
Chapter 30: Business Catch Up

"In several Asian countries, July 7 is considered Lovers' Day," Raphael explained to everyone in the conference room. "And thanks to the popularity of Japanese and Korean Pop Culture these days, several organizations are starting to take business advantage of that day."

"The target of these Asian Pop music and shows are young, aren't they?" Dell asked.

"You'd be surprised, almost half of the fans are women in their forties and fifties," Bianca said, smiling conspiratorially at Dell.

Dell returned her smile.

"On that day this year," Raph continued. "Three concerts are going to happen at the same time: by the Korean Pop group Ring Ding, by the Japanese girl band Peach Kiss, and by a new Thai boy band called Tamarind. We propose to use these concerts as a test for our new system."

"Let our predictive systems determine which of the three concerts will be the most attended," Bianca added.

"Have you tried it on your systems already?" Will asked.

"Yes," Raph replied. "The old and the new system yielded different results."

"I would go with the Korean concert," Will said.

"That's what our original system predicted."

"And your new system?"

"The new system predicted Tamarind."

"Interesting," Dell said. "Among the three, the Thai boy band seems to be one trailing, though."

"I believe in our new system," Raph said firmly.

"That's good to hear." Dell smiled. "These concerts are in a month's time. Let's see if your system actually proves correct data then."


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