

South Africa - Cape Town on July 8, 2019 around midnight in an alleyway somewhere near the city center….

A group of four well geared men and three women is moving fast under the cover of darkness through a small passage while being on maximum alert because of the sensitivity that came along with their task. Any mishaps could lead to their death and the failure of the mission altogether.

"Halt" the person in the lead whisper while raising his hand to stop the rest of his unit from moving further.

Putting two fingers from his right hand on the telecom, the person in the lead said "Command center. This is captain Zheng of alpha unit in charge of operation rescue x, we are in front of the target building. Please advise on the next approach."

[Beep! Captain Zheng, take out all hostiles and rescue the hostages.]

"Roger that"

Pointing at two men next to him, captain Zheng ordered "Wang get to the top of the left building and Li you got the right building. Make sure to cover all of our blind spot."

"Understood sir" said Wang and Li simultaneously

Next captain Zheng look over at the remaining members of his unit "Wei, you will follow me in while chenguang, biyu, and changying stay out here to cover our backs. Do not let anyone else in once we enter and do not let anyone escape if they manage to slip through us."

"I got your back sir" replied Wei

"Yes sir, you can count on us" said the three females in the unit.

"I know that I can count on you guys" said captain Zheng as a smile can't help but form on his face while taking a final look at the determine face of his team members before executing the plan.

While Zheng and his team are conversing with each other before getting into positions, inside the building…

"Open your mouth you Asian bitch, I haven't had a woman in 2 years while being in the joint." Said one of the kidnapper as he violently trying to pry open the poor woman mouth to use for his personal pleasure while the other men in his group are enjoying the scene with a smirk on their faces.

However, the woman continue to keep her mouth close and intensely shaking her head left to right while her hands are put together in a form of prayers, moving it up and down in front of the violent man as she begged for mercy.

Her colleagues are helpless as they sob quietly in the corner of the room, trying not to annoy these evil men. Otherwise, even they won't be spared from the same torment while witnessing the torture that their friend is going through. None of them could have imagine something like this to happen, just last week.

Their group of friends consisting of two men and three women was enjoying the long awaited vacation that was planned a year before. But who would have thought that when their group went to the outskirt of town for sightseeing with a guide. They would be ambushed by these men, their guide was killed and they got kidnapped.

One of the male hostages who roughly know the African language that these men are using, overheard them talked. They are being hold up for ransom and that's the only reason why they are still alive but since the women are in their prime. It didn't escape the lust of these men as the women are beaten until submission one by one and raped.

Couldn't take it anymore one of the men in the group of hostages stand up and try to defend his female friend and said "stop it you bastard, leave her alone!"

The armed man stopped what he was doing and looked over "what the fuck you just say?"

Mustering up courage the man said "you heard me, leave her the fuck alone!"

Instantly, without any kind of warning. The armed man swiftly took out his pistol and fired a shot.



A shock hit the male hostage body and immediately he start to feel a smooth flow moving from his chest all the way down to his legs. Looking down at his chest, there is a hole the size of a wedding ring with blood gushing out continuously.


The man fell on his knees as blood continues to come out of the hole in his chest creating a puddle of blood with him as the center. It didn't take long for his eyes to turn dull and lifeless as he drop his head and no longer breathing.

Right at that moment, the door was kick wide open by captain Zheng and Wei.


Before entering, the two men throw a few flash bang inside the building to deter the kidnapper from immediate retaliation.


Back outside, a few minutes before…

"Sir, I got visual on the hostages and it seem that one of the male hostage is arguing with one of the kidnapper. The kidnapper seems to be reaching towards his pistol. Request permission to engage." Said Wang

"I got visual as well sir, just say the word." Said Li

"Negative, do not engage. It will alert the kidnappers which will put the rest of the hostages in danger. I don't think they are stupid enough to kill hostages since it won't gain them anything" Replied captain Zheng

"Understood" said Wang and Li at the same time

But just when they thought that nothing will happen, a loud gunshot could be heard from inside the building.


"Shit! Are they stupid enough to execute the hostages!? Wang and Li, talk to me guys. What happening inside?" said captain Zheng as he is worried about the hostages due to the gunshot that him and his team just heard.

"Sir, this is bad. We need to move now, the kidnapper that I told you about just open fire on the male hostage that was arguing with him." Said Li

"Execute the plan now!" ordered captain Zheng

Present time…

After throwing the flash bangs, sounds of gunshot echo silently in the night due to the silencers that the alpha unit is using. Within a minute, alpha team manage to take out all the kidnappers in the room thanks to their perfect coordination and individual skills.

Reaching the hostages, captain Zheng and Wei comforted them and assured them that they will be save now. However, captain Zheng didn't notice the hidden danger within the small storage room next to the hostages that will change his life forever.

Rushing out of the small storage room is another kidnapper which startled everyone and in his hand is a grenade!

"I'm going to bring all of you bastards with me!" said the kidnapper


Sounds of the pin that hold the grenade trigger being taken out could be heard as it drop down on the ground.

"Fuck! Wang and Li won't be able to take the shoot fast enough! It's either we all die here or…it can just be me!" thought captain Zheng in that split second.

"Take care of yourself boys and girls, I'm proud to be your captain." Said captain Zheng as he tackle the kidnapper back into the storage room.


"CAPTAIN ZHENG!!!" Wang, Li, Wei, Chenguang, Biyu, and Changying yelled out in agony.

Upon his death, captain Zheng heard a mysterious voice within the void.

[Hmm, you sure are a special one. Not many can do what you just did in order to save your comrades and the innocents. As a reward for your selflessness, I will grant you an interview with me which many souls yearn for. Congratulations]

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