
Chapter One

While on the high way to California State university she got a call from Jason. She smiled and picked it up.

"Hello" she heard her brothers voice he sounded exhausted, probably from his work.

His work ofcourse was tiresome. Being in the FBI wasnt an easy task. You dont just carry a badge and gun around.

"Hey,what's going on?" She replied while taking a turn. "Can't I call my own sister?oh that's mean you know"

She chuckled for his comment "I am not your sister, I am your stepsister and you already know I am mean. Did something happen? You dont call me unless you have a good or bad news!" She knew him well. Who said u needed to be related by blood to understand your siblings?

"Its useless with you right? I called you to know weather we could grab breakfast before yore work starts" he replied and she could feel him frown for some unknown reason. "Jason my classes are going to start soon and I already had the snacks that I had brought from India. I have brought for you too. Drop by when you have time" she knew her brother never had much time in his life. He was never home or he was always super exhausted. "Geeez you will gain weight Em, how will fit into the dress before my wedding?" She really wasnt in a mood to fight back with him. The jet lag was kicking in.

"Don't worry I will work out for you're sake. By the way where were you?". She could hear his silence probably processing what she said "I was in Texas. I am having a few weeks break for my marriage." He was getting married that was the best news Emaya had heard this year. And that too with her best friend. It couldn't be any better.

"See if you have time can we catch up later?" Of course something was up otherwise her brother wouldn't ask to meet her."yeah sure. Maybe after my classes. See you bye" she abruptly hung up. She had reached the university and she couldn't waste any time.


Jason stretched in his sofa and threw his phone which bounced. He had a fight with his fiancee. The only person who could solve it was Em. "Hey jay would you like some diet coke?" His friend and partner Aldrich or Aldi for short asked him. He groaned and sighed. "Yeah sure why not? It might help" he sighed again

Aldi sat on the other sofa opposite of him. "So who were you talking with? Is it Eva?" Jason shook his head "It was Em on the phone. She reached back from India yesterday " Aldi knew Jason family. He and Jason has been friends before his father passed away. His step sister Emaya or Em for how his family calls has always found a way to irritate Aldi. It's been a long time since he had seen her.

"You think it's better if you talk with Emaya then yours and Eva's problems will be solved? Why dont you just talk with her instead of Emaya?" Jason just gave him 'You just dont get it do you?' Look. "Have you ever been in a serious relationship? Of course not, if you have been you would understand that it's impossible to win a fight with a girl in these matters"

Aldi was a play boy. His work never gave him time for a serious relationship. And all the girls he dated before were never committed. " I am going later to meet Em. Do u wanna come?" He always wanted to know how the girl had turned out but he had noticed how uncomfortable she was around him.

"I will skip. I have to meet Allerick. He and Danielle are coming home today." Allerick is his twin brother and Danielle is his younger sister. Erick was in the military and his sister has her own fashion company. All of them are never home together. Maybe next time he could meet her.


He looked around the alley no one was there. He left the bag. And laughed again. No camera will ever catch him. No one had ever seen him.

No one found the bag filled with  body parts the next morning.  After two days a beggar passing by had looked through the bag for food but what he found was body parts, each separated and each stained with blood.


Emaya texted her brother to meet her in her apartment. The living room was still messy but she was sure her brother never cared. His home was more messier than hers. She was sure her mother would have a heart attack after seeing her room. She always believed her mother had mysophobia.

She was packing the snacks for her brother, when she heard the bell ring. She greeted him with a hug and closed the door. Her apartment was simple. Two bedrooms and bathroom attached to the room. There was a balcony and an island kitchen.

Her brother plopped on the sofa and started eating the banana chips she had brought. "Okay wait a second, font tell me you and eva fighted?" He nodded. She rolled her eyes and sighed" FYI I am not your cupid to bring you guys together. And it would be better if you would solve it with her" Emaya's friend Eva was a resident orthopedic. Her friend was very innocent maybe that's why it came as a surprise when she heard the news of her brother and her best friend.

He sighed and groaned.  And nodded. "When is luana coming over here. She should be here before rehearsal." Emaya found it amusing that her brother had started acting like a girl. Maybe her friend had an adverse effect on him. "She will be here next week. Ayaz has an important project to complete after that they will come over here. Lu said she is gonna stay with me" Jason smiled. He liked it when his sister was hyper. She always could lift anyone's mood

"Alright, I will go speak with Eva" that's it? She thought. Her brother has changed, for bad or good there was a change in him.

Next chapter