
The Beginning After the End - God of the Mana

What would happen if a reader addicted to the novel and fan fic of The Beginning After the End woke up in the middle of the Elshire forest as a baby without knowing how he got there, being taken in by Rinia Darcassan? Will he try to change the fate of the characters he came to adore through the novel but could only see suffer or will he resign himself to the tyranny of fate and the ruling gods of that world? The original work The Beginning After the End is property of Turtleme, this is just a fan fic from my own perspective

Haruto1028383 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Bladeheart I

POV Julian Kingscrown

I spent two whole months in Elenoir helping Tessia and Alea with their assimilation

I estimate that exactly in one more year they will have assimilated all the will without my help, so I will let them finish the process with their own skills

In the meantime I have three plans, to do this year before entering the academy, one finish all the projects with Gideon, two develop the Ether orbs with the help of Barbatos and three ask Mordain for help to train me

There is nothing like fighting with an Asura, and with my core in medium silver I should be able to keep up with the situation, besides at the end of this period I should be at the same level as Cynthia when I start my life as a student

With that I will have enough preparation to face Uto and stop Draneeve's plans

Right now I'm walking to the Xyrus academy to meet Cynthia and get first-hand news about the Alacryan situation, I also needed to ask her for a way of communication to talk to Mordain

(Welcome to the academy Julian) I heard Dryas's voice through the mental link

(Hello Dryas thank you, how have you been, did anything happen that I should know?) I spoke asking her about her state

(No, I have continued to watch Kai as you asked, but he has been very cautious since the incident in the Dire Tombs, he only sends some information updates about influential nobles in Xyrus nothing more) she replied

(Does that mean that Draneeve still does not show up right?) I asked confirming my suspicions

(Yes I have not been able to track him down) she said in an apologetic tone

(Don't worry, we know they are being more cautious than we anticipated at first) I said trying to cheer her up

(Understood) Dryas replied

(Thank you for helping me with the surveillance of Kai) I said entering the grounds of the Academy

(It's for something better, so I don't mind) She said in a melodic tone

(Still I thank you for your support) I replied warmly

After advancing carefully through the campus, I checked that the device was correctly active to prevent them from knowing my core central level

As I looked at some of the renovated facilities in the academy, as well as some new unique tools that Cynthia asked Gideon for protection, I felt a very familiar mana signature again and not only that but also as the last time it seemed to be spying on me

It was Claire, I'm sure classes haven't started yet, what is she doing here at this time besides?

I decided to pretend ignorance and continued my way, but there was something very strange, not even after several minutes had she made any contact, she was only watching me

Is this what a stalker means? I remember that's how the obsessive yanderes started in my old world, that thought sent a chill down my lower back

No calm down, she must have something to tell me if that's the case, when I was about to say her name I felt two other mana signatures and there was one I didn't expect to see here

A few meters ahead of me around the corner of the hallway I saw Kaspian come out accompanied by Cynthia

When the latter saw me she gave me a slight smile of discomfort, I see, she didn't expect me to be here at this time

Kaspian also changed his gaze from Cynthia to me, in his eyes I could see interest and surprise but above all understanding

Did he find out? Will the Alacryans have found me? As several thoughts crossed my mind

Cynthia stepped forward and introduced me, "Kaspian, he is one of my disciples, as well as one of the next students of the Xyrus academy, although there is still some time to see him on campus"

Following her idea I introduced myself, "nice to meet you Mr. Kaspian, my name is Julian Kingscrown" I spoke introducing myself

He began to approach and extended his hand as he introduced himself, so without thinking much I extended my hand to return his greeting

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kingscrown, my name is Kaspian Bladeheart" he spoke squeezing my hand, this reminds me of the time we met at the guild

Wait a minute, this situation, I immediately turned my gaze to the nervous one and my worst suspicions were confirmed

Kaspian had a victorious smile on his face as if he had just confirmed something, I didn't realize that this guy was trying to corroborate my identity by means of a simple handshake

"I didn't expect the adventurer Fenrir to be such a young person" he spoke with a bright smile on his face

"Haaaah" Cynthia let out a tired sigh, just like me, I didn't expect this situation to turn out this way


POV Claire Bladeheart

A year ago

"Uncle, is it true that there is an adventurer who explores dungeons alone" I entered my uncle's room without knocking because I was so excited

Uncle Kaspian looked at me sideways and spoke, "why are you interested in the person of the rumors"

"Because he sounds strong and noble, thanks to his information the death rate has been reduced, isn't it true? I said as I waited impatiently for his answer

"The rumor is true, we have paid several commissions for his work, he seems very skilled and benefits us both sides, but he is not as noble as you think he is, it is just a way of benefiting himself" said my uncle Kaspian still looking at the documents in his hand

"Why do you work if you are not in the guild" I said frowning

"I have too much work thanks to the person you are so interested in" he replied in a tired tone

"Really? Let me see, what did he find this time" I quickly approached to try to find out what was the new information he had gathered

My uncle gave me a disapproving look as he let me see the documents

This time it was about a dungeon that had not been found, it was in an unexplored and dangerous area deep in the beast clearings

The information gathered said that there were lizard-type monsters, beasts of three to five meters with scales of different colors, each one had distinctive magic according to its color

From some with a very high defense, to others capable of spitting fire, there were even some capable of throwing magma

Every time I read the information that this lone adventurer sent to the guild I was excited, to know new beasts, to explore places that no one has reached and to get new experiences must be amazing

After listening to my uncle complain that someone had increased his workload, I became interested in this person and for the last two years reading his reports was always very satisfying, it was one of the few pleasures I had besides the sword

