
Chapter 23: Pride Over Affection

Dell was rushing from her office. She had a meeting three floors down in fifteen minutes. She was checking the documents in the folder she was holding while walking to the elevator when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" She said. When she looked up, she saw that it was William. "Will!"

Things had gotten a little awkward between them since that night at the cafe. After William's sudden proposal, she had told him that she would think about it and had excused herself right after. That night, she hasn't quite known how to feel about everything anymore. She was shocked about Sean storming off. Then she was shocked about Sean calling it quits. But then she was now shocked about William's proposal, as well. Frankly, the whole shock thing got a little old after the cafe incident.

But what needed to be done? Putting emotions aside, Sean was gone, but She thought maybe she didn't need him anymore. Raph was already giving her attention. Maybe she could handle it from here. But William had to go say what he did. He was really cool that night, though, and Dell had found herself seriously considering taking William up on his offer. He was responsible, decent, reliable... show-offable. But something bugged at Dell, which made her hesitant about taking up the new offer.

"Dell..." He looked a little uncomfortable, too. "Meeting?"


The elevator doors opened. And Dell went in. William gave a little nod and headed away from the elevators. But just as the elevator doors were closing, Dell stopped it and went back out. She needed to confront this now.

"Hey, William, about what we talked about the other day."

She saw William stiffen a little. He stopped but only turned his head to look at her.

"I think you're awesome. You are kind. You're successful. Stable. Everything a woman could ever ask for..."

"... But?" He prompted.

"I can't bring myself to give up just yet."

He remained quiet.

"I know Sean and I are not the ideal couple. He's hard to read sometimes. And you're probably right. He probably doesn't love me enough to deserve my loyalty. And, I don't know, maybe he wouldn't take me back after what happened at the party... But to give up now would be... I don't know... to admit defeat, I guess."

She looked up and looked William in the eyes. He deserved at least this honesty.

"You may not agree with me," she said. "I may be acting more out of my pride than out of my affection for him, but I just can't live with myself if I gave up without even really trying."

William turned to face her fully. He just looked at her, poker face, for a few seconds. Then his expression softened. "I would understand that coming from you." He gave a small laugh. "It's so like you. So business-like. So driven to succeed."


"Don't apologize." William gently hooked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Those are things l like about you."

Dell's heart skipped at his words.

"Call me boring. Call me afraid. But I admire a woman who can make decisions against her own emotions. I feel safer that way." With a final smile, William turned towards the corridor he was heading. "Good luck with your meeting!"

And Dell just stood there for a few seconds, smiling warmly, watching the kind William disappear around the corner.


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