
The Bard

"Hey, Will, come one the old bard is going to tell a story again,"

"yeah, yeah, I'm coming now, sheesh can't you wait a second."

"come on kids lets go quickly we'll miss the story,"

"I wonder what story he'll tell today?"

"well, we'll have to see won't we,"

it was a normal peaceful day in the town of Narrat as everyone started to wake up, or that was what was supposed to happen, instead voices full of excitement and curiosity filled the town. The atmosphere was festive and happy in the inn crowded with people as everyone has eyes full of excitement, that is except one man who had a calm smile and slowly walked to the seat at the very back of the inn.

"Hey, old bard, what story are you going to tell today," shouted a man wearing light armour, a knight it seemed,

"yeah, we've all been waiting for weeks now," added another man,

but this man was wearing rags, he seemed to be a poor homeless man, yet nobody seemed to mind. In fact there could be seen so many different people at the inn, from the homeless and poor, to the rich nobles, yet different from what you'd expect many sat at the same table, together, waiting for the story.

"now, now, be patient, I will tell today's story in due time," said the old man, his voice smooth as silk and a pleasure to listen to, yet it seemed to carry a certain amount of wisdom only experience could bring.

almost everybody seemed to be waiting with baited breaths, but a few people seemed to only have came due to the crowd,

"hey, what's happening? why's everyone so excited, also who's the old man?" asked a man

"your not from these parts are you?"

"nope, I just came here from the neighboring village. so what's happening?"

"right now were all waiting for the old bard to tell his story,"

"what's so special about a simple story that so many people are here?" asked the man full of confusion as what the commotion was over a single story.

"well, the thing is that the old bard tells the most amazing story's, many time I've been just sucked into them, as if every time he tell his story he teleports us into a new world,"

"really?" questioned the man still unsure.

"well, don't take my word for it, experience it yourself,"

"alright, but I have another question, where's the old man fro-"

"shut up, he's starting," the other man said interrupting the question he was about to ask,

"I will now tell my story," said the old bard, the words, once spoken caused silence to fall amongst the crowd, and only the gentle breeze could be heard from the open door.

"the story I will tell now will be about a man who was known as the deadliest snipers in his world and was a figure of fear not only to soldiers but to an entire nation, he was a being so deadly he literally had the word death in his name, the man's name was Simo Häyhä, or better known as the White Death,"

-chapter end-

-Author's note-

so, yeah, if you haven't figured it out I will telling the story of Simo Häyhä or the white death, for those of you who do not know him you will get to know him in the next chapter, for those who do, get ready for an exciting story. Thank you for reading and see you next chapter.