
The Discovery

"General Skywalker it seems that the command ship has launched a transport that is trying to escape the ambush." A tall man looks to be around 50 years old with dark brown hair neatly brushed the the side and a well kept mustache announces.

A tall younger jedi similar brown hair and wearing armor with a lightsaber at his side turns to his admiral, "A transport? Are you sure?"

The admiral nods his head as he stares at the sonar screen, "Yes General I am sure, this is extremely unusual behaviour for the separatists, should we attempt to secure it?"

General skywalker then activates a communication device on his writ before speaking into it, "Ashoka you copy?"

From the other end of the line the voice of a young teenage girl replies, "I copy, what's up skyguy?"

Shaking his head at the nickname that he can't do much more than to choose to ignore it for now, "There is a transport attempting to escape the ambush, I want you and Red Squad to board and capture it. Understand?"

Ashoka replies, "I copy, but why not just blow it up?" She asks a little confused. Anakin shakes his head and replies in an annoyed tone, "Because since when do separatists send a single transport to try to escape while sacrificing the entire fleet to try and make sure it gets away?"

It remains silent for a few moments before she replies, "Oh, I guess that makes sense. On my way skyguy."


"Um sir, are you sure this is a good idea?" A tan colored droid holding a short rifle with a yellow painted head asks a hologram of a slimy grin skinned nemoidian admiral.

"Yess of course it is it is my plan after all, are you doubting my capabilities? Get back to work!" He sneers at the droid before ending the call.

The droid looks around and declares, "You heard him boys keep the package secure and let's get out of here."

All the other droids reply in unison, "Rodger Rodger!"

As the droids continue working, there is a loud *Thud* upon the roof of the transport.

The Droid commander asks, "What was that?" Only to be responded to the top hatch of the ship to be pierced by a green and a yellow lightsaber blades.

"Uh oh we have visitors! Prepare for...". Before the droid can continue the hatch blasts off crashing into the droid destroying it before a orange skinned girl with white and blue montrals around the age of fourteen, with two lightsabers.

Behind her drops in around seven clones all with their blasters blazing as blue laser fire begins to tear apart the droids. After a few moments the droids lower there blasters and return fire.

"Your not supposed to be here!" One droid declares before the girl slices him in half, flipping and twirling she gracefully cuts down each and every droid in her path. The battle only lasts a few moments as the unsuspecting droids were completely overwhelmed.

Finally after the final droid was cut down the girl turns to the clones, "Checker and Matchbox I want you two to get this ship back to the Resolute, the rest of you, search this ship and find out what was so important that the Seppies would be willing to sacrifice an entire fleet to protect it."

"Yes commander!" They all salute before all splitting off to do there tasks. Ashoka slowly walks down into the storage hanger while the other clones search elsewhere. She then turns on her com link and declares, "Hey Skyguy I secured the transport, we are searching it now, hows it going out there?"

After a few moments pass and she continues shifting through the boxes the comm buzzes before Anakin's voice replies, "Nicely done Snips, the battle is just about over out here, you find anything?"

As she continues rummaging through all the boxes she then finds a large electric box that seems to be locked with a keypad. "Uh yah I did, hang on let me get a better look." She then uses her lightsaber to slash the lock and then rip the door off the hinges. The door opens and cold air and frost drift out of the box and what she sees causes her to gasp. "What is it Snips what did you find?"

She then replies in a shocked tone, "It's not an it, it's a who."

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