1 First Day

Maddie stood there contemplating; she didn't want to walk through the doors of her new high school. She missed her family back in Belgium. Her parents had told her to enroll as an exchange student; Maddie wasn't too fond of that idea- she did it anyway.


A masculine voice came from behind Maddie. She quickly turned around, realising that she had been staring into space. A boy- not too much taller than Maddie stood there, gazing into her eyes.

" The bell rang; that means we have to go to class"

His voice was soft, and the words just rolled off his tongue. Maddie only heard the words: bell, rang, go, class. But, at least she sort of understood what was happening. Maddie nodded at him, and started to walk towards the front doors of the school. She went at crazy speed- zooming past everyone. When she made it to the doors, she didn't expect the same boy as before to be opening the door for her. Maddie thanked him quickly, then scurried off to her first class, wishing that she would never see him again...

Maddie realised she was late for class, when she saw no one in the halls. She bit her lip in frustration. She was never late for anything, and especially not school. The new girl ran down every hallway, trying to find her class, which seemed like it had just disappeared. Fear started to grow one her; she did NOT want to get in trouble on the first day of school.

The bell rang...

Maddie stopped; she was a bit startled by the noise. Students started forming around their lockers- putting books in, and taking books out. Maddie realised that she had missed her first class, but decided to just hurry along to the next one.

When she finally made it to her class, carrying all her books, she had been so embarrassed walking in; she wasn't late or anything; it's just that Maddie is always embarrassed. She chose a seat that was placed in the middle row, in the corner.

" This is our new exchange student, class."

" She comes all the way from Belgium- make her feel welcome."

Maddie waved to the class for 2 awkward seconds. She immediately turned to look down at her books in embarrassment.

The class went pretty fast, mainly because Maddie was day dreaming through half of it. When she had made it through another 2 classes, she hadn't made any friends, so she just sat in the lunch cafeteria alone... Maddie didn't care; she was quite happy reading her book, and eating her grilled cheese.

Shouts and screams were heard... Maddie turned around to see what all the commotion was about: 2 boys were fighting! A gasp escaped Maddie's mouth. No one did anything about the fight: no one stopped them, no one told them to take it outside. No one did anything! Maddie immediately had a feeling of bravery- she wanted to go over to them, and stop them herself; no one else was going to do it. Maddie got out of her chair, and left her books, and food on her table. She swiftly walked through the excited crowd to the boys. A hand touched her shoulder. Maddie looked back to see the boy's pleading eyes staring at her.

" Don't help; the principal is coming to sort them out."

"Ok" was all she managed to get out. His eyes were an amazing green-blue color.

" What's your name?"

Maddie then realised that she actually didn't know the mysterious boys' name.

" Maddie"

The boy smiled; his glowing, white teeth were stunning.

" I'm Scott"

" Nice to meet you Scott" Maddie seemed to be growing a liking to the boy. And, the feeling was mutual to Scott as well.

Maddie didn't see any teacher for another 5 minutes; the boys were still hurting each other really badly. She had to do something, and she knew it wouldn't be pretty...
