
Hold On

The dungeon had been practically smoking from the outside as the buildings started to break apart. The smoke could be seen for miles on end as the sun had started to set over the horizon. Yami, Charlotte and Jack arrived on the scene as they saw the full extent of the damage.

"The Dungeon's collapsing!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Tch, damn it, come on, get out of there." Yami said

"KEKE--Looks like we missed the party." Jack said with his cackle.

"Don't tell me there was a failsafe in there!" Charlotte said, "They must still be inside!"

Yami had said, "well they better hurry it up."

Just as this was said they were taken back by a sudden explosion that came from the top of the building. There they saw out of the dust cloud had been the members of the Golden Wind, and the Black Bulls. Most of them had been screaming.

"HOLY SHIT!!" Fafanar and Pluck shouted as they flew down hard and fast.

Yami, Charlotte and Jack were quick to back up as the makeshift windcart came crashing in the ground, causing most of them to either face planted on the floor, landed on top of eachother, or they somehow managed to land on their feet. Just as they did, the dungeon soon became surrounded with a dust cloud as it nearly clouded everyone's vision; the ground soon stopped shaking.

"Everyone okay?" Yukiko asked as she dusted herself off.

"We're fine." Yuno said as he was able to keep a hold on Feodora while also keeping Brenin, Liam, and Saorise a float.

"Barely--!" Arfau moaned as he was stuck in a tree.

"Oh suck it up bro, you've been through worse!" Morwyn told him as she had been able to land on her feet.

"Plucky bestie--" Fafanar groaned, as he had been underneath Pluck "--I think you broke my spleen."

"Sorry...I would get up but something is weighing me down..also why is it breathing on my face?" Pluck groaned.

He looked to see Noelle was on top of him as her face was close to his as their chests Pluck began to scream on top of his lungs as well as Noelle. "Knock it off will ya?" Karasu said as he fell to his knees while using his sword to keep himself up, "There's no need to make us deaf."

"I'm sorry!" Pluck said "not my fault I have a certain someone on top of me!"

"What do you think you're doing!?" Noelle said before she slapped him across the face, making him shriek; she soon stood up, "You perverted Barbados!"

"ME?! I'M THE NOT THE ONE WHO WAS MOUNTING ME YOU STUPID SILVA!" Pluck shouted as he pinched her cheeks

The two were about to argue but soon flinched because of their muscle pains as they let out a collective groan.

"Maybe kill each other after you're healed?" Arfau asked as he was removed from the tree.

"Good everyone is still alive!" Klaus said relieved.

"Now let's get to the capital before--" Yukiko started to say as she turned though nearly choking on her spit as she saw a familiar set of captains before her eyes, "--WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!"

"What do you think we're doing here!?" Yami replied.

Karasu soon gulped as he asked nervously, "... Guess the cats out of the bag?"

Noelle added as she shook, "Y-Yep.."

"Where's the Princess!?" Charlotte said as she looked around noticing that she wasn't among them.

"Right here." Asta soon said as he recovered from the fall. Despite the huge amount of agony he had been in, and the grimoire he carried, he walked over to the captains as he held Prism in his arms; Luck had helped him to walk as well as Mimosa, who looked to be blushing a little. Nero had sat on top of Asta's head as she gave her usual expression. The little spirits had followed Asta as some of them changed to a shade of a sickly green.

"She's in pretty bad shape--" He explained as Yami, Jack and Charlotte noticed the crystal shard in her stomach and the state of her arms as well as the faint red from her eyes, "--We didn't know she was sick, we swear. We only found out after--"

"Save it." Yami told him as it made Asta flinch.

"You'll explain yourselves at the capital." Charlotte told him, before she eyed Karasu, Noelle and an unconscious Feodora, "All three of you."

"Don't be mad at them!" Asta said, "Pri just didn't want to burden anyone, that's all!!"

The Captains didn't really seem to buy into it as it made Asta nervous. Karasu soon let out a groan of annoyance, before he spoke up, "Alright look I don't care if you're pissed at me I got enough of that being a thief trust me, but just don't be so harsh with Prism! She didn't want everyone's minds to be on her while you were busy on other missions and potentially put people in danger!"

Noelle had added with a nod, "it's true! She told us to keep it from all of you! She didn't want you guys to worry about her." She soon eyed Pluck in particular as it made him flinch, "Especially to a certain someone."

"What's that supposed to mean you Otuu-" Pluck growled.

"Pluck not now!" Yukiko said, cutting him off.

"That and--" Asta soon said as he gestured to Saorise and Liam, "--She really wanted to see them! She was just worried about them as much as Brenin was and--"

Yami soon told him, "Okay okay, we get it."

"KEKE--It still doesn't change anything." Jack said.

The group soon jumped when Prism started to let out a hoarse cough as some of the blood seeped from her mouth. "Prism!" Asta exclaimed as he set her down while he sat on his knees.

"Her fever's getting worse!" Mimosa said after she placed her hand on her forehead.

"Ana latta as me!" Pluck said, "We need herbs! Do you think they're around here!? I'LL GO GET EM!!" Before anyone could stop him, Pluck had suddenly made a mad dash down the dirted path. Addeline yelled as she waved her stick, seeing as how she had been left behind, "QUACK!"

Yami sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "good grief.."

They soon heard Pluck cry out from a distance, "OW MY MUSCLES!"

"Though on a serious note, we do need herbs." Yukiko said.

"What sort of herbs?" Yuno asked.

"Maybe some methanol or I don't know, red clovers?" Yukiko replied.

"Good thing we came right on time." Yami said as he rummaged through his pocket. He soon took out a sack as most of them had been shocked when they saw he had taken out a flower.

"What is that?" Morwyn asked.

"That's--That's red clover!" Yukiko exclaimed, "Where did you--"

"Your daughter." Yami replied before he went over to Asta, "give these to her."

"O-Okay--" Asta said as he took the flower, "--But what am I supposed to do with them?"

"Grind them up, heat the water and get her to drink it--" Yami clarified, "--What else are you supposed to do with them?"

"Drink it?!" He exclaimed, "But we don't have any water!"

"Wait--!" Noelle said, "--Dorksta hold out your hands together!"

Asta set Prism on the ground gently before he did just that; Noelle held out her wand before she started to concentrate. A small sphere of water soon appeared above before it dropped into his palms, filling it. Luck soon took the red clover before he crushed it in his hands, letting the nectar leak into the water.

"That should do it." Luck said after sparking the water, getting it warm.

They could hear Prism let out another violent cough as she let out another groan. "Here Pri--" Asta said as Mimosa helped her to sit up, "--You need to drink this."

Prism could only weakly groan as the tip of his fingers touched her lips. She started to gulp down the somewhat sweet water as her vision started to worsen and the voices around her started to blur; her consciousness had slipped from her.

"Prism just hold on--" She heard Asta say as her vision darkened and his voice sounded distant, "---You're gonna okay."

Before anyone or even herself knew it, Prism had finally passed out from exhaustion.

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