
Part 1

       Pov Cam

That fucker thinks he can send me to conversion therapy.  Yeah beat me my whole life, pretend to get better.  Fucking figure out I'm gay and send me to the electric chair.  Guess what "dad," I'm fucking eighteen.  I should've told him that before I left.  Goodbye New York, hope I never see your face again.

            "Watch it," said a random person.  Probably shouldn't be day dreaming in an airport.  I'm on the next flight to California.  Sucky thing is I have to finish senior year.  Ugh, school.  I swear if I see another motherfucking queen bee I will pour a smoothie on her head mean girl style.  I hope they got an underground somewhere, Im itching for a fight.

           "FLIGHT 26 A TO CALIFORNIA!"

           That's me.  Let's board.  I take the money my uncle in Cali sent me.  He met his wife around twenty two, she was the best fighter in the gang.  After the leader died she became leader and my uncle went with her.  At least I'll have a place to sleep when I get there.  And a new family.

             One peaceful sleep later and I landed in Cali.  I walked off the metal soup can to get my bag.  I see the black and white camo bag coming around the baggage claim belt. I snatched it from the belt and began looking for my name on a sign.  Then I caught it.  Two buff guys and one guy in the middle wearing all black with a black leather jacket.  What can I say, I've seen better.  The guy in the middle held a sign that said Cameron.

            "Woah girl, I think your in the wrong place.  I'm looking for a guy named Cameron."  He assumed I was a dude.

             "Cameron Silver, and it was no pleasure to meet you," I said holding out my hand.  He looked at me up and down from my leather combat boots to my leather jacket and lastly into my green eyes.  I dropped my hand seeing as he wasn't going to take it.

              "Wheres the car," I asked buff guy number one.

               "I'll show you."



                 "Thanks Nolan."

              I followed Nolan while asshole and buff guy number two followed.

I threw my stuff in the trunk of the black SUV and climbed in the back with asshole cause Nolan and buff guy number two sat in the front. "Hey Nolan, what's your buddies name."

"I'm Ryan, you could've just asked you know."

"Well what was I supposed to say. Hey buff guy number two what's your name?" Both Ryan and Nolan chuckled.

"That would have sufficed," Ryan told me.

"Hey asshole, you got a name?"

"I'm wounded. I'm Liam, and not an asshole."

"Last parts debatable. And don't go cute on me pretty boy, I'm am fully gay and not afraid to kick your ass." His face was priceless. Ryan and Nolan were wheezing in the front.

"Not funny," he mumbled.

"You know it is kid. We haven't laughed like that with someone new ever," Nolan said. Ryan nodded trying to refocus on driving.

          About ten minutes worth of laughs later we arrived at a big dark wood mansion, we made it to the gang house.

The gang house is huge.  The walnut wood gleaming with the white brick.  Beautiful.   

       "Earth to Cameron," Liam said

        "Yes asshole?"

        "I already told you my name.  You can just call me by that."

          "Naw I like asshole better."

"Hard to imagine you were the same little girl playing with action figures in my office," said a vaguely familiar voice. I turned to find the source. Standing there was my uncle I remembered from so long ago and a beautiful badass looking girl.  I walked closer to my uncle.

           "Are you sure this is her," the girl asked my uncle.  She looked poised to attack if he gave the command.

           "Yes Lia I'm sure," my uncle responded with some humor knowing I could hear.

           "Nice to see you again uncle," I said holding my hand out to shake.  He ignored it and hugged me.  It should have been a familiar feeling to be hugged, but it wasn't thanks to my  dead beat of a dad. When he let go I noticed the girl, Lia I think my uncle said, looking at me weird.

"Cameron Silver," I said sticking my hand out for her to shake.

"Lia Baez," she told me and gripped my hand.

"Lia I have some work to attend to will you show Cameron her room?"

"Sure. See you later boss," Lia said. I took that time to notice what they were wearing. My uncle in jeans and a t-shirt wearing the gang jacket. Then I looked to Lia in her sky high leather boots with black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and the same gang jacket. Her eyebrow was slit and pierced like mine, but she had just a tongue piercing and I had a lip and tongue piercing. I looked extremely similar in my combat boots, black skinny jeans, black mussel T, and my old worn leather jacket. Lia was extremely beautiful. Her tan skin and sharp jaw. Her straight hair was black and navy blue and her eyes a toffee brown.

"Earth to Cameron," Lia said.

"Oh sorry. Lost in thought," I told her.

"It's cool. I'll show you to your room," she responded. We entered the mansion and the entry was decorated with blood red carpets and a rose covered chandelier. The walls were black and clean with the occasional maroon accent. Lia led me up the walnut staircase to the second floor and then to the third. We stopped in front of a door.

"My room is right there in case you need anything. This is your room, I'll leave you to unpack."

"Thanks Lia," I responded as she walked back down the staircase. I walked into the room to see emerald walls the same color as my eyes and hair. The bed sheets were black and so was the base, dresser, and side tables. The lamps looked like the Pixar lamp except they were green. The closet was on the other side of the room. To it's left was a balcony. On the other wall was a door to the bathroom.

The door squeaked open and I knew someon had entered the room. I heard their steps go near the wall.




I pinned the person to the wall ready for further attack. But it was just....


Thanks for reading the first chapter, comment your thoughts and I'll hopefully see you next time, ciao


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