
Chapter 91- What my wife says, goes

Zhi Hei couldn't help, but laugh after Shi Xue's comeback. His wife's comeback only gets more and more vicious and bone cracking towards the opponent.

Zhi Hei: "Pfffffftt hahahahahhaha"

Sih Xue frowned slightly as she was interrupted from listening to her opponent's next comeback.

Yu Rou took this chance to smirk, "Zhi Hei's laughing at how ridiculous you sound. You should listen to your own words for once and notice how funny and impossible it is!"

Shi Xue: "I don't need to listen to my own words because I'm stuffed with the sweet chirps of Zhi Hei's since I've woken up. Even so, it wouldn't be me who listens to my words when I say them, Zhi Hei is. Ah! and did I mention the best part?" She grinned evilly at Yu Rou, sending dangerous vibes to her body. Earlier mother Huang's aura frightened her. This time, Shi Xue's aura made her feel like she's pushing herself to her own suicide. It felt as if she could see a train coming from the tracks and she was just standing there waiting for it to hit her. She almost peed herself from Shi Xue's glance.

Yu Rou: W..what?"

Shi Xue smirked, "What I say, goes."

Yu Rou: "Huh? How is that the best part?"

Shi Xue: "Pffft Hahaha sorry, to you it is the worst part!"


Shi Xue: "Oh? you don't seem to want to accept reality the way it is ... Zhi Hei~repeat what I just said and kiss me." she looked up from her seat to see the handsome man's pleasurable expression.

"Sure." he leaned down and kissed the girl's cheeks, forehead, nose, and finally... her sweet delicious lips.

"What my wife says, goes." his voice had never been as gentle as this and his gaze was still focused on Shi Xue. His gaze never once focused on Yu Rou....

Yu Rou lost her balance after hearing him say that. The expression on mother Xia and Gu Yue darkened. Mother Xia couldn't beleive the wench in front of her who was being treated like a royal princess would be in such favor by the Huang's. Not only that, her looks and body were better than her daughter's. But her daughter can still win! She has Zhi Hei's child in her stomach! Yes! It's their bloodline! They can't deny this!

Xia Gu Yue looked at Shi Xue with fiery and jealousy. Shi Xue's face alone was like a carved goddess coming alive. She was bare faced and her hair was slightly messy, but it didn't affect her mighty aura. She was such a jewel to the eye.

Xia Gu Yue thought of different possibilities to break free from this situation and at the end she remembered she had a slightly useful husband who had some power in the industry. She doesn't give one fuck for her stupid sister and niece anymore. If it weren't for them, she wouldn't be on a sunken ship like this...

Mother Xia: "Lady, you look like a decent and young woman. How could you be so vicious to wreck a heart warming family? My daughter is already pregnant with Zhi Hei's child. Do yourself a favor and scram because there's literally no place for you to stand in this family. I'll even let you leave in one piece safe and sound. It's not too late to turn back."

Maybe because Shi Xue had taken the strong herb medicine in one chug and didn't have time to let it digest, she started patting her chest. The next moment, she hiccuped and made gestures of wanting to vomit. Zhi Hei quickly poured her a cup of warm water and rubbed her back gently. He was extremely worried about her health since she forced herself out of bed to join the fun. When Chen Mu took a step forward, Shi Xue gave a vexatious smile to the people around her.

Shi Xue: "Sheesh, I already told you to not worry about me too much. Morning sickness is exactly normal!"

Zhi Hei smiled dotingly at his naughty wife, who still manages to use her illness as a weapon against her enemy to make them spit blood. Mother Huang had already given birth to two kids, so she knew that Shi Xue's reaction weren't signs from pregnancy. Since Shi Xue wishes to play an act, then as a mother in law, how can she not support her?

Mother Huang: "Oh! You poor thing! You must be so tired carrying my precious grandchild. Me and old Huang had long been waiting for a grandchild!! Thank goodness you're giving us such a blissful little member soon!!"

Father Huang had caught his wife's signal to play along with her.

"Zhi Hei! How did father teach you? You must take care of your wife properly! She is two people now!!"

Zhi Hei smiled happily and rubbed Shi Xue's stomach, "my fault, my fault! That's why I didn't let her run around earlier! I was afraid she would be hurt! Chen Mu already announced earlier that her and our child is fine. The poison didn't affect our child hehe." he put his head close to her bosom with closed eyes and huge smile. Exactly... like an excited father...

Shi Xue stroked some parts of his wavy hair and giggled, "Silly"

Shi Xue lifted her head and directed her sharp gaze towards mother Xia, "Listen up old hag, Whether you are this maggots' (Yu Rou) mother or aunt or whoever, none of you are leaving unharmed tonight. This I absolutely guarantee. I never challenged any of you, but you guys only knew how to keep picking fights with me. You guys gave me a home wrecker title, when Yu Rou was playing a full monologue all by herself this whole time. You just got played around your noses by a girl whose not even a third of your current old ages. Elders are supposed to be a role model, not serve as a criminal encourager. Prepare to reap what you sowed. "

Yu Rou blocked out all the words that she said just now. Her mind was blasted with the same words repeatedly, "She's pregnant with Zhi Hei's child."

... that place is supposed to be mine. His sperm is supposed to be mine alone! But I get nothing but other men's touch!!! Despicable!! I need her to die!! Heh, pregnant? We'll see about that. I'll make you lose your chance of being a mother once the challenge is over, you whore!!

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