
Chapter 2- Morning

"Max wake up."

I open my eyes and see a tender familiar smile. My papa he often wake me up first for the sake of my brothers ego.

"Morning papa! How'd you and dad sleep?" I ask not knowing that my dad was snoring again.

"Your dad slept like a baby me however I honestly am questioning why I married your dad." He said followed by his sweet chuckle that my family loves to hear.

My papa is like the heart of the family he keeps everyone in line and is always there for us.

"Can you wake the twins up? Brian is cooking breakfast and Hayden is at school." I nod and walk into the bathroom once he walks out. I brush my hair and my teeth, tie up my hair, and put on my uniform.

The uniforms are only for AP students so my brothers can wear whatever they want.

"Oi! Idiots wake up!" I yelled pulling the blankets off their beds as they curl up the a toy.

"What the hell Max!?!?!" Cameron yells as if I don't do this every day. I throw decent clothes on their beds knowing they would just wear their pajamas to school.

"Get dressed, brush your tenth and hair, and go downstairs for breakfast."

As I turn around I hear a snicker coming from Ashton

"okay mom" he said mockingly.

I get downstairs still hearing the idiots argument over who gets the bathroom first.

"Morning sunshine!" Said Brian as he turned around. He was wearing and kiss the cook apron and had a pan of pancakes in his hand.

"Want some help?" I ask already knowing what he will say.

"Can you set the table?"

"Okay. Is dad at work?"



I set the table and get the drinks. As Brian puts the food on the table I drag the two messy hair yelling boys.

"How are you the youngest Max? You act like your mine or Hayden's age."

"I just have a mind unlike these dummies."

Brian chuckles as he sat down. I let go of the twins shirts and sit at the head of the table next to Brian. I start to eat until my fork hits something hard.

"A spoon? I found a spoon in my breakfast…"

"Oh I was looking for that! Thanks little sis!"

I swear if my brothers do one more idiotic thing I'm gonna move out. I finished my food and excuse myself. I pack my lunch and bag for school.

My friend Ryan lives a few streets down so I walk to his place and his sister drives us to school. She used to drive my brothers too until they put a spider in her car. They're banned from Ryan's house…

"Max!" I turn my head to see a familiar tuft of hair.

I wave as he runs up and hugs me.

"I missed you! The long weekend was TOO long!" He said grabbing his heart with one hand holding my shoulder with the other.

"Your so dramatic! It was only three days." I said laughing at my dramatic friend.

"Oh yeah Ashley has a date this morning so we're walking."


Ryan chuckles as he brushes his hair back. For about eight minutes we are just walking and talking till we hear yelling in the background. We turn around to see that Jake is running up to us wide armed. I step away and laugh as Ryan and Jake fall to the ground. We cross the street parting ways for first period. I hear the bell ring, as I close my locker someone bumps into me causing us both the fall and land with them pinning me to the ground.

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