
Founding Blocks of an Organization

When the Magician thought he could finally leave his heart was once again broken by the sound of Gott's voice.

"What is needed to start one of the said organizations? I personally would like nothing more than companionship, all this time alone takes its toll, and it seems like these organizations are the best way to do it." Gott was solemn while speaking this, as it was a grave matter to him.

"Three things are needed to establish a Guild, Sect, or Academy. First, is training manuals, that way you can train people yourself, not needing to rely on outside help. Second, is a safe place for people to train, so a city or compound of some sort. Finally, and most importantly people. Without people, no association can be formed." The Magician waited to see the reaction Feuersberg would have to the news.

Gott didn't even think about if he had any access to those resources as he knew he didn't. He immediately asked another question.

"Do know of any way I could obtain these things?" as Gott spoke he was surprisingly calm.

"I do have some ideas actually. I was going to ask if you would like to hear them, but guess there is no need since you asked yourself." The Magician talked as he walked towards the dead body of the Beast Kin Emperor.

The Magician bent down and pulled a few rings from the Emperor's fingers. Swiping his hands over them, a dim glow came from the rings as thousands of items started to line the walls of the cave. Mountains of gold were spread around the cavern. Different armors, weapons, and plants could also be found in piles. Chests of food and clothing, along with pieces of furniture made it clear that one of the rings could even set up a house. The Mad Magician grabbed a few gold circular objects. The orbs he held had were hallow in the middle, the item looked like golden vines growing on an invisible sphere. By merely touching the objects, they started to floats, and the flicker of a flame could be seen inside them. They lit up the cave reflecting light off different treasures. What was interesting, to Gott, was the fact that scrolls, books, and pamphlets where placed in boxes which were decorated with the most beautiful of minerals. Feuersberg watch as the human before him looked through the papers. Picking one of each type, pamphlet, scroll, and book. Then, with care, the Mad Magician brought the items he chose and stepped in front of Gott.

"Well my friend, here you are. Within these three things are the best Martial Artist, Mage, and Warrior training techniques I could find. But don't let my word best I could find fool you, they are very high grade. Each one should reach the 4th stage of their class respectively. You're going to have to choose which path you want your organization to follow. But more importantly, you must master these techniques and then make your own. Nobody likes copycats especially when it comes to training." When the Magician finished talking, he grabbed a large golden table and set in down in front of Gott opening each technique to the first stage practice instructions.

The Magician was expecting for Gott Feuersberg to comment, but instead, he stared at the first page of each technique. After 30 minutes of waiting, the Magician was going to ask if something was wrong, but before he could speak, Feuersberg spoke up.

"Could you please turn them to the next page, I am finished with the first." This statement shocked the Magician.

Sadly, he did not know that Gott's brain had the processing might of a supercomputer and the only reason why he had any question earlier was from how irrational the people of different classes acted. It made no sense to him, so he didn't assume anything. Listening to what Gott said the Mad Magician unrolled the scroll a bit, flipped to the book's next page, and unfolded another section of the pamphlet. This process continued for half a day until the end was reached and Gott closed his eyes in concentration. It is essential to state the though the Mad Magician called himself a weak Martial Artist, the truth was that he was feared by many people. If it wasn't for the ridiculous strength, the Emperor had, not a single card would have missed its mark. Thus, even though by now he had spent 4 days straight in the cave, no tiredness nor hungry came over him.

It was 2 and a half days until Gott opened his eyes again. A new profound light was in them, it was clear that he had grasped all the techniques to mastery. He stared at the Magician for a second who, even though hidden by the mask, was slack-jawed. Looking over the glittering room of treasure Feuersberg's eyes locked onto the gold, silver and a strange crimson metal, which, unknown to him, was called Fire Blood Steel. These materials raised into the air and slowly started to melt into a liquid form. They floated over to the golden table in front of Gott Feuersberg. His yellow eyes scanned the floating molten metal. It slowly thinned out and began to shape into 3 separate forms. A scroll, a book, and a pamphlet each using the gold, silver, and Fire Blood Steel. The scroll had a Fire Blood Steel rod attached to parchment with silver edges and a gold base. Much like the scroll, the book had Fire Blood Steel cover and bindings. The pages again had silver rims and a gold base. Finally, the pamphlet was a little unique as when completely folded the outside would only have Fire Blood Steel, while when unfolded, it would be similar to a big piece of parchment with the same design as the book and scroll. Then characters of written language and pictures of humanoid figures in different poses began to appear on the pieces of parchment. It was clear to the Mad Magician who was watching the process happen that Gott had already formed his own techniques for each class.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. I really can't think of a bon mot right now so instead I just right down an anti-joke.

What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?

"I have a gambling problem..."



A man went to a doctor and said "My wife suffers from a drinking problem."

The Doctor said "So she is an alcoholic."

The man said "No, I am"

TheWritingTunaCancreators' thoughts
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