

Hi my name is Maggie Costa, I have dark brown hair, and a loving family, and I'm 13 as of two months ago. But like any day it started out completely normal. Same routine every day, wake up, get dress, brush teeth, brush hair, eat breakfast, and go to school. But it all happened so suddenly, not even a warning, then the nuclear bombs hit a few good kilometers from my school. And then we felt heat and then the students and my teacher just fell dead. I had no idea what was going on.

I was so confused as to what to do, I saw the explosion, the smell in the air was horrible. I wondered why was I the only one alive? I got up from my seat and walked outside, it felt different though it was not bright and sunny but the air had a yellow-ish look to it.

But then, I saw something big and furry, that looked like a werewolf but it look more beautiful and smarter and looked like a "he". He walked on his back paws, he looked super scary and about twice the size of a normal grown human. He had beautiful diamond and gold armor leathered on him and on his arm was a gold mark like he was branded. But he wasn't alone...

There was another one that looked like a she, she looked almost exactly like him but slightly smaller. She had the same armor on as he did, they looked around acknowledging everything around them. There armor clanked as the walked around. I hid so fast, scared of what the heck they might do if they found me. Thankfully they were just passing by so I could come out. Later I decided to call them, Grande Lupa's weird name I know but it sounds cool (Lupa for short).

I decided to walk back home which thankfully was just two blocks away. I thought it was strange how the cars where just tilted on their side. But hey, a big explosion just happen and I'm the only one alive. I see a person there on the side walk lying dead, along with their dog. Knowing, I can't unsee any of this.

The power was all out, except for one sign oddly enough. It said, "For those who are reading this, safe zones are in Greenland, Antarctica, far up north Canada, and Alaska."

Well I guess I'm going to Canada. I packed my clothes and some food (and other essentials) for the long journey up ahead.

Hello, I’m Sarah the one who wrote this introduction chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading! Please add it to your library if you did. (This Chapter was short sense it’s just a intro to it)

Sarah_And_JoCocreators' thoughts
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