
Chapter 9: Coffee at Midnight

It was close to midnight when Dell arrived her apartment building. Her friends' plan sounded incredulous. But she couldn't help but also feel that it was a little exciting. She looked towards the door of the apartment next to hers. She had known Sean since she moved into this apartment building. So that would be around five years. She had always considered him a friend. Would he consider her close enough to agree to do this harebrained plan with her? Maybe she should have just accepted Tim on his offer.

She sighed. She didn't think she could ever pretend to be romantic with Tim. Besides, if it was to make her more attractive to Raphael, she needed someone she could flaunt a little. But if it was flaunting, then the best choice would be William. But then she didn't think they were close enough for her to ask him this favor.

Anyway, it was too late to be knocking on Sean's door now. She was about to insert her key into her apartment door when his door opened. Sean stepped out in running gear.

"Sean!" She exclaimed, a bit surprised. Could this be a sign?

"Hey, how was the party?" He asked pleasantly when he saw her.

"Fine! It was great. I... I met an old classmate from college."

"Really?" He asked delightedly. "That's good to hear. It's always fun to meet someone you hadn't met in a long time."

"Yeah. Um, you're going for a run?"

"Yeah, couldn't sleep so I was thinking I'd tire myself out."

"Something on your mind bothering you?" She teased him.

"Nah, I just had too much coffee today. They're really good, though. Got them last week. I'd invite you in to try them now but I wouldn't want you to not sleep on my account."

"Oh, coffee doesn't have that kind of effect on me. I can drink brewed coffee and fall asleep fifteen minutes after that."

"Oh, in that case, would you want to come in for some?"

"Oh, but you're about to go for a run."

"It's fine. I was thinking of running because I had nothing better to do." He opened his door wide for her. "Besides, I get a feeling you want to chat. Please." He motioned her in.

Sean ushered her into his apartment. It was a studio unit.

"Please make yourself comfortable," he said.

Dell sat before his square dining table and looked around. The room was sparsely decorated, but quite clean. She caught herself sighing in relief.

"You... do your own housework?" She asked.

Sean flashed her a smile as he picked up a jar from an overhead shelf. "Who else would do it? But I don't like cleaning up so I do my best not to make a mess in the first place."

She smiled back. He really was cute. Too bad that was all he was.

He turned the coffee maker on and went to sit on the chair opposite her. "Five minutes to brew," he said.

Okay, that wasn't true. He was nice, too. "Aren't you making something for yourself?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Oh, I'm the only one drinking?" She hooked her hair behind her ear. It was a habit that came out when she was embarrassed. "If I had known I shouldn't have imposed."

"It's no imposition. A friend farms this coffee. I promised her I'd give feedback so it would be good if you could try it and tell me what you think."

Ah. There's another girl. She gave herself a mental shake. She shouldn't think like that. "That sounds great. Where's the coffee from?"

"Davao. It has a very distinct flavor from Batangas coffee. But I like it. Barako is a lot more serious. This is a bit more colorful."

"I didn't know you knew so much about coffee."

He shot her a conspiratorial look. "I don't. I just have friends who do."

She let out a laugh. "That's how it's done."

"You know it."

"So, any new projects lately?"

"I have a small one this Friday. An AVP. Oh, but I'm climbing two weeks from now. Do you climb, Dell?"

"Not really. No."

"You should. It's really fun."

"I'm not really an outdoor kind of person."

"Ah, but when you see the view from the top of the mountain, outdoor person or not, you'll love it."

"Well, there are pictures online."

"It's not the same. The air, the space, the sounds, the... things you feel at the peak. It's hard to explain but... it makes you feel... alive! Nature has that tendency to make you feel so small and insignificant against it, but at the same time, its grandeur fills you with so much awe it just... makes your heart race."

"I can imagine the sense of accomplishment when one reaches the peak. But how could feeling small and insignificant possibly make someone's heart race?"

Her comment made him stop. He looked unflinching into her eyes. "So what does make Dell Santos' heart race?"


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