

Volume 3: two

The party continued happily and soon, it was time for the cutting of the cake.

When the cake came Into view everyone except the ladies was stunned by it.

It was a Ten tier cake which had a beautiful princess in a Pink Ballgown and glass slippers dancing on it.

" Wow! It's so beautiful! " Exclaimed Jemmy.

" Yeah, it indeed is. " Lucia said.

" Come over jemmy, we need to take a picture before cutting the cake. " Lucy said.

" Alright, Mom. " Jemmy walked over and stood in the middle of her mom and Dad.

" Mom, where are Caleb and Presley? " Jemmy asked her mom when they were about to take a picture.

" Well, Presley is currently asleep, and as for Caleb... "

" Am here mom! " A childish voice echoed in the garden as a young Seven-year-old boy with Curly black hair ran towards them.

He was wearing a Blue Tuxedo and A pair of Italian shoes.

Jemmy walked towards him.

" Hey Brother. Why are you only arriving now? " Jemmy interrogated as she placed her two hands on her waist dramatically.

" Umm, Well... I didn't know that the reason Aunt Lucia called me was for your birthday party so I told her I wasn't interested in coming down. "

"Bro? Dare you say you completely forgot about my birthday! " She said feigning annoyance.

" Well...."

" You can't blame him for forgetting about that, Jemmy. Even you completely forgot that it's your birthday! "

" ERM. " She didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Lucy smiled softly before speaking up, " come over here you both, let's take a picture. "

" Okay, Mom. "

" Soon they posed for the camera and their pictures were taken. "

Several other pictures were also taken including that of Daniel, Raymond, and Azrael.

After the cutting of cakes, Lucia suddenly spoke up.

" I have got a birthday gift for you, Jemmy. " She announced.

" Oh, what is it? "

" It's a song I wrote especially for you. "

" Oh wow! "

" I remember you sang a Happy birthday song for her when she was just one month old and now. "

" Well, I didn't write that but this I wrote it myself. "

" Go on, You can do it! " Ezekiel urged her.

" Okay, then she went on stage and signaled the pianist to get ready. "

Silence, 3-2-1.

Then the soft piano sound was heard before Lucia's angelic voice rang as she began to sing the first stanza of her song.

Jemmy, You are the most priceless treasure ever.

Every day you grow up to be a beautiful lady.

Just years ago I held you as a baby in my hands and now you've grown so big.

You've grown so beautiful and smart.

My wish for you is to be happy all the days of your life.

I pray that you live a very long life in good health and happiness.

Happy birthday, Jemmy!

Happy birthday, Little Sis!

Happy birthday, My beautiful Treasure!

Keep Smiling.

Love you, Baby...


After the song ended Everyone present was still in awe, especially Jemmy the birthday girl who was in a Reverie.

Then, the resounding sound of clapping echoed as Lucia descended the stage.

Immediately she did, Jemmy ran into her arms and hugged her ever so tightly.

" Thanks for the birthday surprise, Sis! "

" It's my pleasure, Jemmy. " Lucia smiled in delight as she hugged her back.

Then it was the time for the presentation of gifts.

Lucy was the first to award her lovely daughter a gift and it was a beautiful red handmade dress she designed personally.

The dress looked very beautiful and the sight of it made the people present stunned as it was just too beautiful.

" Oh my! Is this for me? " Jemmy asked her mom.

" Of course darling it is. " She smiled.

" Umm... Lucy, how long did it take you to make this dress? " Rose who wasn't able to contain her curiosity asked.

" Three months and Ten days. " Lucy Replied non gallantly mine! Are you for real? " Rose was awestruck.

" Of course. "

" Wow! "

" Thank you very much for the beautiful dress, Mom! " Jemmy said hugging her mom.

" You welcome, darling! "

" So I guess it's my turn now. " Adam spoke up with a gentle tone.

" Yeah. "

" Emmy! " He called out all of a sudden.

Everyone present looked at him with a Bewildered expression but before they could speak up.

A beautiful and young figure walked towards them.

It was a Young ' Girl '

The figure walked towards Adam and certified. " You called for me, Sir? "

" Yes, meet, Jemmy Standford, my daughter. " He introduced the little ' girl ' to Jemmy.

" Oh, she looks so beautiful. " The figure said dreamily.

Everyone present was still confused by the drama playing up in front of them but they chose to keep quiet and watch.

Adam's next words shocked them beyond words.

" My daughter here will be your boss and friend. "

" Oh? "

" Yes. "

" That's beautiful! " The figure grinned happily before walking towards Jemmy and introducing herself to her.

" Hello, Sis Jemmy, I am Robot Emmy, the first human-robot ever made by Standford International. " She courtesied.

" Oh my God! " Everyone present was completely shocked beyond words.

A human Robot?

Instead of replying to the Robot, little Jemmy who was completely overwhelmed with happiness ran into the arms of her dad and Cried tears of joy.

" Dad you are the best! Thanks for loving me this much! " She had been told by almost everyone that her daughter loved her a whole lot, she believed them but didn't expect the love to be this great.

" It's my pleasure, baby! I would be more than happy to be your daddy all over again " he said quoting the lines of Happy birthday by Simisola.

" You haven't replied to Emmy's introduction, Jemmy. " He reminded her.

" Oh. " Jemmy broke from the hug and faced Emmy.

" Sorry for ignoring you, Emmy. "

" It's alright. I am sure you must be feeling very overwhelmed by all of that after all it's not every day we get to witness such love from a father to his daughter. "

" Yeah. So am Jemmy Standford, nice to meet you! "

" Same here. I promise to be a loyal friend and Subject. "

" That's good! "

" I can also sing and dance too. " Emmy said Proudly.

" Oh really? "

" Yeah, should I sing? "

"Okay. "

Then, Emmy began to move her body slowly to a tune.

She then began to sing but surprisingly instead of her voice, it was the voice of Lucy and Adam.

Lucy looked in Adam's direction and the latter gave her a small smile and now she understood why he suddenly suggested that she should sing with him that day.

She couldn't help but feel very lucky to have a man like him in her life.

By now, Emmy had gotten to the chorus of the song.

Oh, my baby.

Happy birthday

Happy birthday o

I go they sing am to you every day

Happy birthday........

Even after the song ended, everywhere was silent till the sound of applause echoed from the back and soon everyone else joined in the clapping.