
The two of you can never be together again

As the sun was slowly setting, Huo Yifei blankly started at the sun.

She was sitting on a park bench looking at the sun setting. "The two of you can never be together again, so why are you going through so much pain?" She asked the sun, the sun wasn't going to answer her.

"What do you mean by that?" A voice asked her.

Yifei looked and saw a tall and utterly handsome man standing next to the bench. She could clearly tell that she was around her age.

The man had pale skin, and black eyes. She could tell that he was nicely built and his height could reach 6 feet 5 inches. His pitch-black hair was just the right length but the bangs reached his eye brows.

Anyone could tell that he was handsome, he had a godly aura around him but in his face had no expression.

"Umm...what?" Huo Yifei asked him.

"I asked what do you mean by the thing you just said." He asked in a complete monotone.

"The sun and moon story?" She asked in confusion.

"I don't know, you were the one talking to an inanimated object." The man replied.

Huo Yifei looked at her watch, it was quater to six. She then looked at the man. She knew what a person was feeling just taking a glance at them but right now she couldn't read the face of this man.

'Anyway I can easily kick his butt if something happens.'

She shifted a bit making enough space for the man to sit down. The man stood there blankly staring at the seat.

"You can sit down if you want." She said.

The man looked at the girl, she had an innocent look in her eyes. Feeling some what safe he sat down.

"So," Huo Yifei started her story in her soft voice.

"There once was Moon, who was as beautiful as anyone could be. She was so beautiful even the gods fell for her, the wifes of those gods were not happy with Moon so they tricked her into drinking a potion that brought marks all upon her face and body.

When all the celestial beings saw how Moon had become they made fun of her, mocked her, told her to leave the heavens and she did.

She ran away from the heavens and hid away at the shadows covering herself in the darkness.

Sun on the other hand was radiant as he could be, he brought lightness to the heavens. He had heard about Moon but had never seen her and was curious to see her.

One day while coming from heaven he saw her, Moon. She was bathing in a river, her body filled with marks but she still glowed. Sun fell in love with her.

After that Sun would follow Moon wherever she would go, soon even Moon fell in love with him but the celestial beings were not so happy, Sun was forgetting to bring light to the heavens so they went to the great goddess and lied about how Moon had seduced Sun.

The goddess was furious to what the Moon had done to Sun so she cursed that the Sun and Moon that they will never meet again and to ensure that she became a barrier between the, earth actually.

After many millennium the goddess knew the truth, but the cursed couldn't be reversed so she did some trick.

Sun and Moon would be able to meet every dusk and dawn but both will have to face a pain that was no better than death, together, the two agreed, for them being together was all that could matter.

Every time Sun or Moon sets they go through death like pain, together."

Huo Yifei completed the story and looked at the man next to her. He looked like how he was earlier, emotionless.

"That's..." He spoke in his husky voice. "Stupid."

"Huh?" Huo Yifei asked in shock. It was such a beautiful love story and the man just said it was stupid.

"Sun is a star full of hydrogen, helium and other gases, I could name all. And Moon is composed mostly of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium, and aluminum, meaning it is an inanimated object, they can't feel anything"