
The Friendship Transaction

The dull sound of dripping water seemed to synchronize with Maloney's footsteps. The voice which called her into the cave, even though gave her a fright like meeting a strange man would, was warm and welcoming. It passed into her heart which was scared by loneliness by showing a similar mark at the door [1]. The further away she got from the entrance to the cave the drier it became. Puddles no longer made the ground a minefield of water. Eventually, after who knew how long, Gott did he was counting, a yellow light had crept onto the wall. Maloney paused, the sudden shift from dark to light made it impossible to see what was beyond the archway before her. Gathering her will to press on through both hopelessness of no other choice and courage she stumbled into the lair of Gott.

Gott had spent the past day using World Energy to move his items around and reorganize his cavern. He hung torches on the walls and in between each of the torches was either a statue or armor on display. There were purple curtains which made arches over each displayed object. One large rug covered the whole floor. In preparation, a large bed, chair, and table were set up near his head which was still protruding out of the back cavern wall but had no stone covering it. Gott's skin was black and rough like a Komodo dragon's but in the crevices between each bump was a lava-like glow. It looked as if somebody shattered rock only to find lava underneath. However, his horns merely looked like black bone and his eyelids didn't have the lava-like veins.

Maloney was stunned, she was expecting a burning lake of fire, but instead what greeted her was the beautiful cavern. However, when she saw the head at the back wall and the giant eyes staring at her. The bright blue eyes which seemed to shine became watery thinking about what horror she would have to go through.

Seeing this and not wanting the child to cry Gott spoke, "Do not weep child I will not harm you…"

Maloney looked towards the massive head with doubt. The clear distrust in her eyes worried Gott. It would be hard to create companionship with the companion is scared. Yet, this also caused confusion for Feuersberg, what specific reason would this child have to be frightened?

"Child, for what reason were you sent here?" this question had been bugging Gott.

"I'm the child selected for the sacrifice…" the meek and fearful voice stunned Feuersberg.

Yet, with only taking a moment to think, he could easily tell that the "sacrifice" was just motivation which the Mad Magician used. This wasn't what Gott expected but could tell that to clarify that point now would be useless but he instead would need to twist the meaning, but before he could do that all vital information was needed.

"Why were you picked as the one to come here?" Gott specifically avoided saying sacrifice has he had yet to change the meaning in Maloney's eyes

"Because… because to the village, I'm worthless!" Tears broke through the watery bubble which had, for a long time now, encased her big round eyes.

"Nonsense, why I don't even know your name yet and I can't think of you has anywhere near the notion of worthless! What in the world could be more valuable than you?" Gott was truly confused has companionship was in his opinion the only thing he lacked, so what else actually held value in the first place?

Maloney didn't verbalize her response but instead, with a shaking finger, pointed towards the piles of glittering items which could easily be understood as high in monetary value. The little girl, even though motioned one way, turned away as if shame the level of a student betraying a master was placed upon her whenever she saw the gold coins. But this reaction was no surprise to Gott as, when a child, having parents pick gold over you in the foolishness of innocence you place the burden upon yourself.

"Those glittering stones, you might as well say the dirt you step on is valuable! I guess to those simple-minded rocks are fun to play with, but for those with clear eyesight can easily tell that your more precious than all these pebbles combined." Gott smiled from his eyes, already working out the best way to calm down the girl and comfort her.

He was gambling with what he said, multiple words could have a reverse effect. The first thing that could go wrong was she could associate considering dirt as valuable with dirt is more valuable than me. The second way his sweet tones could turn coarse against her ears as if suggesting her parents as simple-minded could trigger childhood loyalty making a rift between them. Finally, if she likes to play with rocks he was doomed. Yet, he betted all this on the fact that she seemed analytical enough to separate what he spoke into the proper categorizations of meaning.

What contributed to Gott's belief in her overdeveloped maturity, for her age. Was first, the fact even though for only a little, she did not start to break down crying when she stepped into the cave. In a similar sense the fact she did not trust him right away, and didn't get distracted by the sparkling objects, led him to see that she didn't take things at face value. Also, the fact that a parent was willing to give up their child for gold, or the fact that gold played any part in the transaction at all made it plausible that other types of abuses occurred causing a line to be drawn between her and her parents. The only reason that she still held any attachment was the instinctual desire of parental approval.

Seeing the hesitation still in her eyes Gott spoke once again. "How about this to prove it, I will give you all these sparkly stones! Each and every one of them is yours but there is a catch… you have to be my friend, deal?"

Author's Thoughts-

Hello, I know it has been quite sometime but here is another chapter. I focused a lot on establishing different reasonings and making them clear so they don't have to be re-established/approached. KingDraco thank so much for the comment, even though it may have seem little to you the fact that somebody actually took time to comment gave me motivation, and just for you ill be trying to write a chapter each day this weekend, and try to at least get one done during the week.

Also for anybody else seeing me thank the King!!!! Draco!!!, I don't do it because the comment was positive (even though I am happy with that). I am in jubilation over the fact that some thought my story, at least in some way, was worth it enough to spend some of their time and shares their thoughts!

[1] Im trying to saying that her heart could feel the loneliness in Gott's voice so in welcomed it like a veteran would welcome another veteran even if they didn't know each other before.

P.S. I haven't edited my author's notes because i wanted to upload this as quick as possible for ya sorry for any typos!

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