
She's being Hunted

On the outskirts of the city, a young man along with others dressed in suits all gathered. They were in a run-down warehouse taking care of sensitive business as the sun began to rise. In this area, there were very few people around to witness heinous crimes and overall horrific events. It was known as a dead area and people knew not to enter. Those that did usually fitted into two groups, homeless people and gangsters.

The young man, however, didn't look like either of those groups and didn't seem to be bothered to the point he would dare to doze in and out. He leaned against one of the many rusty rails as his eyelids ever so slightly dripped over black pearls. While his carefully sculpted face held a gentle smile. He looked greatly out of place around the distorted building and bulky suited men.

"You have a call," a low voice spoke up from behind the young man.

It was one of the suited men who weren't busy on the first floor. He had a bald head showing off a snake tattoo that wrapped itself around the side of his head. In one hand was a phone displaying a call and in the other was a cigarette he had half finished off.

The boy didn't give him too much attention simply perking up his head and asking, " is it, my brother?"

Although he didn't give the man much mine his voice still held slight amusement as if the question wasn't needed. He already knew it was, in fact, his brother. No one else would be calling at such an urgent time.

"That's what it would seem, " the man responded offhandedly after blowing out a few puffs.

To this, the boy finally straightens himself up. Although he was still sluggish in a bored manner he took the phone and answered. At that moment a voice belted out with enough fiery to scare away tigers. The boy himself just barely move the phone away from his ear in time.

"Why haven't you dealt with this yet! You know just as much as everyone how damaging this is to Jin's career at a time like!"

"Huh? Did something happen with Jin's career?" He lied flawlessly. The usual smile always plastered onto his face increased ever so slightly.

"Don't play dumb with me! I don't have time for your games! Just deal with it immediately!" His brother hissed back. The boy could imagine his brother was probably trembling with anger while he's assisted was teary-eyed from fear.

He sighed but the smile never left his face, "you know this is not how you ask someone for a favor. You've already put aside your pride to call me why don't you ask nicely along with it?"

"Don't test me, Jay, this isn't a favor! I am the head of the family now this is a direct order!"

The young man called Jay rolled his sharp eyes and found himself focusing on the first floor as his brother went on waxing about his imaginary authority. He was already too bored to continue the conversation seriously. He'd just wait on the idiot to quiet down a little bit.

On the floor level, an older man closing in on his forties was tied against a wooden chair with a blindfold over his eyes. He had a gambling addiction but not the smarts or luck to win anything. So it was no surprise when he lost half a thousand in a World Cup bet assuming he could finally win all the money to pay back his debt. Which caused his family that was already swimming in debt to lose even more money. Money that was supposed to go towards paying back Jay.

That didn't sit well with Jay considering the amount of money the geezer owed him. Still, Jay was a kind person and understood how hard it could be to keep yourself from doing something you are already addicted to. That's why his solution was bringing the man out here and breaking all his fingers. No fingers, no betting.

Now Jay watched the man beg and plead between tears. Every time the dreadful sound of bones snapping rippled through the quiet warehouse a screen followed suit. It was boring in Jay's opinion but it was also something he needed to have done. He couldn't let people walk all over him and it was a lesson to his underlings as well.

"Jay! Are you listening!" His brother snapped eventually realizing Jay had stopped.

"Oh, no not really. Anyway, this isn't whatever you called it. A family matter? It's a deal so I need something in return for doing this, " Jay answered straightforward.

"Tsk! Is this how you're going to treat family?"

The answer was yes. No matter who it was he would treat them all the same when it came to business. As long as there was an opportunity to get the upper hand he didn't mind. The words prideful or shame did not exist in his vocabulary.

"We're family?" Jay obviously joked but there was an underlining second meaning behind his words.

"You give me a headache, fine! What do you want?"

"We can speak about that after I'm done with the task, sound good?"

"No deal then! I know better than anyone how much of a snake you are. If I let you have it your way after the task is done you'll ask for something absolutely outrageous!"

Jay nodded in agreement that was how he did things, "Sounds like your problem, you're the one coming to me. Plus this news has been out for two days already. You don't have the time to be refuting me."

The other line fell into a silence supposedly thinking hard about what was said, " get it done."

On that note, the person hung up leaving Jay in a pleasing mood. So pleasing that he let the gambler free with little more than four broken fingers.

"Do me a favor and look up all the information on the scandal between my brother and the girl that entered his hospital room. I want it by the end of my classes."

I have no excuse for the late update, but hey! who's this mysterious guy? Will he be important to the story?

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