Having died and been reborn into the world of Pokemon. Beyond starts to explore the mysteries of Pokemon and the world they live in. All the while rising to the top.
Light flashed and I am no longer on my bed rereading The Chronicles of Narnia. I am now in a throne room made out of golden clouds shaped in to stone. I'm standing in the middle of a rainbow carpet walkway to the three thrones at the head. The rightmost throne is a bit smaller than the other two and has a coloration that looks as if you spattered black and gold on to the throne, a general feel of anti-order emits from the throne. The leftmost throne is pure black and seems to disappear yet stay ever present at the same time. A man made of light is sitting in the centaur most throne. The throne is made of gold and gives off a bright light.
The man of light seemed to be lost in thought. So I begin to check out the room, there are three ways out: the best option is the windows lining to room, but has the problem of leading to pure black; the next option is a silver door behind the thrones; and the final option is a massive set of golden doors at the foot of the room. *sigh* There is no safe escape route.
Refocusing my attention to the only other being in the room. The first thing I notice is that he is most likely the definition of peak handsomeness. I can barely think properly without my thoughts being clouded by irritation.
So I close my eyes, trying to calm down and I hear the man grumble.
"got to always clean up messes made by Zila, I know that she's my daughter and what" grumbled the man of light before I opened my eyes and stopped listening.
Deciding that now would definitely be a bad time to interrupt, I turn around and with my hands behind my back as if I was in a museum. I go to take a closer look at the artwork along the walls, on golden door, and imprinted to the floor.
The art on the floor seems to be a map of some aspect of space. It could be planets, solar systems, galaxies, or even universes. Whatever it is, it is absolutely beautiful.
I walk toward the golden door while looking down taking in the map. When I reached the end of the walkway, I moved my sight to the set of golden doors. The doors have frighteningly descriptive depictions of dragons on the top right, phoenixes in the top left, tigers in the bottom left, and krakens on the bottom right. All are welcoming a depiction of light with gratitude.
Moving along to the wall to the right. I am enamored by the artwork on display from depictions of grand battles, love and loss, to writing in languages I have never seen before, to portraits inscribed into the golden cloudstone.
I'm awakened from my admiration by an embarrassed cough. I turn towards the thrones and while turning I place my left hand behind my back and the other on to my chest and perform a bow. While maneuvering I speak, "Please forgive this one for the lack of proper etiquette." A bead of sweat falls as I hold my position.
The man made of light lets out a chuckle and speaks with his voice filling the room, "There is no need to fear me, young one, come closer we have a lot to talk about."
I walk away from the walls and toward the thrones trying to be as respectful as possible. As I am walking I notice the space seems to shrink with each step allowing me to cover lots of distance in a few steps.
Once I arrive the man begins speaking once more, "So I am Light, the husband of Darkness and the father of Zila the entity of Chaos. With my daughter being so chaotic, I formed a system to keep her karma as even as possible. The system is a lottery for those affected by her actions in a negative manner, and you little one are a winner of the lottery. So, you have won a Travel Pass to a world outside direct influence by any gods not born from the world, where you shall be reincarnated with your memory. You have also won a wish with the limit that I must be able to recover giving you this wish within ten years."
[Moments go by]
"Are you ok, little one" Light says with a worried tone. I am brought out of my shock. "So to clarify, I have won a wish and a Travel Pass?" I say with doubt dripping from my voice. "Yes," answers Light with amusement. Fully taking in my situation, I frantically ask, "What happened to me? Is my family still alive?" while imagining the possibilities.
With a clam voice Light answers, "Your family is fine, my daughter let loose some energy and with her nature the energy broke through space and time and ended up causing random damage across worlds. In your world you were the only victim."
"Alright can I have I few moments to think about my wish," I unsteadily say while calming down. "That won't be a problem," says Light with kindness in his gaze. I say. "Thank you" with relief.
[Time passes]
"So Light, my wish is for my family to live a good, long and happy life in my past life and next. *Heavy Sigh* What are the choices for the Travel Pass?" I ask with a tired tone. "Your wish is granted, and for the Travel Pass it would be easiest for you to pick one from your race's collection of viewed and created worlds." Light speaks with understanding in his voice.
"What do you mean? My race doesn't have different worlds." I ask with my hopes and anticipations rising. Light explains, "Your race of humans has this unique ability to view and very rarely make worlds while being mortal. This is particularly scary because there is no limitation to the power contained in the worlds you have made. Meaning your race can make gods. I believe you call this ability Imagination."
Light takes a pause to let it sink in, and continues, "A few examples of worlds your race has viewed are most fiction books, anime, cartoons, and your modern religion. These worlds as you know them can have little to a lot changed from the real world. Due to the interpretation of the writer. The created worlds that you would know are most of the ancient mythology, the books are The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, and a cartoon made into a world is Looney Tunes. These worlds are complete with what you know. There may be more to the world that wasn't in the writing but what was written is holds true."
"Ok, I get it so can I use the pass to go to the world of Narnia?" I speak with hesitance. Light makes a pained face and says, "Sorry, but that world is one of the most popular vacation spots of gods, deities, and entities alike. So the Travel Pass doesn't cover it." Disappointed, I start thinking about some of my other hobbies and I remember Pokemon. So I ask "Is the world of Pokemon included in the Travel Pass?" A smile comes onto Light's face as he speaks "Yes, and because you have been so respectful, unlike so other winners of the lottery. I will let you give me some parameters on your body and life."
"Thank you, I would like to be a handsome male without any disabilities as well as being born into a unique and loving family." I say with gratitude and anticipation for the future. "Well off you go then, have fun!" Light says with joy on his face and voice. I fade into the world of Pokemon with plans of greatness on the mind and a smile on my face.