
The Beautiful Me

If you were a young girl obsessed with your Beauty looking to sacrifice anything to maintain it though matter what it costs.Then this thrilling piece is for you dive into an adventurous underworld with Amber and her pretty Peggy and get swayed into an exciting journey. Don’t miss out in this new world Amber wants to find let’s go along with her on this fun filled travel.

Faithysia · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"Loel's POV*

Loswitach, the Fields of the Forgotten was quite humid this evening the flowers must be in bloom I thought in relief.

At least my mistress would get a cool shelter from the harsh temperature of the day,strolling towards the river bank I stumbled upon a piece of rock in the blink of an eye I was at the edge of the river side.

"That was close" I mumbled as my breathing increased I rolled over to get back on my newly gotten claws as I'd have it,I joked plaintively in my mind.

I only had to get water for my mistress which would have been the most simplest task not even worth contemplating on how to attain it.

I looked at my reflection in the water closely for the first time after our encounter with the sly fox.I knew what I was but like the old scholar,Nigphil would say seeing is believing.

I had furs all over my body,sparking eyes,light flappy ears that could sense the wind and any strange movements this was an unforeseen advantage I admitted to myself shamelessly.

The mud must have changed the actual color of my fur from all that falling,I used my claws to randomly dig at anything frequently well it wasn't abnormal just as a dog should behave stereotypically.

I sighed staring up at the darkening sky,the moon peeped through the huge tree tops and young birds chirping for their missing parents.

Some of which might not be actual birds I shuddered at the thought,the use of spells had been abolished for donkey's years in the whole of Witslon,the Mist Universe.

But some stubborn witches and wizards went in search of sorcery....

Halting in my thoughts I remembered I was here to collect water for my mistress and it had gotten dark already.

"Oh foolish Loel" how could you?? I scolded myself.

I plunge into the water realizing I wouldn't be able to swim if I drowned,stepping back an idea popped up in my head.

* Amber's POV *

Opening my eyes halfway through the long slumber after having a flowered dream. Supposedly I saw lots of flowers from different species it was unending and for a moment I felt like a flower myself a beautiful one at that.

"Hey wake up! Wake up! sleepy head Are you dead or alive?? Answer me." A tiny lively voice called out worriedly.

"She's probably dead what else can you expect from a dried up rose that's beginning to shrink due to lack of water." A grumpy voice replied indifferently.

My brain immediately roared back to the present despite my blurry vision I could still glimpse at numerous images of colorful flowers.

"Flowers again?" I asked myself dumbfounded or maybe this was another flowery dream I closed my eyes hoping to get rid of the illusion.

"Master Wolgnut, the Gardener is going to be here any minute from now if you don't want to be plucked out you'll have to bloom." The tiny voice advised sweetly.

At that point I heard the voice more audibly as though it was very close to my ear and it didn't sound like a familiar voice.

"Let her be she's bound to be thrown out anyways." The rude voice spoke out again.

In a jiffy my view cleared out,behold I was staring back at breeds of gigantic pretty flowers the scenery captivated my soul.

Where in the world do you get to see giant flowers everyday? I could be the sole founder of the first set of these flowers I thought pleased with myself.

I had been so devastated for the past few days about my face but this discovery lightened up my mood.

I should even open up a documentary show online I'd be very famous for life and I was definitely going to travel abroad for a plastic surgery I knew Aunt Rosy could object,since it'll be from my money she'd have less opinions.

"Hey Rose what are you looking at? Where did your fury friend go? Is he going to get any water from the Magical Stream?" The excited voice rang out again.

I scrutinize the surrounding again

"Where did that voice come from" I asked myself whispering I tried moving my legs to walk but it was stuck somehow.

Another thought ran through my mind.

" Where was I? There's no way Aunt Rosy would have let me out without company and why did this environs seem like a forest.

I felt adrenaline rush in my spine

out of fear. One of the reasons why I never watched horror movies was because they were pointless but creepy.

"She's so clueless stop acting like you're better than the rest of us.Your question is so silly." The other voice mocked with contempt.

"Don't feel bad because of Maggie she's in one of her moods today." Assured the tiny voice.

From what I observed the whole area were filled with only flowers so where did these voices come from.

And why couldn't I feel my legs and arms anymore? Even my hair isn't dropping on my shoulders like before. To worsen the case I still wasn't able to move.

I needed help or maybe my dream hasn't ended yet I might have just imagined it had.

On second thought I decided to call for Nanny Elsa.

"Nanny Elsa! I'm stuck. Are you somewhere around? I can't move my body." I cried out with my whole being trembling.

The grumpy voice roared with laughter.

I calmly looked at the giant flowers,a Chrysanthemum waved probably as a result of the breeze or did the wavering just rhyme with the laughter I heard.

"Stop it Maggie. Dear Rose who's Natty Ela you called out for right now is it your fury friend's name? I'm Liya by the way." Liya, the Daisy said.

"Do flowers talk?" I asked myself aloud. Yes they do only in mythical fantasy books where I read about them.It was more like I entered into one of those books.

"Another foolish question of course we talk Liya check out our beautiful red rose's attitude. She's such a princess." Maggie blabbered sarcastically.

"Who are you guys please and where am I?" I spoke out this time my heartbeat accelerated as though I'd collapse any minute from then.

"Oh dear you're a newly grown red rose. You were replanted in Master Wolgnut's garden a few days ago but you've been asleep for a while and would wither away soon. Only the drops from the Magical Stream can save you." Liya explained hurriedly.

Me? A red rose? Impossible!! Was I dead? Who had killed me? Pertaining to the few memories I could come up with in my head.

My face just got scarred after I had collided into the broken mirror pieces on my reading table.

A remainder of my memory crossed my mind

The light from the frame? Yes! That was it

After it had shone brightly in my room, my brain went numb and I fell into this trance.

Flowers do not talk in reality so where was this place? "Land of the Dead Reincarnation into flowers?" I thought perturbed.

"It can't be I still breathe and see like a human it's not possible that I'm only a red rose. I was beautiful." I said in denial this fantasy would come to an end after I woke up I concluded closing my eyes.

"Little Reddie acts so stubborn it'll be the death of her." Maggie retorted scornfully.

"This isn't time to dream or gibber.You'll die by sunrise tomorrow and we only have few moments left." Liya warned

"Mistress I'm here with the Magical stream water it'll come in handy." A masculine voice shouted from afar.

"Oh the doggie is here." Maggie revealed stretching her neck slightly.

"This is good. Your furry friend is back." Liya called out smiling at me.

Flowers smile? How did I realize that though

"Because you're one too" A voice in my head echoed.

Then I watched the furry dog approaching me excitedly and running at it's best pace.

The furs, they reminded me of Peggy at the thought I paused.

"Peggy? Is that you?" I asked in spite myself

"His name is Peggy? Hmmmm sounds girlie ask him about the water." Liya encouraged

Why was this flower so interested in the water I wondered diverting my attention back to the talking dog then I felt nauseous.

"So dogs don't even bark here?" This world is unbelievable I can't bare to see this." I lamented hoping to appear on my bed sleeping peaceful like nothing happened or I didn't get to experience any of these.

"Mistress have you forgotten my name? I'm Loel your personal bodyguard everything is complicated right now but I'll tell you in details after sprinkling this water on you." Loel said moving closer to me. He looked more gigantic then the rest of us.

It was a weird sight to behold as the furry dog leaned it's big face towards me.

I shrieked instinctively scaring him away, and Loel scurried off for safety.

"The doggie is blue now????" Maggie asked rhetorically.