
A smile from the Villainess

I'm not sure if she's doing this on purpose or she is just stupid.

Eve says to herself as Diana continues to talk in a conversation which she wasn't welcomed nor invited to speak.

Eve glance around secretly and sees how people shake their head in disappointment and even looked confused seeing the smart and respected miss Graham had no decency when faced with people of higher status in the company. Even acting too close with one of the board of directors, who were obviously looked displeased with the interruption.

Yeah, they didn't appreciate that.

Molina didn't engage with the broken conversation anymore and excused herself without sparing a glance at the blonde woman who tried to keep the dead conversation going. Eve already achieve her second goal, which was to let people who were present today to see how Molina had change from the way she was before.

With this, she could continue with her next plan and it doesn't need to be achieved quickly.

Knowing her night had been fruitful, she decides to leave the venue and rest.

Diana saw Molina walking back her table and didn't expect for her to take her phone and said goodbye to her co-workers, she then head towards the large door even though there's still an hour left before the event ends.

Not liking the way how things turned out tonight, Diana leaves the circle without any explanation and hurriedly chased after the woman.

" Big sister! " she calls out as loud as possible and even with the music playing in the speaker and the voices chatting around, her own voice was audible to hear.

Molina stops and looks back, her eyes which usually would hold animosity when it lands on Diana, was now filled with a look of indifference. She looks at her with a slightly raised brow as if asking her what is her reason for calling her out all of the sudden.

Everyone looks at the younger woman and thought, the dramatic scene that was about to be played tonight would be played by Molina. Not expecting the sudden scene of Diana engaging it first, this had gathered their attention.

Diana then looks hurt and showed it openly. Her face showed embarrassment and sadness.

"Oh no "

Eve sarcastically whisper to herself " here she comes--"

" I just wanted to talk to you, why are you being mean to me? Did I do something wrong? Big sister.... please don't be mean to me...like that.. all I wanted was to talk to you? " Diana says as pitiful as she could muster. Her appearance was like a wronged person, the few people who didn't know the situation or wasn't able to see what happened before was already siding with the blonde miss.

Even Hubert Graham and the two male leads of the night had quickly headed towards them.

" Diana what happened? " Hubert quickly assessed his adopted daughter from head to toe. Diana held her father's arm and tried to hide from Molina, as if she was scared of the older step sibling who would do something towards her.

Oh geez, he thinks I did something to her?? Please

Eve rolled her eyes openly and Hubert saw such act.

Jonathan and Dave were brave enough to confront situation with Molina even with their ignorance of the situation, they were quick to point fingers.

"What have you done?" Jonathan had look at Molina with so much anger and killing intent, that if looks could kill, Molina should be dead by the moment.

Only Eve wasn't affect and thought seeing Jonathan jump into conclusions made her cringe.

" Molina Sylvia, you shameless woman, just what on earth are you thinking hurting Diana? In a company party no less?? Have you finally lost your mind?!" Dave's blue eyes was filled with anger as he stride towards Molina with large steps.

" Apologize quickly, before I call Security! "

He tries to grabs her wrist but surprisingly, she slap his hand away harshly and looks at him with unaffected gaze.

Her golden eyes didn't show any tremors of being suddenly approached, she stood there calmly but her unwavering gaze stayed to the blond man who was towering her.

Her black hair and dark red evening gown made her skin even lighter, with her calm and composed attitude, she was like a woman of authority looking down on filthy man who dared try to touch her.

" Dave Smith, If you try to touch me again...." She took a step closer and her voice was enough to reach a few people yet her tone held a heavy warning that she never used before that made Dave and even the rest of those who had listened, feel scared.

" I won't hesitate to do my worse Mr. Smith, don't point your fingers at me brat, also--" she then looks at the other batchelor who had looked stunned by her behavior.

" Back off and stop accusing me without any proof, she approached me first. You can ask the ladies with Mrs. Holley as they saw the whole shit show happening, so step back Dave Smirt-- before you'd regret and embarrass yourself even more"

Seeing the woman who was shorter than him, saying threats, shouldn't scare him. Dave was more muscular and tall, he could subdue Molina without a problem, but her words were so simple yet it was like a heavy promise that would happen seeing the way she looks straight at his eyes and with a dark tone coming from her mouth.

The words coming from her were usually childish words of envy and tantrums, no one expect her to be so calm as she attacks him back with hostile words.

The light party music did not match the atmosphere of the hall, people were starting to wonder what was going on and those who saw what the commotion was all about started to look around awkwardly and quietly.

Diana hadn't expected for Molina to even use her head, she expected for Molina to start crying and point her fingers to her younger sister just like before.

Hubert Graham didn't want this kind of atmosphere to continue, but even trusting his biological daughter's words---he shuts her down with an angry remark.

" Molina! If you're only here to make trouble then get the hell out!!! I had enough!!!! Don't show your face in the company again, you are now fired!!! "

Hubert Graham points his finger at her, he steps away from Diana who covered her mouth with both of her hands. She looked surprised by her father's remarks.

The rest of the people gasp and secretly pulls out their phones, the crowd gathered and the sound of the music was covered with murmurs and whispers.

"Starting from this day, you are not my own child, you are not my daughter anymore! a shameless woman like you.... never appear of our sight again, I had enough of your tantrums and childish behavior, Go leave this place and stay quiet like a dead rat! " The howl of an angered man lay heavy on everyone's ears, even Dave and Jonathan looked too surprised knowing what would happen if Molina lost her father's support.

Jonathan looked at Huberts back and then to the woman with a fiery dark colored night gown, standing without a tremble on her figure.

Molina Sylvia places her hand on her mouth and showed a wicked smiling expression as if what she heard was the most thrilling news that she ever got in her life. The goledn lights illuminated from the stage showers on her figure and her expression became as clear as day.

After that, she laughs openly without a care of what or who was in front of her.

Her laughter drowned the whispers and gathered the peoplez attention.

Hubert who was still in an angry state, did not like how all of his threat was received mockingly by this woman.

Eve on the other hand was on euphoria.

" That's funny! whole life, I thought it was clear that you were not my father? " she gave another laugh seeing how Hubert was mad at as she retort.

"News flash! I never wanted to be your daughter too and I was never your daughter the moment you abandoned me. I never had a father, he is dead to me! " Molina smiles like a Villainess and Hubert couldn't help but keep quiet, unable to refute.

"Also, have you forgotten Hubert Graham, My name is Molina Sylvia " Eve continues as brushes her hair away with a large smile in her face.

Eve knew what she said was a lie. Molina always wanted to be the daughter who received affection and attention but that was Molina, now it was Eve permanently her shoes and Eve had grow to hate how desperate Molina was for a speck of respect and love she will never have. With the system acting as a judge, a punisher, she couldn't do anything but send Molina and herself to the same sad ending.

But now, she had the opportunity to walk away from that ending.

" You don't deserve to know whole my life story, so I will lay it down for you as simple as possible. I hate you----no--- I despise you for being an irresponsible and neglectful father and prayed everyday for me not to see your face, and thank God because finally, you did something right once in your life, thank God for you offer because I never wanted to be associated with you anymore. Please disown me, I would looooooove for our relationship as father and daughter to end right here and right now, do it. I would also love that you never contact me and my mother ever again."

Eve was on a roll here, Go woman!!!!

VeronicaJadecreators' thoughts
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