Fenrir was a rather peculiar name, it was the first time I heard it in fact and although my uncle talked about the mutual benefit arguing that there were no noble reasons for what he did

Indirectly, he was saving lives, he was also helping Dicathen to prosper, he was a pioneer in his own field and although it did not seem like it, sharing that information, was not something he was obliged to do, he could have continued with his solo explorations gaining benefits for himself

But he didn't, he brought this information to the guild, so that other people could see it too and thus avoid deaths due to lack of knowledge

It is true that they could call him crazy for exploring the dungeons alone or even foolish for sharing the information that he managed to collect while moving through the beast clearings

However, for me his actions have a different meaning, he wants people to know that the beast clearings can be explored, that fills people with hope

It is a sign of a brighter future for everyone or so I thought until a few seconds ago

----------------------------------------------------------Going back ten minutes before the encounter between Kaspian and Julian

How boring I thought as I walked around the empty campus of the academy, the reason I was here in vacation time is because my uncle had to consult something with the director Cynthia

So he asked me if I would accompany him, which I agreed, but there was nothing interesting to see without anyone on campus, while I was lost in my thoughts I saw someone not familiar, but unexpected

That boy again here? How unusual, I only saw his green flying beast, once in a while, but I never saw him again after I accompanied him to the director Cynthia's office

Will he come to look for the director? But we are in vacation season, will she even attend him? Besides, I still don't feel a mana core coming from him, will he come to cancel the enrollment with the director and tell her that he is not going to enter?

As I debated whether to talk to him or not, he continued walking around the campus observing the facilities as the last time he came and reached a crossroads where my uncle came out accompanied by Cynthia Goodsky

I saw how the director introduced them and my uncle seemed to have a look of interest, but the most surprised was me, I didn't know that the director had another disciple besides the princesses of Sapin and Elenoir

As I processed what I had just heard, I heard something that completely broke my common sense

"I didn't expect the adventurer Fenrir to be such a young person" said my uncle Kaspian

That left me breathless and with confused thoughts, it took me a few seconds to assimilate what I had just heard

But I couldn't accept it, how someone so young from whom I can't feel the core, is such a famous adventurer, besides why does my uncle seem to be sure

"I'm sorry Mr. Kaspian, could I ask you to keep this information secret, I have my reasons" said the white-haired boy named Julian

"I don't intend to reveal anything, I was just curious about your true identity and I already know it, besides I wouldn't want to be on bad terms with a future power of Dicathen" said my uncle with a friendly smile

"Claire don't you want to say hello to him" spoke again my uncle Kaspian, looking in my direction

My body became rigid and nervousness sprouted from my face, besides I still couldn't accept what I had just heard, but still I came out slowly from the hallway with stiff steps heading in their direction

My uncle had a doubtful look as he saw me approach them and asked "Are you feeling well Claire? You look very tense"

"No, uncle, I'm just a little surprised" I said nervously as I looked at the boy named Julian

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Claire" he said with a friendly smile on his face

"Likewise, Julian" I said giving my hand nervously, he took it and gave a slight squeeze

"I didn't expect you to know each other" said my uncle with one of his eyebrows raised

"She guided Julian the first time he came to my office" replied the director Cynthia

"I see that explains it, but Claire, why do you act like this, didn't you want to meet..?"

"Aaaaahhh, uncle, that's a secret" I said sweating profusely as I avoided him finishing talking, about something that could have embarrassed me

"Could you give us a second to me and my uncle" I asked as I saw the Director and Julian

"Sure" they both answered in unison

After moving away a little from where the Director Cynthia was, I spoke in a low voice to my uncle

"Uncle Kaspian is it true what you said, he is Fenrir" I asked hoping it wasn't true

"Yes, don't you believe me?" he said with a disapproving face

"Just look at him, besides I can't feel his core, can someone like that be such a famous adventurer" I said trying to make him see reason

"I see, that's why you don't believe me, but I'm sorry to tell you that he has a device that blocks the perception of his core below a certain level" said my uncle looking at me

"Is that so?" I asked in a doubtful tone

"Do you have your rapier with you?" He said with a playful smile

"Yes, why the question?" He made a grin of joy and started walking again towards the Director and Julian

I was confused, but still followed his steps without asking, when we were again in front of them my uncle spoke "Julian, my niece is somewhat inexperienced, so she finds it hard to believe that there is someone so young being an adventurer that she admires, so I could ask you for a practice fight with her to teach her some reality"

My eyes opened in surprise and I couldn't articulate a single word, I didn't think my uncle would do this, he not only said something embarrassing about me, but he also asked for a sparring out of nowhere

Immediately, I turned to look at Julian to see his reaction and he seemed very interested as he looked at me

For some strange reason I felt a chill in my lower back, as if a predator was looking at his prey and I couldn't shake off that feeling until he spoke seconds later

"Of course, I'm always delighted to fight with talented people, besides Miss Claire was trained by you personally, right Mr. Kaspian?" Julian answered

"That's correct, is it because of the way we walk that you noticed it?", my uncle asked in a curious tone

"Yes, they have some similarities, Director Cynthia could ask for a room to be able to carry out the sparring with Miss Claire" Julian spoke as he asked for guidance from the director

I thought she would reject them, but strangely it didn't happen, am I the only one who thinks something is wrong here

That's how I ended up in front of Julian in one of the training rooms, he with a sword in his hand and me with a rapier in mine

Guys, here I have brought two caps again, speaking of updates that you prefer, I tried a daily cap except for Sundays and the week went by, I modified it by two every couple of days, how does it feel better?

Also, guess who was looking for images of Clare and in the manhwa found an exquisite shot of the redhead's good ass

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