
Chapter 170- I Love You

-Few months later-

Shi Xue stayed home for the past week while Zhi Hei was busy with work. Even though he claimed that he was working, he rarely replied to her messages and always came home on time for dinner. Something smelled fishy, but she couldn't say what. One typical afternoon, she was flipping through a fashion magazine and came across a very adorable set of baby clothing and snapped a picture to Hui Yan.

Hui Yan excitedly called her, "So cute!!!! Buy buy buy!! Which magazine is this???"

"I'll buy it for your child! It's the Starry Motion magazine."

"Thank you!! You've been buying so many things for my child!"

"I can't wait for your child to be born! These things are my blessings for your child! When I have mine in the future, I'm sure you'll dress him or her up too!"

"Ohh ohhh!! Are there some news with your tummy? hmmmm?"

"Nope, but I've been having very sweet dreams lately."

"Oh? dreams??"

"I dreamt of Zhi Hei holding a little girl on his lap while sitting on our swing chair. The little girl was sleeping soundly with the sweetest smile on her face. Then I joined in and he hugged me using his other arm while we enjoyed the sunset."

"These could be premonition dreams!! Sis in law!! You should go more often to your obgyn maybe your little sweetheart is along the way~"

"Hahaha, how is Shen Qi lately? Is he treating you well?"

"He's sticking to me like a rice ball whenever he is free. He changed his bad habits like throwing his clothes everywhere and not washing them. Maybe he finally felt like he needs to be responsible as a father and play as a role model."

"Do you know the gender of the child yet?"

"No, the next time I go for a check up I will be able to know. It's already been 5 and a half months. Time flies by so quick...How are you and big bro doing? Alot of naughty naughty? Hmm hmm? Let this bored pregnant woman hear some excitement would you?"

"He treats me very well. Haha, as for excitement almost every day we have at least once intimacy."

"Wooooo, wow wow wow!! I'm missing so much because of pregnancy. Ahhh... sorry sorry mommy is wrong. mommy is very happy so don't kick my bladder."

"Hahah! Is the little one raising an opinion?"

"Pffft, this little one has my personality for sure. Always moves around and reacts when we talk about him or her. But very obedient. Sometimes when I am bored, having him or her in my stomach feels so much better."

"Ahhh, sounds so great to have such a connection. I wonder how I'll be when I get pregnant."

"You'll end up having a working at home CEO by your side accompanying your every step. Every corner of the house including the carpets will be removed so that you wont have the slightest chance of tripping, falling, bumping, or any type of injury listed in the encyclopedia."

"Haha... sounds pretty exaggerated."

"Wanna bet?"

"no. my child will be made out of pure love, not based on a bet."

"Tch. Boring~~ I'm hungry, it's time for my lunch~ I'll talk to you later~"

"mmm.. be careful! Let me know if you need anything."

After the phone call ended, Shi Xue sighed as she faced the walls in her room. She subconsciously touched her tummy and wondered how great it'll feel if a small being is growing inside of her. She really wanted to have a child too, but wasn't sure whether she was ready for one. She also didn't know if Zhi Hei would want one this fast.

sigh.. I wonder if he's still working..

It's too bored being alone. If I go outside, there's nothing much to do...

-Phone rings-


"Xue~ Are you busy today?"

"Nope. Why?"

"I want to go to the planetarium. I heard it is very beautiful, but I don't want to go alone."

"What about mother Huang?"

"She should spend some time with her husband ya know? I stick to her so much nowadays your father Huang is sulking."

"Hahahahaha father Huang must be jealous of your private talk sessions pffft."

"That's why, mommy wants to let them have their own time. Since it's not often for you and I to have time to spend together... what do you say? Go on a date with me okay?"

"Sure. I'm bored at home too."

"Alright. Mommy will come pick you up~ Be ready in like an hour?"

"Mmmm.. alright. I'll see you later."

