
The Betrayers

Shinji Kamei, was expelled from his town for the crime he never committed. All he can do is wander in the forest full of monster until he met a middle age man who saves him from danger. That is when his life starts to change. A new hope shines upon him.

Eriche · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Prodigies

"Aren't you too old for that book, Mamoru?"

I walk towards him while he is reading the tale of the Lost Wind with a smirk in my face.

"I just like reading it, Shinji."

He replied while closing the book in his hand.

"Man, you really love to read stories about heroes."

I come near him and punched him slightly in the arms.

He stands up and gives me a smile.

"We should get going, our weapons won't forge themselves right?"

"Look who's talking, you're the one fancy sitting here reading children's book."

Mamoru Araki, 16 years old, only child of the leader of Area 1, our town. He's smart, good-looking with his blue eyes, matching his blue long hair and a very talented guy.

His talent was called, "Leader's Instinct", he can analyze the situation fast and make decision that will benefit his comrades, especially in battle,….even though we are not allowed yet to fight monster because we are not registered as Rangers, he is showing his potential by leading us when we are collecting materials and when is he assisting his father's work.

His skill is very powerful, he can control several type of elements namely, wind, fire, light, dark, ice, water, and earth. His father's skill was also the same with Mamoru's but his father can only use one element at a time while Mamoru can use two of them at the same time. His mother is a former support that can cast healing spell in large area. When Mamoru was born, the spirits of the forest gave him a blessing. That blessing amplifies his mana.

"Well, let's get going, Shinji."

He put the book in the shelves and we go outside.

"What takes you two so long?"

Katsuo greets us by throwing pebble at us.

"Well, Mamoru is reading his childish book again."

Mamoru laugh gracefully and I look at Katsuo.

"Eh? What's wrong, Shinji?"

Katsuo says while looking at me.

Katsuo Kage, 16 years old, son of the most influential family in our town. He is cool, hot-headed and very strong individual. His pinkish eyes and hair compliments his face. The scar on his face was a result of an accident when he was trying to learn sword with his father.

His talent was called "Weakness Finder", he can determine the point of weakness of an enemy and he can classify what element can greatly damage an enemy. He wants to provide that he is the strongest in our town, however, he still doesn't stand a chance against registered Rangers. He still lacks the techniques and abilities to surpass those Rangers.

Katsuo's skill is stealth. He can hide his presence and turn invisible. His father's skill was to steal the strength of the any individual in a specific radius around him. His mother died after giving birth to him, so probably he gets his skill from her mother.


I answer timidly.

"Mamoru, Shinji, where are we going today?"

Katsuo asked us with his energetic voice.

"If we are going to hunt materials, we can find better items in the forest compare to the mine. However, the forest is the home of wild monsters. I think we should go to the mine for now"

Mamoru explained.

"I agree, we should make our primary weapons first before trying to enter the forest. We at least need something to defend ourselves."

I answered back.

"The mine? I thought we are going straight to the forest right now? Those weak monsters won't stand a chance against me."

Katsuo exclaimed.

"We don't need to rush things, I mean weapons and equipments are very important right?

I answered back to Katsuo's statement.

"Oh, are you scared Lil Shinji, do you need milk? Oh, how about a change of diaper?"

Katsuo replied.

"I am not scared! I just want to make sure that we won't encounter any problems when we enter the forest."

Shinji Kamei, 15 years old, he never met his father or his mother. He is living in a small house near the entrance to the forest. He has light gray hair and eyes that are very unique, black sclera and yellowish pupil. Most of the people are their town called him the "Chimera's Child", since his eyes are very similar to the Chimera that the Hero defeated 20 years ago.

He was known for the very first person to handle two talents.

His first talent is called "Gaze of the Abyss" where he can convert his emotions to power, however he won't feel the emotion he will sacrifice for a period of time, depending on how long he will use this talent, but the power it gives is very frightening.

His second talent is called "Offering of the Dead". He never had a chance to use this talent because the condition is very hard to meet. He needs to sacrifice a person who is dear to him and take that person's skill and talent.

Shinji's skill is called "Purifying Flames". This is fire magic where he can summon and control fire in any way he wants. The only edge of this skill is when the target committed any mortal sin then the purifying flames will change its colour and will produce hotter flames.

No one knew about Shinji's past, he was found by Mamoru's father near the river fifteen years ago.

"Stop it, both of you or I will beat the crap out of you two."

Mamoru speaks while cracking his fist.

"Ehhhhh? You're such a buzz kill. I am just messing with Shinji."

Katsuo complains.

"Ehem… Then the mine is our target today?"

I asked.

"I guess it is, well then, let's get going."

Mamoru replied.

"Let's go!"

The three of us shouted.

Shinji, Mamoru and Katsuo are named "The Three Prodigies of Area 1". They have the talents and abilities to become the strongest. The potential within them are far from awaken and yet their names are already creating noises around the whole land of North.