get lost again. Lillian woke up while Amir was still asleep, watching him, and lost in the beauty of his face.

But suddenly she started screaming and throwing everything around her, and a terrified Amir woke up trying to calm her down, but to no avail, the doctor and the nurse quickly entered and injected her with a soothing injection.

The doctor asked Lillian, do you remember what happened to you before you came to the hospital?

Lillian nodded and said, "Yes, I was in the kitchen to make breakfast, and then I.." she stop talking little bit, and then she said, "I don't remember anything."

The doctor said, "Well, that's good. Rest well."

The doctor go out and Amir followed him to inquire about it, "Why Lillian doesn't remember anything?"

the doctor look at him "This is a normal thing and it is expected that she will lose the memories of that period because she lived in shock and her subconscious refuses to remember that"

Amir understands that, and he also thinks it's better if she didn't remember those things that might hide her smile. He went back to the room and found everyone talking to Lillian and reassured her and sighed comfortably when he saw her father with them while he was fine. And suddenly someone entered the room, Anas was angry because he still suspected him, and everyone was wondering who that person was.

Younes entered with some gifts and children's clothes in her hand, and he smiled gently at them and said, "These gifts express my deep regret for what happened because it was.."

He didn't finish until Lillian started screaming as soon as she heard his voice, she was going back to the wall. She was so scared of Younes he smiled and said in himself that 'she seems to remember my voice well That's great.'

Amir called the doctor quickly and asked everyone to get out and explain what happened now, it's because of the pressure. So no one was allowed in other than her husband, but before he entered, Younes called him.

"Mr. Amir, I apologize for what happened to your wife. I'm going to make sure I put guards around so it doesn't happen again, and here's the gifts."

Amir smiled at him, took gifts from him, and entered Lillian's room, sat in front of her watching her, his heart was breaking for his little girl. The shock was strong. He sat watching her. It hurts to watch her like this if he can only do something for her. Remove her locks from her face because she was bothering her, pass his hand on her cheek and soft skin. How could an angel like that be tortured? It must have been painful. He wished he could save her before all this happened

The nurse walked into the room "The doctor wants to talk to you about an important subject, Mr. Amir."

Amir get up, left the room, and went to the doctor's office to see what he wanted from him.

The nurse go out of the office, and someone was smiling In secret.

The guy went into Lillian's room when he found a chance.

Then he strangled her from her neck with his hands so strongly that her face would be colored in another color until...

To be continued..

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