-phone ends-

Shi Xue hummed a sweet tune as she picked out her outfit for the day. She smiled and chose a white sleeveless dress that had flower designs on it. "This looks good. Ever since we got Shi corps back, everything went really well. With Zhi Hei's help and guidance, we managed to expand our business. Our company is doing very well with his management and mom took over. I still can't believe she actually knew all these business management stuff. "

Shi Xue paused when she thought back to a few months ago...

-Shi Corp's chairman room-

"Mom, are you sure you want to be in charge of the company? If you don't, I could learn."

"Nope. This is one of the last things your father left us. Your father and I used to work by each other's side for Shi corps. Now that he is gone, I should continue this business for his sake and mine." her eyes reddened.

Shi Xue immediately rubbed Qian Ling's back. "Mom is just a bit emotional. I want to take a good look at the things he left for us. You're still young so I don't want you to trap yourself with business. Maybe in the future you'll find something that you're interested in doing. Mom missed out the years of your childhood so now I want to support you in the best way I could. Do whatever you want."

"Mommy, dad will definitely be smiling right now. hehe"

Qian Ling touched Shi Xue's face and smiled, "You grew up so beautifully. I'm so glad we had you. You're the best present your dad has ever given me. Anyways, mommy wants to spend some time with your daddy. You can leave first. I want to be alone for a bit."

"Okay. But don't stay for too long okay?"

"Mmm. Hurry and go on your date." she smiled warmly.

Shi Xue didn't leave immediately. She stood by the door to make sure her mom was alright.

After a while, she heard a few sniffles from the office. A low brittle voice that sounded heartbreaking echoed in the office..

"Hubby, I'm back. But you're gone... I won't ever forget even the teeniest bits of memories we've had from a small office to today's success. I will always remember the days where we would share two breads and water together to save money for our first office. When we chose the bread, you would always choose the two I favorite the most even if it is not to your tasting. You know, you may not be the best looking man, but your gentleness and warmth were more than enough to melt my heart. Your confident eyes showed me our future. It is because of you that I believed in us. Even though times were rough in the beginning and everyone were against our relationship, I never felt happier. Those years of my youth were adventurous and unforgettable, thank you so much for loving me.."

There was a slight pause before the speech continued..

"I've already bought the spot next to your grave, so when I die, I'll be resting next to you. The time we've spent together may be short, but we were very happy. Thank you for giving me the past centuries of happiness and making my marriage complete. I won't say heart because without you, it is no longer complete. A part of me is emptied and will remain this way until you find me again. So.. if reincarnation does exist, you better find me over and over again. okay?"


"Remember for one of our anniversaries, we promised to tell each other what we meant to one another for every anniversary to come? Today is our 40th anniversary and I want to tell you that you are my eternity. Even though you are gone, the feelings you left me are still deeply engraved in my heart. Till now, it still hurts to turn around and see that you're not there behind me. "

Shi Xue covered her mouth as her tears flowed down the corner of her eyes..

"I love you, my soul-mate, best friend..my everything. Until I meet you again 6 feet under the ground, I promise that I'll live happily and smile the brightest. I will look after our daughter and bring our grandchildren to visit you in the future. I miss you dearly and hope that you will visit my dreams sometime too."

Shi Xue wiped her tears and quietly exited to the parking lot. Zhi Hei had been waiting at the parking lot for a while and was getting worried since Shi Xue messaged him saying she would be down around 15 minutes ago.

When Shi Xue saw Zhi Hei's car, she rushed over to the driver's seat and opened the door. The first thing she did was kiss Zhi Hei intensely and gave him a tight hug.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too..what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing.. I just feel like life is too short so I should say these words more often."

"mmm..let's go get you some lunch, you must be hungry."

"okay..let's find a day to visit my dad with my mom."

"Sure, whenever you want to go just let me know."

She smiled and got into the passenger seat.

-End of flashback-

Shi Xue realized she was tearing up again and quickly wiped her tears before rushing to get ready.

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